Compare commits
48 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
zhangxuelin | 2463feb0b7 | |
zhangxuelin | d866f546bc | |
baigl | 991bbd179f | |
白了个白 | bf39850d2f | |
白了个白 | 0f51892d96 | |
zhengdegang | 2224de7144 | |
zdg | 14cf608c62 | |
zdg | eca310928e | |
zhangxuelin | 35e63e3587 | |
zhengdegang | 52f9a1493d | |
zdg | 0acde1952c | |
zdg | 719693bf63 | |
zhangxuelin | 1999104ee4 | |
zhangxuelin | 65643279ce | |
baigl | 53ccb2236e | |
白了个白 | 00119e4a49 | |
白了个白 | 4bbe89ed31 | |
zhangxuelin | 49e16c458f | |
zhangxuelin | 5fb447d5e6 | |
yangws | 9aa17ed786 | |
白了个白 | ccbafea3d4 | |
白了个白 | 1f9111a89d | |
“zouyf” | be78520410 | |
“zouyf” | 4b935b9110 | |
白了个白 | 1a3598d7c0 | |
白了个白 | 2fdd997c5e | |
“zouyf” | 96e01ae711 | |
“zouyf” | d8c4876119 | |
“zouyf” | d9a0f2f8c3 | |
“zouyf” | 89cba04b8c | |
“zouyf” | dd0160865b | |
“zouyf” | ff0dd3600c | |
“zouyf” | 63b8a0d5c6 | |
“zouyf” | f6b08169b6 | |
“zouyf” | af60c5cc17 | |
“zouyf” | e67756192a | |
“zouyf” | 73d4ee03ba | |
“zouyf” | 8863e05a1a | |
“zouyf” | debd5e1942 | |
“zouyf” | c8b8c21875 | |
“zouyf” | c8729a7008 | |
“zouyf” | 2bdac6e2ea | |
“zouyf” | 058509b29c | |
“zouyf” | 9a2a55c62b | |
“zouyf” | 19efe185c5 | |
“zouyf” | 78ecf6ea55 | |
“zouyf” | cccf109499 | |
“zouyf” | 4a0e9b0b84 |
@ -97,14 +97,30 @@ export class PPTApi {
* @description 批量插入slide
* @param slides 批量新增的幻灯片
* @param slideAll 所有幻灯片
* @returns
static async addSlideServer(slides: object[], slideAll: object[]) {
const resource = sessionStore.get('curr.resource')||{}
for(const slide of slides){
|||| = // 覆盖默认随机id
await this.addSlide(slide)
await this.batchUpdateSlides(slideAll, true) // 批量更新-排序
return PPTApi.getSlideList( // 更新幻灯片列表以及活动相关
// 新增幻灯片
static addSlide(data: object): Promise<Boolean> {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const enpt = sessionStore.get('curr.entp')||{}
const resource = sessionStore.get('curr.resource')||{}
// const resource = sessionStore.get('curr.resource')||{}
const {id, ...content} = data
const params = {
parentid: id,
entpid: userStore.user.deptId,
ppttype: 'file',
@ -126,7 +142,7 @@ export class PPTApi {
// msgUtils.msgSuccess('新增成功')
this.isUpdate = false // 新增后会触发监听,不再更新数据
} else msgUtils.msgError('新增失败');resolve(false)
} else msgUtils.msgError('新增失败');reject(false)
@ -147,12 +163,8 @@ export class PPTApi {
const currInd = toRaw(slidesStore.slideIndex) // 当前页索引-new
const oldInd = oldData.findIndex(o => == // 当前页索引-old
const isBatch = oldVal && oldVal.length && currInd != oldInd // 是否批量更新-排序
if (isAdd) { // 新增的幻灯片(id 为非数字,说明是新增的幻灯片)
const bool = await this.addSlide(currentSlide)
bool && await this.batchUpdateSlides(newData, true) // 批量更新-排序
const resource = sessionStore.get('curr.resource')||{}
await PPTApi.getSlideList(
} else { // 防抖-更新
if (isAdd) return // 新增-这里不处理 状态管理-处理
// 防抖-更新
if (!this.isUpdate) return this.isUpdate = true // 下次更新数据
if (isBatch) { // 批量更新-排序
this.batchUpdateSlides(newData, true)
@ -164,7 +176,6 @@ export class PPTApi {
Utils.mxThrottle(() => {this.updateSlide(params)}, 200, 2)
// 更新幻灯片 isThum 是否更新缩略图
static updateSlide(data: object, isThum = true): Promise<Boolean> {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* @description 公共监听器
import { watch } from 'vue'
import { watch, render } from 'vue'
import { PPTApi } from './index'
import * as store from '../store'
import { sessionStore } from '@/utils/store' // electron-store 状态管理
@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ export default () => {
case MsgEnum.HEADS.MSG_slideFlapping: // 幻灯片翻页
render(null, document.body) //移除弹窗
emitter.emit('closegridPic') //如果有推图片窗口 就关闭
const slideIndex = content?.current || 0
const type = content?.animation // 上下动作
@ -148,14 +149,4 @@ export default () => {
window.close() // 关闭窗口
}, 1000)
// setTimeout(async () => {
// emitter.emit('opengridPic',{arr:['']})
// }, 3000)
// setTimeout(async () => {
// emitter.emit('closegridPic')
// }, 6000)
// setTimeout(async () => {
// emitter.emit('opengridPic',{arr:['','']})
// }, 9000)
@ -148,7 +148,8 @@ export const useSlidesStore = defineStore('slides', {
this.workItem = list
addSlide(slide: Slide | Slide[]) {
async addSlide(slide: Slide | Slide[]) {
const { PPTApi } = await import('../api/index')
const slides = Array.isArray(slide) ? slide : [slide]
for (const slide of slides) {
if (slide.sectionTag) delete slide.sectionTag
@ -156,6 +157,8 @@ export const useSlidesStore = defineStore('slides', {
const addIndex = this.slideIndex + 1
this.slides.splice(addIndex, 0, ...slides)
this.slideIndex = addIndex
// 添加到服务器
PPTApi.addSlideServer(slides, this.slides)
updateSlide(props: Partial<Slide>, slideId?: string) {
const slideIndex = slideId ? this.slides.findIndex(item => === slideId) : this.slideIndex
@ -89,8 +89,6 @@ import ButtonGroup from '../../../../components/ButtonGroup.vue'
import Popover from '../../../../components/Popover.vue'
import NumberInput from '../../../../components/NumberInput.vue'
import { PPTApi } from '../../../../api'
import { Console } from 'node:console'
import { x64 } from 'crypto-js'
const shapeClipPathOptions = CLIPPATHS
const ratioClipOptions = [
@ -47,8 +47,9 @@
<IconListView class="tool-btn" v-tooltip="'演讲者视图'" @click="changeViewMode('presenter')" />
<IconOffScreenOne class="tool-btn" v-tooltip="'退出全屏'" v-if="fullscreenState" @click="manualExitFullscreen()" />
<IconFullScreenOne class="tool-btn" v-tooltip="'进入全屏'" v-else @click="enterFullscreen()" />
<IconPower class="tool-btn" v-tooltip="'结束放映'" @click="exitScreening()" />
<IconPower class="tool-btn close" v-if="chat.groupid" v-tooltip="'结束课堂'" @click="exitCourse()" />
<IconPower class="tool-btn" v-if="!classcourse" v-tooltip="'结束放映'" @click="exitScreening()" />
<IconPower class="tool-btn" v-else v-tooltip="'结束课堂'" @click="exitCourse()" size="30" fill="#d0021b" strokeLinecap="butt" />
<Share class="tool-btn" v-if="classcourse" v-tooltip="'分享'" @click="ShareCode()" />
<div :class="['tools-icon',{opacity:iconHide}]" @click.stop="toolTrigger('icon')">
<circle-double-down v-if="rightToolsVisible" theme="outline" size="30" fill="#409EFF"/>
@ -75,7 +76,8 @@ import WritingBoardTool from './WritingBoardTool.vue'
import CountdownTimer from './CountdownTimer.vue'
import emitter from '@/utils/mitt';
import Chat from '../../api/chat' // 聊天
