lyc-dev #175
@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ export default () => {
const courseId = classcourse?.id // 课堂id
const timgroupid = classcourse?.timgroupid // 群组id
const classcourseStore = useClasscourseStore() // 课堂信息-状态管理
if (! ChatWs.init()
// 上课状态才-初始化socket
if (! && !!courseId) ChatWs.init()
// 开课消息
const startCourse = async() => {
// await API_classcourse.updateClasscourse({ id:, status: 'open' })
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
mainMenuVisible = false
<PopoverMenuItem>导入 pptx 文件</PopoverMenuItem>
</FileInput> -->
<PopoverMenuItem @click="setDialogForExport('pptx')">导出文件</PopoverMenuItem>
<PopoverMenuItem @click="setDialogForExport('pptx')">导出文件</PopoverMenuItem> -->
<PopoverMenuItem @click="resetSlides(); mainMenuVisible = false">重置幻灯片</PopoverMenuItem>
<!-- <PopoverMenuItem @click="goLink('')">意见反馈</PopoverMenuItem> -->
<!-- <PopoverMenuItem @click="goLink('')">常见问题</PopoverMenuItem> -->
@ -54,9 +54,9 @@
<div class="arrow-btn"><IconDown class="arrow" /></div>
<div class="menu-item" v-tooltip="'导出'" @click="setDialogForExport('pptx')">
<!-- <div class="menu-item" v-tooltip="'导出'" @click="setDialogForExport('pptx')">
<IconDownload class="icon" />
</div> -->
<div class="menu-item" v-tooltip="`${userStore.user.parentDeptName}-${userStore.user.nickName}`">
<el-avatar size="small" :src="avatar" />
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
* ppt 转换为图片
import { h, render, getCurrentInstance } from 'vue'
import { toPng, toJpeg } from 'html-to-image' // 引入html-to-image库
import { PPTXFileToJson } from "@/AixPPTist/src/hooks/useImport"
import ThumbnailSlide from '@/AixPPTist/src/views/components/ThumbnailSlide/index.vue'
import { useSlidesStore } from '@/AixPPTist/src/store'
// 延时
const sleep = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms))
* @description: 渲染组件
* @param {*} node 节点或属性
* @param {*} props 属性
* @param {*} children 子元素
* @param {*} container 容器
const renderComponent = (node, props = {}, children, container) => {
let vNode, body
if (!node) throw new Error('vNode is required')
if (typeof container == 'string') {
if (node == 'slide') {
vNode = h(ThumbnailSlide, props, children)
} else throw new Error('vNode has no corresponding component')
} else {
vNode = h(node, props, children)
if (!container) body = document.body // 默认为body
else { // 判断是否为字符串
if (typeof container == 'string') {
body = document.querySelector(container)
} else {
body = container
return render(vNode, body)
* @description: 幻灯片转换为图片
* 提示:icon组件找不到是应为 h() 渲染是底层创建的虚拟节点,找不到全局组件
* @param {*} slides 幻灯片数据
* @param {*} options 配置 number 为幻灯片宽度 | object 为配置项
* @returns
export const slidesToImg = (slides = [], options) => {
let width, option, ispng = true
if (typeof options =='number'){width = options; option = {}}
else {const { width: w, isPng, ...opt } = options;width = w; ispng=isPng; option = opt}
const slidesStore = useSlidesStore()
!!width && slidesStore.setViewportSize(width) // 设置幻灯片宽度
return new Promise(async(resolve) => {
const instance = getCurrentInstance()
console.log('instance', instance)
const slidesDom = []
for(const slide of slides) {
const props = { class: 'c-thumbnail', slide, size: 120, ...option }
const node = h(ThumbnailSlide, props)
// 渲染组件到body
const props = { class: 'c-thumbnails', style:{position:'absolute',top:0,left:'-200vw'}}
renderComponent('div', props, slidesDom)
let imgs = []
const toImag = ispng? toPng : toJpeg
for(const slide of slidesDom) {
const img = await toImag(slide.el)
// console.log('ppt生成图片: ', imgs)
// console.log('图片已生成,正在卸载组件')
!!width && slidesStore.setViewportSize(1000) // 设置幻灯片宽度-恢复
render(null, document.body) // 卸载组件
* description: ppt 文件转换为图片
* @param {*} file file 为文件对象| arrayBuffer 为数组
* @param {*} options 配置 number 为幻灯片宽度 | object 为配置项
* @returns
export const pptToImg = async(file, options) => {
const { slides } = await PPTXFileToJson(file)
return slidesToImg(slides, options)
@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user' // 用户信息
import ChooseTextbook from '@/components/choose-textbook/index.vue'
import KjListItem from '@/views/prepare/container/kj-list-item.vue'
import FileImage from '@/components/file-image/index.vue'
import progressDialog from '@/views/teachingDesign/container/progress-dialog.vue'