import { CircleDoubleDown, CircleDoubleUp } from '@icon-park/vue-next' // icon-park 图标库
import { CircleDoubleDown, CircleDoubleUp, Share } from '@icon-park/vue-next' // icon-park 图标库
import { ShareCode } from '@/utils/ppt' // ppt相关
const props = defineProps<{
changeViewMode: (mode: 'base' | 'presenter') => void
@ -198,7 +200,7 @@ const contextmenus = (): ContextmenuItem[] => {
// 工具栏按钮触发
const toolTrigger = (type:string) => {
const curT =
if (curT - timer.value < 200) return
@ -10,9 +10,10 @@
<IconOffScreenOne class="tool-icon" v-else />
<span>{{ fullscreenState ? '退出全屏' : '全屏' }}</span>
<div class="tool-btn" @click="ShareCode()"><Share class="tool-icon" /><span>分享</span></div>
<Divider class="divider" />
<div class="tool-btn" @click="exitScreening()"><IconPower class="tool-icon" /><span>结束放映</span></div>
<div class="tool-btn close" @click="exitCourse()" v-if="chat.groupid"><IconPower class="tool-icon" /><span>结束课堂</span></div>
<div class="tool-btn" v-if="!classcourse" @click="exitScreening()"><IconPower class="tool-icon" /><span>结束放映</span></div>
<div class="tool-btn" v-else @click="exitCourse()" size="30" fill="#d0021b" strokeLinecap="butt"><IconPower class="tool-icon" /><span>结束课堂</span></div>
<div class="content">
@ -78,6 +79,7 @@
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { Share } from '@icon-park/vue-next' // icon-park 图标库
import { computed, nextTick, onMounted, onUnmounted, ref, watch } from 'vue'
import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia'
import { useSlidesStore, useClasscourseStore } from '../../store'
@ -97,6 +99,7 @@ import CountdownTimer from './CountdownTimer.vue'
import Divider from '../../components/Divider.vue'
import emitter from '@/utils/mitt';
import Chat from '../../api/chat' // 聊天
import { ShareCode } from '@/utils/ppt' // ppt相关
const props = defineProps<{
changeViewMode: (mode: 'base' | 'presenter') => void
@ -125,7 +128,7 @@ const { slideWidth, slideHeight } = useSlideSize(slideListWrapRef)
const { exitScreening } = useScreening()
const { slidesLoadLimit } = useLoadSlides()
const { fullscreenState, manualExitFullscreen } = useFullscreen()
const chat:any = Chat() // 聊天室
const chatApi:any = Chat() // 聊天室
const remarkFontSize = ref(16)
const currentSlideRemark = computed(() => {
@ -134,15 +137,20 @@ const currentSlideRemark = computed(() => {
// 切换到指定的幻灯片
const turnSlideTo = (index: number, e: PointerEvent) => {
// 课堂信息存在时,不允许翻页
console.log('课堂信息', classcourse, index)
if (!!classcourse.value) return
const preInd = slideIndex.value
if (!!classcourse.value) {// 上课中
if (preInd == index) return
const animationSteps = 0
const animation = index > preInd?'Nextsteps':'Previoustep'
const msg = { current:index, animation, animationSteps}
// 下课
const exitCourse = async () => {
// console.log('下课', chat)
await chat.exitCourse() // 下课消息
await chatApi.exitCourse() // 下课消息
exitScreening() // 结束放映
@ -71,6 +71,14 @@ export function updateClassworkeval(data) {
export function updateClassworkevalList(data) {
return request({
url: '/education/classworkeval/updateList',
method: 'put',
data: data
// 修改classworkdata
export function updateClassworkdata(data) {
return request({
@ -136,3 +136,17 @@ export function getJYPath(url,config) {
params: config.params
* @desc: 百度识图转发
* @return: {*}
* @param {*} data
export function getOcrContent(data) {
return request({
url: '/ocr/exam',
method: 'post',
data: data
@ -102,4 +102,16 @@ export function setPaging(data) {
* 获取分享码(邀请码)
* @param {*} id 课堂id
* @returns
export function getShareCode(id) {
return request({
url: '/education/classcourse/refresh/code',
method: 'post',
data: { id }
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
<i class="iconfont icon-xiangyou"></i>
<div class="book-list" v-loading="treeLoading">
<el-tree :data="treeData" accordion :props="defaultProps" node-key="id"
<el-tree :data="treeData" accordion :props="defaultProps" node-key="id" :render-content="renderContent"
:default-expanded-keys="defaultExpandedKeys" :current-node-key="" highlight-current
<template #default="{ node }">
@ -178,6 +178,18 @@ const handleNodeClick = (data) => {
sessionStore.set('subject.curNode', nodeData)
emit('nodeClick', curData)
const renderContent = (h, { node, data, store }) => {
return h(
style: {
color: data.bookId==''||data.bookId=='0' ? '#A5B3CA' : 'black',
onMounted( async () => {
treeLoading.value = true
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<div class="whiteboart-container" :style="{ height: height + 'px' }">
<div class="canvasBox" ref="box"></div>
<div class="canvasBox" ref="box" @mouseenter.capture="handleMouseEnter" @mouseleave.capture="handleMouseLeave"></div>
<div class="footerLeft" @click.stop
:style="type == 'design' ? ['top: 10px', 'justify-content: space-between'] : ['bottom: 10px', 'justify-content: center']">
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@
<script setup>
import { onMounted, ref, watch, toRaw, nextTick, computed, reactive, defineProps, defineEmits } from 'vue'
import { onMounted, onBeforeUnmount, ref, getCurrentInstance, watch, toRaw, nextTick, computed, reactive, defineProps, defineEmits } from 'vue'
import TinyWhiteboard from 'whiteboard_lyc'
import ColorPicker from './components/ColorPicker.vue'
import {
@ -305,6 +305,7 @@ import { fontFamilyList, fontSizeList } from './constants'
const borderImg = new URL('../../../src/assets/images/borderwidth.png', import.meta.url).href
const pointerImg = new URL('../../../src/assets/images/mouse-pointer.png', import.meta.url).href
const { proxy } = getCurrentInstance()
const props = defineProps({
modelValue: {
@ -507,10 +508,6 @@ const backToCenter = () => {
const cancelActiveElement = () =>{
// 显示全部
const showFit = () => {
@ -716,6 +713,13 @@ watch(() =>, (newVal) => {
// dom元素挂载完成
onMounted(() => {
* 初始化画布内容
const init = () => {
// 创建实例
app = new TinyWhiteboard({
container: box.value,
@ -737,6 +741,7 @@ onMounted(() => {
// 监听元素激活事件
app.on('activeElementChange', element => {
console.log('点击元素 监听 activeElementChange-----------')
if (activeElement.value) {
||||'elementRotateChange', onElementRotateChange)
@ -784,7 +789,39 @@ onMounted(() => {
}, 300)
const isMyCanvas = ref(false); // 鼠标 是否进入画布判断
const handleKeyDown=(event)=> {
// console.log('键盘按键被按下:', event.key);
// console.log(isMyCanvas.value,'??????????')
if(isMyCanvas.value == false){
// console.log('键盘事件被捕获,已阻止冒泡:', event.key);
* 鼠标进入事件
const handleMouseEnter = () => {
isMyCanvas.value = true;
document.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeyDown, true);
* 课堂展示-鼠标离开白板监听事件:该事件是避免,选中状态,在其他地方点击、后退、删除等事件,会删除白板内选中的元素
const handleMouseLeave = () => {
// 清除激活项--点击事件的激活项
// 阻止 点击拖动范围的取消激活项……
isMyCanvas.value = false;
// 确保事件处理函数在组件挂载后绑定
document.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeyDown, true);
// 暴露方法
@ -795,7 +832,6 @@ defineExpose({
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import { listEntpcoursework,getEvaluationclue } from '@/api/classTask';
import { processList } from '@/hooks/useProcessList';
import useClassTaskStore from '@/store/modules/classTask'
const useClassTaskStores = useClassTaskStore();
const isJson = (str) => {
if (typeof str == 'string') {
@ -114,6 +116,14 @@ export const editListItem = (row, courseObj) => {
else if (row.worktype == '科学实验') {
// 同步更新实验内部的科目信息
if (row.worktag && row.worktag.indexOf('-') > -1){
const eduInfo = row.worktag.split('-');
useClassTaskStores.experimentObj.edustage = eduInfo[0];
useClassTaskStores.experimentObj.edusubject = eduInfo[1];
useClassTaskStores.experimentObj.updateEduInfo = row.worktag;
// 更新科学实验内容
classtaskObj.fileHomeworkList = JSON.parse(row.workcodes);
// console.log('科学实验', classtaskObj);
@ -299,21 +299,28 @@ export const processList = (row, aloneOption=false) => {
if(!aloneOption && j%2== 0){
tmp += '</div>';
row[i].workdescFormat = tmp
row[i].workdescFormat = tmp;
// 处理[答案显示] - 转换ABCD
let arr2Char = workAnswerArr
.map((item) => {
return String.fromCharCode(65 + Number(item))
row[i].workanswerFormat = arr2Char
row[i].workanswerFormat = arr2Char;
} else if (row[i].worktype == '填空题') {
// 处理[选项显示] - 填空题中无选项, 故置空
row[i].workdescFormat = ''
row[i].workdescFormat = '';
// 处理[答案显示] - 逗号连接
row[i].workanswerFormat = workAnswerArr.join('、')
// 当[答案显示]为 [<div] 开头时,不再需逗号连接(一般为自主上传, 当前答案每个自带div标签)
let linkChar = '、';
if (workAnswerArr.length != 0 && workAnswerArr[0].indexOf('<div') == 0) {
linkChar = '';
row[i].workanswerFormat = workAnswerArr.join(linkChar);
} else if (row[i].worktype == '判断题') {
// 处理[选项显示] - 判断题中无选项, 故置空
row[i].workdescFormat = ''
@ -7,8 +7,9 @@ const useClassTaskStore = defineStore('classTask',{
state: () => ({
edustage: '小学', // 教育阶段
edusubject: '', // 学科
edusubject: '数学', // 学科
experimentList: [], // 实验科目列表
updateEduInfo: '小学-数学', //实际需上传的学段+学科信息(用于上传及回显实验内的学段学科)
isOpenQuestUploadView: false, // 是否打开习题上传的页面
classListIds: [],
@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ import { toPng, toJpeg } from 'html-to-image' // 引入html-to-image库
import { PPTXFileToJson } from "@/AixPPTist/src/hooks/useImport"
import ThumbnailSlide from '@/AixPPTist/src/views/components/ThumbnailSlide/index.vue'
import { useSlidesStore } from '@/AixPPTist/src/store'
import * as ElementPlus from 'element-plus'
import { sessionStore } from '@/utils/store' // electron-store 状态管理
import * as Http_Classcourse from '@/api/teaching/classcourse' // api接口
// 延时
const sleep = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms))
@ -85,3 +89,43 @@ export const pptToImg = async(file, options) => {
const { slides } = await PPTXFileToJson(file)
return slidesToImg(slides, options)
* 课堂-分享码
export const ShareCode = async(code, cb) => {
let shareCode
if (typeof code =='string') shareCode = code
else { // 自动获取邀请码
const classcourse = sessionStore.get('curr.classcourse') // 课堂信息
if (!classcourse) return ElementPlus.ElMessage.warning('没有课堂信息')
const isRefresh = typeof code == 'boolean' && code // 是否刷新邀请码
shareCode = classcourse.shareCode
if (!shareCode || isRefresh) { // 获取邀请码
const res = await Http_Classcourse.getShareCode(
shareCode = res.msg
// 更新邀请码
sessionStore.set('curr.classcourse.shareCode', shareCode)
const msg = h('div', [
h('h1', [`我的邀请码:`, h('b',{style:{color:'#F56C6C',fontSize:'1.5em'}}, shareCode)]),
h('div', {style:{color:'#E6A23C',fontSize:'13px'}}, `该邀请码1小时内有效,请在学生端填写邀请码后即可进入课堂。`)
return ElementPlus.ElMessageBox.alert(msg, '分享课程', {
confirmButtonText: '更新',
cancelButtonText: '关闭',
showCancelButton: true,
beforeClose: (action, instance, done) => {
if (action =='confirm') { // 更新
if (!!cb) { // 回调
cb({ h, instance, action, done }, done) && done()
} else { // 默认更新
} else done()
}).catch(() => {})
@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user'
import { ref, reactive } from 'vue'
// import { Plus } from '@element-plus/icons-vue'
import { ElMessageBox, ElMessage } from 'element-plus'
import { updateClassworkeval, getClassworkdata, updateClassWorkDataAutoFinish } from '@/api/classTask'
import { getClassworkdata, updateClassworkevalList, updateClassWorkDataAutoFinish } from '@/api/classTask'
import { getTimeDate } from '@/utils/date'
import ReFilePreview from '@/components/refile-preview/index.vue'
import { quizStrToList } from '@/utils/comm';
@ -894,8 +894,8 @@ const onSubmit = () => {
// 更新题目批改
classWorkFormScore.teacherRating &&
||||, index) => {
const queryList = [];
classWorkFormScore.teacherRating &&, index) => {
const queryParams = {
teacherRating: item.score, // 教师评分
@ -903,13 +903,32 @@ const onSubmit = () => {
teacherremark: classWorkFormScore.teacherremark, //评分说明
timestamp: getTimeDate() // 时间
updateClassworkeval(queryParams).then((res) => {
//console.log('queryList->', queryList)
updateClassworkevalList(queryList).then((res) => {
// if(res.code == 200){
// 循环提交能干个啥
// }
// 更新题目批改
// classWorkFormScore.teacherRating &&
//, index) => {
// const queryParams = {
// id:,
// teacherRating: item.score, // 教师评分
// rating: classWorkFormScore.rating, // 评价
// teacherremark: classWorkFormScore.teacherremark, //评分说明
// timestamp: getTimeDate() // 时间
// }
// console.log(queryParams)
// updateClassworkeval(queryParams).then((res) => {
// // if(res.code == 200){
// // 循环提交能干个啥
// // }
// })
// })
type: 'success',
message: '提交成功!'