import ThumbnailSlide from '@/AixPPTist/src/views/components/ThumbnailSlide/index.vue'
import {creatAPT, getSmarttalkPage, getModelInfo} from '@/api/file'
import {ArrowDown, Flag, Position} from '@element-plus/icons-vue'
import {asyncLocalFile, parseCataByNode} from "@/utils/talkFile";
@ -94,11 +96,11 @@ import {createWindow, toLinkLeftWeb} from "@/utils/tool";
import {ElMessage} from "element-plus";
import {PPTXFileToJson} from "@/AixPPTist/src/hooks/useImport";
import * as API_entpcoursefile from "@/api/education/entpcoursefile";
import progressDialog from '@/views/teachingDesign/container/progress-dialog.vue'
import msgUtils from "@/plugins/modal";
import * as commUtils from "@/utils/comm";
import * as Api_server from "@/api/apiService"; // 学科名字文生图
import useClassTaskStore from '@/store/modules/classTask'
import { slidesToImg } from '@/utils/ppt' // ppt相关工具
const router = useRouter()
const userStore = useUserStore().user // 用户信息
@ -278,12 +280,14 @@ const handleFileChange = ()=> {
// ppt文件转PPT线上数据
const createAIPPTByFile = async (file)=> {
pgDialog.value.visible = true
|||| = 0
// pgDialog.value.visible = true
// = 0
const resPptJson = await PPTXFileToJson(file)
const { def, slides, ...content } = resPptJson
// 生成缩略图
const thumbnails = await slidesToImg(slides, content.width)
// 转换图片|音频|视频 为线上地址
let completed = 0
const total = slides.length
@ -335,6 +339,7 @@ const createAIPPTByFile = async (file)=> {
title: '',
filetype: 'slide',
thumbnails, // 缩略图-列表
slides: resSlides,
edituserid: userStore.userId
@ -205,13 +205,12 @@ import TreeLog from '@/views/prepare/components/treeLog.vue'
import classStart from './container/class-start.vue' // 预备上课
import MsgEnum from '@/plugins/imChat/msgEnum' // im 消息枚举
import * as commUtils from "@/utils/comm";
import * as Api_server from "@/api/apiService";
import msgUtils from "@/plugins/modal";
import * as Api_server from "@/api/apiService";
import * as API_entpcoursefile from "@/api/education/entpcoursefile";
import { slidesToImg } from '@/utils/ppt' // ppt相关工具
import ChatWs from '@/plugins/socket' // 聊天socket
if (! ChatWs.init()
// import Chat from '@/utils/chat' // im 登录初始化
// if (!Chat.imChat) Chat.init()
const toolStore = useToolState()
const fs = require('fs')
@ -573,8 +572,9 @@ export default {
async openFilePicker(){
// const files = await commUtils.getFiles()
const file =[0];
@ -634,6 +634,8 @@ export default {
||| = 0
const resPptJson = await PPTXFileToJson(file)
const { def, slides, ...content } = resPptJson
// 生成缩略图
const thumbnails = await slidesToImg(slides, content.width)
// 转换图片|音频|视频 为线上地址
let completed = 0
const total = slides.length
@ -686,6 +688,7 @@ export default {
title: '',
filetype: 'slide',
slides: resSlides,
thumbnails, // 缩略图
edituserid: this.userStore.userId
const res_3 = await API_entpcoursefile.batchAddNew(params)
@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ import * as API_smarttalk from '@/api/file' // 文件相关api
import msgUtils from '@/plugins/modal'
import { getEntpcoursefile } from '@/api/education/entpcoursefile'
import { createWindow } from '@/utils/tool' // 消息工具
import { slidesToImg } from '@/utils/ppt' // ppt相关工具
const userStore = useUserStore()
const pptDialog = ref(false)
@ -323,6 +324,7 @@ const prompt = ref('')
const addAiPPT = async (res) => {
// res = { url: '' }
let node = courseObj.node
pptDialog.value = false;
if (!node) return msgUtils.msgWarning('请选择章节?')
@ -341,6 +343,8 @@ const addAiPPT = async (res) => {
.then(async buffer => {
const resPptJson = await PPTXFileToJson(buffer)
const { def, slides, ...content } = resPptJson
// 生成缩略图
const thumbnails = await slidesToImg(slides, content.width)
// 转换图片|音频|视频 为线上地址
let completed = 0
const total = slides.length
@ -360,7 +364,7 @@ const addAiPPT = async (res) => {
const smarttalk = await HTTP_SERVER_API('addSmarttalk', { fileId: parentid })
if (slides.length > 0) {
const resSlides ={ id, ...slide }) => JSON.stringify(slide))
const params = { parentid, filetype: 'slide', title: '', slides: resSlides }
const params = { parentid, filetype: 'slide', title: '', thumbnails, slides: resSlides }
const res_3 = await HTTP_SERVER_API('batchAddNew', params)
if (res_3 && res_3.code == 200) {
Reference in New Issue