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
<el-col :span="11">
<el-form-item label="知识点" label-width="70">
style="width: 100%"
@ -172,7 +173,7 @@
<!-- 非习题训练:常规作业、 -->
<div v-if="classWorkForm.worktype!='习题训练'">
<div :style="{ 'overflow': 'auto'}">
<template v-if="classWorkForm.worktype!='常规作业'">
<!-- <template v-if="classWorkForm.worktype!='常规作业'">
<template v-for="(item, index) in workResource.teachResourceList" :key="item">
<div v-if="item.worktype==classWorkForm.worktype" style="border-bottom: 1px dotted;display: flex;justify-content: space-between;">
<div style="margin-bottom: 5px; padding-left: 15px;display: flex;flex-direction: row;align-items: center;">
@ -193,7 +194,7 @@
</template> -->
<template v-if="classWorkForm.worktype =='常规作业'">
<div v-loading="fileLoading" class="upload-homework">
<FileUpload v-model="classWorkForm.fileHomeworkList" :fileSize="800" :fileType="['mp3','mp4','doc','docx','xlsx','xls','pdf','ppt','pptx','jpg','jpeg','gif','png','txt']"/>
@ -285,6 +286,7 @@ import { updateClasswork, listEvaluationclue, listClassworkeval,delClassworkeval
import { listEvaluation } from '@/api/subject'
import { listEntpcoursefile } from '@/api/education/entpcoursefile'
import { listKnowledgePoint } from "@/api/knowledge/knowledgePoint";
import { isJson } from "@/utils/comm";
import { useGetHomework } from '@/hooks/useGetHomework'
@ -459,12 +461,13 @@ const client = new Apis('/paht');
const t = function(name, time) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const evalId = props.bookobj.levelSecondId=='' ? props.bookobj.levelFirstId : props.bookobj.levelSecondId;
const queryForm = {
// 分页参数
currentPage: paginationParams.pageNum,
pageSize: paginationParams.pageSize,
// 课程相关参数
eid: props.bookobj.levelSecondId,
eid: evalId, // 当前单元或章节id
sectionName: props.bookobj.coursetitle,
edusubject: userStore.edusubject,
edustage: userStore.edustage,
@ -557,10 +560,13 @@ const getQueryFromEvaluationclue = () => {
if (clueres.rows[i].childlist != '') {
clueres.rows[i].childArray = JSON.parse('['+clueres.rows[i].childlist+']');
const tmpJson = '['+clueres.rows[i].childlist+']';
if (isJson(tmpJson)){
clueres.rows[i].childArray = JSON.parse(tmpJson);
for (var j=0; j<clueres.rows[i].childArray.length; j++) {
clueres.rows[i].childArray[j].title = clueres.rows[i].childArray[j].title.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, '');
} else {
clueres.rows[i].childArray = {};
@ -990,6 +996,8 @@ const initPageParams = () => {
onMounted(async() => {
// 知识点
// const refreshData = () => {
@ -1016,9 +1024,9 @@ const debounceQueryData = debounce(() => {
// 习题资源
// 框架梳理
// 知识点
}, 1000);
watch(() => props.propsformobj.uniquekey, (newVal) => {
@ -1027,8 +1035,20 @@ watch(() => props.propsformobj.uniquekey, (newVal) => {
classWorkForm.uniquekey = props.propsformobj.uniquekey?cloneDeep(props.propsformobj.uniquekey):''; // 作业唯一标识 作业名称
watch(() => props.bookobj.levelSecondId, (newVal, oldVal) => {
//watch(() => props.bookobj.levelSecondId, async (newVal, oldVal) => {
() => props.bookobj.levelFirstId,
() => props.bookobj.levelSecondId
], ([newLevelSecondId, newLevelFirstId], [oldLevelSecondId, oldLevelFirstId]) => {
// 默认选择一级单元时, 不自动获取试题, 需手动按钮获取试题
if (props.bookobj.levelSecondId == '') {
workResource.entpCourseWorkList = [];
@ -36,16 +36,24 @@ const props = defineProps({
const value = ref('')
const updateLabel = (val) => {
value.value = val;
const onSelectOption = (option) => {
classTaskStore.updateEduInfo = `${classTaskStore.edustage}-${classTaskStore.edusubject}`;
console.log('updateEduInfo->', classTaskStore.updateEduInfo);
emit('selectItem', classTaskStore.experimentList.filter(item => item.label === option)[0])
onMounted(() => {
const onSelectOption = (option) => {
emit('selectItem', classTaskStore.experimentList.filter(item => item.label === option)[0])
<style scoped>
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ const subjectList = ref([])
const chooseGrade= ref({})
const expList = ref([]) // 当前年级的所有课程
const checkList = ref([])// 当前年级对应学科的课程,
const isLoaded = ref(false);
// 获取基础的学科
const getSubject = () => {
@ -80,8 +80,15 @@ const getSubject = () => {
// 默认读取一个学科
const edusubject = useClassTaskStore().experimentObj.edusubject;
// 这里确保第一次初始化时, 该任务是从左侧作业列表中进来而存在指定的学科时, 重新赋值回来.
useClassTaskStore().experimentObj.edusubject = edusubject;
// 执行完毕后标志位[置位]
isLoaded.value = true;
// 展示有 实验科目的学科
const isExpList = (edusubject) => {
@ -108,7 +115,8 @@ const isExpList = (edusubject) => {
// 选择学段
const handleUserEduStage = (item) => {
// userStore.edustage = item
useClassTaskStore().experimentObj.edustage = item
useClassTaskStore().experimentObj.edustage = item;
expList.value = []
if(item === '小学'){
@ -117,10 +125,11 @@ const handleUserEduStage = (item) => {
const newSubjectList = subjectList.value.filter(item => item.edustage === '小学');
for(let i in newSubjectList){
const name = newSubjectList[i].itemtitle
useClassTaskStore().experimentObj.edusubject = name;
if(isExpList(name) && useClassTaskStore().experimentObj.edusubject===name){
//useClassTaskStore().experimentObj.edusubject = name;
// 更改学科默认与学科下的实验科目
}else if(item === '初中'){
@ -129,10 +138,11 @@ const handleUserEduStage = (item) => {
const newSubjectList = subjectList.value.filter(item => item.edustage === '初中');
for(let i in newSubjectList){
const name = newSubjectList[i].itemtitle
useClassTaskStore().experimentObj.edusubject = name;
if(isExpList(name) && useClassTaskStore().experimentObj.edusubject===name){
//useClassTaskStore().experimentObj.edusubject = name;
// 更改学科默认与学科下的实验科目
}else if(item === '高中'){
@ -141,10 +151,11 @@ const handleUserEduStage = (item) => {
const newSubjectList = subjectList.value.filter(item => item.edustage === '高中');
for(let i in newSubjectList){
const name = newSubjectList[i].itemtitle
useClassTaskStore().experimentObj.edusubject = name;
if(isExpList(name) && useClassTaskStore().experimentObj.edusubject===name){
//useClassTaskStore().experimentObj.edusubject = name;
// 更改学科默认与学科下的实验科目
@ -177,10 +188,59 @@ const handleUserEduSubject = (item) => {
// emit('experlist',checkList.value)
const updateCheckList = async () => {
try {
await waitForSubjectData();
//console.log('父组件执行开始-------', );
//console.log('experimentObj-> ', useClassTaskStore().experimentObj);
// 再执行更新逻辑
const edustage = useClassTaskStore().experimentObj.edustage;
if(edustage === '小学'){
chooseGrade.value =
}else if(edustage === '初中'){
chooseGrade.value =
}else if(edustage === '高中'){
chooseGrade.value =
expList.value = chooseGrade.value
const edusubject = useClassTaskStore().experimentObj.edusubject;
} catch (error) {
const waitForSubjectData = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let timeoutId;
let intervalId;
const checkIsLoaded = () => {
if (isLoaded.value) {
intervalId = setInterval(checkIsLoaded, 100);
timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error('该作业-等待[科学实验]学科学段初始化超时'));
}, 5000);
onMounted(() => {
<style scoped>
.custom-button {
@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
<div class="activeExp-header">
<div class="infomation" v-if="isStadium() !== true" >
<!-- <selectClass v-if="!isSubject" @experlist="getExperimentList" /> -->
<selectClass v-if="!isSubject" />
<selectClass ref="selectClassRef"/>
<selectExperiment @selectItem="getExperimentListItem" />
<selectExperiment ref="selectExperimentRef" @selectItem="getExperimentListItem" />
<div ref="mainDiv" class="activeExp-main" style="overflow: auto">
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<script setup>
import { Search } from '@element-plus/icons-vue'
//import html2canvas from 'html2canvas';
import { onMounted, ref,watch, reactive, getCurrentInstance,nextTick } from 'vue'
import { onMounted, ref, watch, reactive, getCurrentInstance, nextTick } from 'vue'
import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user'
import useClassTaskStore from '@/store/modules/classTask'
import selectClass from './components/selectClass.vue' //选择学校和班级
@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ const props = defineProps({
// 学科的 实验列
// const experimentList = ref([]);
const activeExp = ref({});
const selectExperimentRef = ref();
const selectClassRef = ref();
const isStadium = () => {
let roles = userStore.roles
@ -82,6 +84,13 @@ const getExperimentListItem = (val) => {
watch(() => props.expObj.fileurl, (newVal, oldVal) => {
activeExp.value = props.expObj;
nextTick(() => {
@ -68,8 +68,7 @@
<div v-if="(currentRow.worktype == '课堂展示' || classWorkForm.worktype == '课堂展示') &&>0" class="page-center">
<div v-loading="boardLoading" class="board-wrap" style="height: 100%; flex: 1; overflow: hidden;">
<!-- <whiteboard v-if="isShowBoard" ref="boardref" :height="mainHeight - 150" :isShowSave="false" :data="whiteboardObj"/> -->
<whiteboard ref="boardref" height="100%" width="100%" :isShowSave="false" :data="classWorkForm.whiteboardObj"/>
<whiteboard ref="boardref" height="100%" width="100%" :isShowSave="false" :data="classWorkForm.whiteboardObj" />
<div v-if="(currentRow.worktype == '常规作业' || classWorkForm.worktype == '常规作业')&&>0" class="page-center">
@ -600,7 +599,8 @@ const handleClassWorkFormQuizRemove = (index) =>{
else if(classWorkForm.worktype === "科学实验"){
if (classWorkForm.fileHomeworkList.length == 0) return ElMessage({ type: 'warning', message: '请选择科学实验的课程!'});
cform.workcodes = JSON.stringify(classWorkForm.fileHomeworkList);
cform.worktag = useClassTaskStores.experimentObj.updateEduInfo; // 当前实验的学段学科, 格式为[小学-数学]
cform.workcodes = JSON.stringify(classWorkForm.fileHomeworkList); // 实验信息
cform.entpcourseworklist = JSON.stringify([{'id':-3, 'score': '10'}]);
try {
@ -807,12 +807,14 @@ const editWork = async (cform) =>{
else if (classWorkForm.worktype=='科学实验') { //TODO 注意,fileHomeworkList字段与常规作业共用
// 1.更新作业任务下的课堂展示内容 (这里未做校验, 直接将当前文件对象更新过去)
cform.workcodes = JSON.stringify(classWorkForm.fileHomeworkList);
cform.worktag = useClassTaskStores.experimentObj.updateEduInfo;
// 3.更新作业任务本身
let res = await updateClasswork(cform);
if (res.code == 200) {
taskList.value = []
// 清空左侧 选中的布置列表 并刷新列表
|||| = 1;
@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ import examDetailsDrawer from '@/components/exam-question/examDetailsDrawer.vue'
import QuesItem from "@/views/classTask/newClassTaskAssign/questionUpload/quesItem/index.vue";
import { useHandleData } from "@/hooks/useHandleData";
import { processList } from '@/hooks/useProcessList';
import { isJson } from "@/utils/comm";
import { debounce } from '@/utils/comm'
@ -254,6 +255,7 @@ function Apis(key) {
const client = new Apis('/paht');
const t = function(name, time) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const evalId = props.bookobj.levelSecondId=='' ? props.bookobj.levelFirstId : props.bookobj.levelSecondId;
const queryForm = {
// 题类
worktype: entpCourseWorkQueryParams.worktype.label,
@ -266,7 +268,7 @@ const t = function(name, time) {
// 课程相关参数
edustage: userStore.edustage, // this.userStore.edustage,
edusubject: userStore.edusubject, // this.userStore.edusubject,
eid: props.bookobj.levelSecondId, //,
eid: evalId, // 当前单元或章节id
status: "1",
editUserId: userStore.userId,
//orderby: 'concat(worktype,timestamp) DESC',
@ -326,10 +328,13 @@ const handleQueryFromEntpCourseWork= async (queryType) => {
if (clueres.rows[i].childlist != '') {
clueres.rows[i].childArray = JSON.parse('['+clueres.rows[i].childlist+']');
const tmpJson = '['+clueres.rows[i].childlist+']';
if (isJson(tmpJson)){
clueres.rows[i].childArray = JSON.parse(tmpJson);
for (var j=0; j<clueres.rows[i].childArray.length; j++) {
clueres.rows[i].childArray[j].title = clueres.rows[i].childArray[j].title.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, '');
} else {
clueres.rows[i].childArray = {};
@ -482,8 +487,16 @@ const debounceQueryData = debounce(() => {
}, 1000);
watch(() => props.bookobj.levelSecondId, (newVal, oldVal) => {
() => props.bookobj.levelFirstId,
() => props.bookobj.levelSecondId
], ([newLevelSecondId, newLevelFirstId], [oldLevelSecondId, oldLevelFirstId]) => {
// 默认选择一级单元时, 不自动获取试题, 需手动按钮获取试题
if (props.bookobj.levelSecondId == '') {
workResource.entpCourseWorkList = [];
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
<!-- orc 使用说明 -->
<div class="import-manual-explain">
<p>orc 使用说明</p>
<p>orc 使用说明(填空题暂无法整题识别)</p>
<p>1、本地浏览 </p>
<p>2、获取剪贴板图片 </p>
<p>3、整题识别:可识别整张图片,自动填充到对应内容。 </p>
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ const courseObj = reactive({
const activeAptTab = ref("人工录入");
// false - 正式百度api true - 本地json测试
const OCR_WORK_TEST = false;
const OCR_WORK_TEST = true;
// [裁剪]参数
const cropOption = reactive({
img: '', // 裁剪图片的地址 url 地址, base64, blob
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ import { ElMessageBox, ElMessage } from "element-plus";
import qs from "qs";
import axios from 'axios'
import request from '@/utils/request'
import { pyOCRAPI } from "@/api/education/entpcoursework";
import { pyOCRAPI, getOcrContent } from "@/api/education/entpcoursework";
import useClassTaskStore from '@/store/modules/classTask'
const EXAM_JUDGED_DICTIONARY = ["正确", "对", "√", "T", "错误", "错", "×", "F"];
@ -17,13 +18,10 @@ const baidubceConfig = {
'client_secret': 'oWb0M0YWMmZPMQIhIUkJX99ddr7h61qf',
export function getOcrContent(data) {
return request({
url: '/ocr/exam',
method: 'post',
data: data
const {
} = useClassTaskStore();
@ -45,7 +43,7 @@ export const ocrImg2ItemByManualUpl = async (isLocalTest = false, imgBase64 = ''
if (isLocalTest) {
// 临时本地测试(json格式跟百度ocr一致)
const response = await fetch('/cropImgTest/single.json');
const response = await fetch('/cropImgTest/single2.json');
const resOcr = await response.json();
ocrJson = resOcr.results;
// 识别内容拼接
@ -115,7 +113,6 @@ export const ocrImg2ItemByManualUpl = async (isLocalTest = false, imgBase64 = ''
return examItem;
else if (examType.includes('单选题') || examType.includes('多选题')) {
/** 单选题/多选题 - 选项 */
@ -150,10 +147,10 @@ export const ocrImg2ItemByManualUpl = async (isLocalTest = false, imgBase64 = ''
else if (curItem === 'workanswer') {
// 该类型下只做[主观题]和[复合题]的处理
if (examType.includes('主观题')) {
ocrTxt = ocrTxt.replace(/<br \/>/g, '');
examItem = ocrTxt;
} else {
examItem = ocrTxt;
// 返回转换格式后的识别内容
@ -174,7 +171,7 @@ export const ocrImg2ExamByManualUpl = async (isLocalTest = false, imgBase64 = ''
if (isLocalTest) {
// 临时本地测试(json格式跟百度ocr一致)
const response = await fetch('/cropImgTest/single.json');
const response = await fetch('/cropImgTest/single1.json');
const resOcr = await response.json();
ocrJson = resOcr.results;
// 识别内容拼接
@ -234,12 +231,14 @@ const ocrImg2Json = async (urlBase64) => {
ElMessage.error("未检测到截图图片, 请截取图片后再识别");
return null;
let base64Code = urlBase64.split(",")[1];
const resOcr = await getOcrContent({ base64Code: base64Code });
if (resOcr.code !== 200) {
return null;
// const resToken = await bdyAPI_getToken();
// if (resToken.status !== 200) {
// ElMessage.error("百度智能云用户标识有误");
@ -394,8 +393,8 @@ const assembleExam = (eachSub) => {
// 第一部分[题干-选项] 处理
titleAndWorkDesc = tmpList[0];
// 将4个以上连续的下划线统一替换为5个
titleAndWorkDesc = titleAndWorkDesc.replace(/_{4,}/g, '_____');
// 将3个以上连续的下划线统一替换为5个
titleAndWorkDesc = titleAndWorkDesc.replace(/_{3,}/g, '_____');
// 第二部分[分析-答案] 处理
let answerAndAnswer = {};
@ -456,32 +455,35 @@ const assembleExam = (eachSub) => {
let tmpExam = null;
if (answer === '') {
* 基础题型 - [单选题] [多选题] [填空题] [判断题] [主观题]
tmpExam = processExamSingle(titleAndWorkDesc, answer);
else {
// 匹配是否存在 1. (1) (1)的存在, 题目与答案都存在则说明题型为复合题(嵌套题)
regex = /^(\d+[..。]|\(\d+\)|(\d+))/;
let answerFind = regex.test(answer);
regex = /(\d+[..。]|\(\d+\)|(\d+))/;
let titleFind = regex.test(titleAndWorkDesc);
if (titleFind && answerFind) {
* [复合题] - 处理逻辑
tmpExam = processExamMulti(titleAndWorkDesc, answer);
else {
* 基础题型 - [单选题] [多选题] [填空题] [判断题] [主观题]
tmpExam = processExamSingle(titleAndWorkDesc, answer);
// 目前暂屏蔽无[复合题], 故所有都算基础题
let tmpExam = processExamSingle(titleAndWorkDesc, answer);
// let tmpExam = null;
// if (answer === '') {
// /**
// * 基础题型 - [单选题] [多选题] [填空题] [判断题] [主观题]
// */
// tmpExam = processExamSingle(titleAndWorkDesc, answer);
// }
// else {
// // 匹配是否存在 1. (1) (1)的存在, 题目与答案都存在则说明题型为复合题(嵌套题)
// regex = /^(\d+[..。]|\(\d+\)|(\d+))/;
// let answerFind = regex.test(answer);
// regex = /(\d+[..。]|\(\d+\)|(\d+))/;
// let titleFind = regex.test(titleAndWorkDesc);
// if (titleFind && answerFind) {
// /**
// * [复合题] - 处理逻辑
// */
// tmpExam = processExamMulti(titleAndWorkDesc, answer);
// }
// else {
// /**
// * 基础题型 - [单选题] [多选题] [填空题] [判断题] [主观题]
// */
// tmpExam = processExamSingle(titleAndWorkDesc, answer);
// }
// }
if (tmpExam) {
// 错误信息
@ -607,13 +609,21 @@ const processExamSingle = function (titleAndWorkDesc, answer) {
* 主观题
// [题型] - 格式化
examSingle.workType = "主观题";
const flagDict = ['单选题', '多选题', '判断题', '填空题'];
const another = entpCourseWorkTypeList.filter(item => !flagDict.includes(item.label));
if (another.length > 0) {
examSingle.workType = another[another.length-1].label;
// [题干]-格式化
examSingle.title = titleAndWorkDesc;
// [选项] - 格式化 --- 主观题无选项
//examSingle.arrWorkDesc = [];
// examSingle.workType = "主观题";
// // [题干]-格式化
// examSingle.title = titleAndWorkDesc;
// // [选项] - 格式化 --- 主观题无选项
// //examSingle.arrWorkDesc = [];
// [题目答案] - 处理 --- ['qweasd123']
if (answer !== '') {
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<el-form ref="questFormRef" :model="questForm" :rules="MainRules" label-width="80px">
<el-form-item label="题型" prop="worktype">
<el-select v-model="questForm.worktype" placeholder="请选择题型" style="width:20%" :disabled="">
<el-option v-for="item in fromOptions.type" :key="item.value" :label="item.label" :value="item.label"></el-option>
<el-option v-for="item in fromOptions.type" :key="item.value" :label="item.label" :value="item.label" :disabled="item.label=='不限'"></el-option>
<el-tag v-if="questForm.worktype=='填空题'" type="danger" style=" margin-left: 10px ">温馨提示:填空题题目的填空位置,下划线请连续输入3-10个 _
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
<!-- 多选题 -->
<div v-if="questForm.worktype=='多选题'" class="questForm-item-cover">
<div v-else-if="questForm.worktype=='多选题'" class="questForm-item-cover">
<div v-for="(item,index) in questForm.list" :key='index'>
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
<!-- 填空题 -->
<div v-if="questForm.worktype=='填空题'" class="questForm-item-cover">
<div v-else-if="questForm.worktype=='填空题'" class="questForm-item-cover">
<div v-for="(item,index) in questForm.list" :key='index'>
<el-form-item :label=Options(3,index) :prop="`list.${index}.text`"
:rules="{required: true, message: '填空选项不能为空', trigger: 'blur'}">
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
<!-- 判断题 -->
<div v-if="questForm.worktype=='判断题'" class="questForm-item-cover">
<div v-else-if="questForm.worktype=='判断题'" class="questForm-item-cover">
<div v-for="(item,index) in questForm.list" :key='index'>
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
<!-- 主观题 -->
<div v-if="questForm.worktype.indexOf('主观题') != -1" class="questForm-item-cover">
<div v-else-if="questForm.worktype.indexOf('主观题') != -1" class="questForm-item-cover">
<el-form-item label="答案">
<Tinymce v-model="questForm.workanswer" :upFileParams="{
lessionId: lessionid,
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@
<!-- 复合题 -->
<div v-if="questForm.worktype=='复合题'" class="questForm-item-cover">
<div v-else-if="questForm.worktype=='复合题'" class="questForm-item-cover">
<el-form-item label="单项题型" :prop="worktype">
<el-select v-model="questForm.mulList.worktype" placeholder="请选择题型" style="width:20%">
<!-- <el-option key="1" label="单选题" value="单选题"></el-option> -->
@ -350,6 +350,19 @@
<!-- 非统一标准名称的解答题 -->
<div v-else class="questForm-item-cover">
<el-form-item label="答案">
<Tinymce v-model="questForm.workanswer" :upFileParams="{
lessionId: lessionid,
fileAlias: '单题上传',
}" />
<div class="item-cropper-btn">
<el-button v-show="isCropper" circle @click="cropperFormItem('workanswer')"><el-icon><Search /></el-icon></el-button>
<!-- 答案分析 -->
<div class="questForm-item-cover">
<el-form-item label="答案分析" prop="method">
@ -623,8 +636,9 @@ onMounted(() => {
// 更新第三方题型、题源
if (entpCourseWorkTypeList.length>0) {
const flagDict = ['单选题', '多选题', '判断题', '填空题'];
fromOptions.type = entpCourseWorkTypeList.filter(item => flagDict.includes(item.label));
//const flagDict = ['单选题', '多选题', '判断题', '填空题'];
//fromOptions.type = entpCourseWorkTypeList.filter(item => flagDict.includes(item.label));
fromOptions.type = entpCourseWorkTypeList
if (entpCourseWorkGroupList.length>0) {
fromOptions.flag = entpCourseWorkGroupList;
@ -748,8 +762,8 @@ const resetForm = () =>{
const updateForm= async(item, submitIndex=0, submitType=1) =>{
// 当不存在[状态],默认为1
if (!item.hasOwnProperty('stutus')) {
item.stutus = '1';
if (!item.hasOwnProperty('status')) {
item.status = '1';
// 当不存在[知识点], 默认为空
if (!item.hasOwnProperty('evalnodeid')) {
@ -765,7 +779,6 @@ const updateForm= async(item, submitIndex=0, submitType=1) =>{
// 将菁优网的填空下划线标签转为下划线(上传时需再重新替换回来)
item.title = item.title.replace(/<!--BA--><div class="quizPutTag" contenteditable="true">(?: )?<\/div><!--EA-->/g, '_____');
if(item.worktype == '复合题') {
// 同步更新[基础题]的初始结构
newList = [{text:""}];
@ -902,11 +915,14 @@ const updateForm= async(item, submitIndex=0, submitType=1) =>{
newList = [];
// 默认显示一个空选项
newList = [{text:""}];
// 兼容题型[主观题]
item.worktype = item.worktype.replace(/\(主观题\)/g, '');
item.worktype = `${item.worktype}(主观题)`;
//item.worktype = item.worktype.replace(/\(主观题\)/g, '');
//item.worktype = `${item.worktype}(主观题)`;
// 无选项
// 选项答案处理下
@ -1008,9 +1024,8 @@ const updateForm= async(item, submitIndex=0, submitType=1) =>{
lessionid.value = props.bookobj.levelSecondId? props.bookobj.levelSecondId : props.bookobj.levelFirstId;
console.log('lessionid', lessionid.value);
// 拿到当前章节下得所有知识点
if( props.bookobj.node.edustage == '高中' && (props.bookobj.node.edusubject == '语文' || props.bookobj.node.edusubject == '英语') ){
if( props.bookobj.node.edusubject == '语文' || props.bookobj.node.edusubject == '英语' ){
const res = await listEvaluation({ edusubject: props.bookobj.node.edusubject, edustage: props.bookobj.node.edustage, itemkey: "subject", pageSize: 10 });
const id = res.rows[0]?.id;
if (id) {
@ -1083,6 +1098,7 @@ const updateForm= async(item, submitIndex=0, submitType=1) =>{
// status = 1,
// }
// emit('update-exam-single', updateStatus);
console.log('updateFormone->', questForm)
const updateFormone=(item, submitIndex, submitType, formdataitem)=>{
@ -1437,14 +1453,9 @@ const submitForm=(formName) =>{
//param.workdesc = => item.text).join('#&');
param.workdesc = JSON.stringify( => item.text));
// 针对[单选题]和[多选题]重新格式化信息
if (questForm.worktype === '单选题' || questForm.worktype === '多选题') {
//param.workanswer = => item).join('#&');
param.workanswer = JSON.stringify(questForm.checkAnswer);
// 针对[复合题]重新格式化信息
// 重新格式化信息
if(questForm.worktype === '复合题') {
// 针对[复合题]重新格式化信息
let workdesc = [];
let answer = [];
// 1.题目: 背景材料(不再需要处理, 直接使用form.title)
@ -1501,9 +1512,33 @@ const submitForm=(formName) =>{
param.workdesc = JSON.stringify(workdesc);
param.workanswer = JSON.stringify(answer);
else if (questForm.worktype === '单选题' || questForm.worktype === '多选题') {
// 针对[单选题]和[多选题]重新格式化信息
//param.workanswer = => item).join('#&');
param.workanswer = JSON.stringify(questForm.checkAnswer);
// 针对[填空题]重新格式化信息 "<div>什么</div>#&<div>什么哟</div>".replace(/<[^>]*>/g, "")
else if(questForm.worktype === '填空题'){
//填空答案: 这里填入选项的值(填空值)
//param.workanswer = => item.text).join('#&').replace(/<[^>]*>/g, "");
// 针对[主观题]重新格式化信息 ([单题上传]时默认为主观题。 [单题纠错]时会在原题型后面增加标识[(主观题)], 故此处更改为判断是否存在 )
if(questForm.worktype.indexOf('主观题') !== -1) {
// 填空选项为空,避免后面多次判断,这里只根据正确答案来分析
param.workdesc = '';
param.workanswer = JSON.stringify( => item.text));
// 针对[判断题]重新格式化信息
else if(questForm.worktype === '判断题'){
//判断题答案: 这里填入选项的值(判断值)
//param.workanswer = => item.text).join('#&').replace(/<[^>]*>/g, "");
// 填空选项为空,避免后面多次判断,这里只根据正确答案来分析
param.workdesc = '';
param.workanswer = JSON.stringify(questForm.checkAnswer);
else if(questForm.worktype.indexOf('主观题') !== -1) {
// warn: 针对[主观题]重新格式化信息 ([单题上传]时默认为主观题。 [单题纠错]时会在原题型后面增加标识[(主观题)], 故此处更改为判断是否存在 )
// 主观题:只有答案跟题目,答案还不是唯一的,一个具体参考答案类似
param.workdesc = ''; // 主观题选项为空
// 主观题 答案直接用的 workanswer 存的时候用数组
@ -1533,27 +1568,16 @@ const submitForm=(formName) =>{
// param.workdesc = ''; // 填空选项为空,避免后面多次判断,这里只根据正确答案来分析
// param.workanswer = JSON.stringify(answer).replace(/<[^>]*>/g, "");
// 针对[填空题]重新格式化信息 "<div>什么</div>#&<div>什么哟</div>".replace(/<[^>]*>/g, "")
if(questForm.worktype === '填空题'){
//填空答案: 这里填入选项的值(填空值)
//param.workanswer = => item.text).join('#&').replace(/<[^>]*>/g, "");
// 填空选项为空,避免后面多次判断,这里只根据正确答案来分析
param.workdesc = '';
param.workanswer = JSON.stringify( => item.text));
else {
// 非统一标准解答题(主观题), 统一以[主观题]的格式来处理, 主要用于兼容ocr识别解答题及菁优网第三方非同一解答题
param.workdesc = ''; // 主观题选项为空
// 主观题 答案直接用的 workanswer 存的时候用数组
if (questForm.workanswer && questForm.workanswer != '') {
param.workanswer = JSON.stringify([questForm.workanswer]);
// 针对[判断题]重新格式化信息
if(questForm.worktype === '判断题'){
//判断题答案: 这里填入选项的值(判断值)
//param.workanswer = => item.text).join('#&').replace(/<[^>]*>/g, "");
// 填空选项为空,避免后面多次判断,这里只根据正确答案来分析
param.workdesc = '';
param.workanswer = JSON.stringify(questForm.checkAnswer);
// 针对不同上传方式, 需要做不同的状态处理(目前只用处理3的情况)
if (questForm.submitType === 3) {
@ -1703,37 +1727,40 @@ const myMessageShow=(title, msg, status)=>{
* @return: {*}
* @param {*} list
const updateKnowledgePoint = (list) => {
const formatKnowledgePoint = (list) => {
list.forEach(item => {
if (item.title && item.title != '') {
item.knowTitle = item.title;
if (item.children && Array.isArray(item.children)) {
return list;
watch(() => props.bookobj.levelSecondId, async (newVal, oldVal) => {
() => props.bookobj.levelFirstId,
() => props.bookobj.levelSecondId
], async([newLevelSecondId, newLevelFirstId], [oldLevelSecondId, oldLevelFirstId]) => {
// props.bookobj.levelSecondId? props.bookobj.levelSecondId : props.bookobj.levelFirstId
lessionid.value = props.bookobj.levelSecondId? props.bookobj.levelSecondId : props.bookobj.levelFirstId;
lessionid.value = props.bookobj.levelSecondId!='' ? props.bookobj.levelSecondId : props.bookobj.levelFirstId;
* 格式化知识点: 分两种情况
* 1. 语文/英语: 获取学科下的所有知识点(该学科对应无章节与知识点绑定, 故只获取全知识点)
* 2. 其他: 获取当前章节下的所有知识点
let id = props.bookobj.levelSecondId;
if( props.bookobj.node.edustage == '高中' && (props.bookobj.node.edusubject == '语文' || props.bookobj.node.edusubject == '英语') ){
let id = lessionid.value;
if( props.bookobj.node.edusubject == '语文' || props.bookobj.node.edusubject == '英语'){
id = props.bookobj.node.rootid;
const res = await listEvaluation({ edusubject: props.bookobj.node.edusubject, edustage: props.bookobj.node.edustage, itemkey: "subject", pageSize: 10 });
id = res.rows[0]?.id;
if (id) {
listKnowlegepointFormat({evalId: id, pageNum: 1, pageSize: 5000,}).then(res => {
//console.log('listKnowlegepointFormat->', res.rows);
curKnowledgePointList.value = updateKnowledgePoint(res.rows);
curKnowledgePointList.value = formatKnowledgePoint(res.rows);
@ -117,6 +117,8 @@ import { listKnowledgePoint } from "@/api/knowledge/knowledgePoint";
import { getBindlist } from '@/api/education/knowledgePoint'
import examDetailsDrawer from '@/components/exam-question/examDetailsDrawer.vue'
import { processList } from '@/hooks/useProcessList'
import { isJson } from "@/utils/comm";
import { useGetHomework } from '@/hooks/useGetHomework'
import { sessionStore } from '@/utils/store'
import {throttle,debounce } from '@/utils/comm'
@ -190,6 +192,8 @@ const workResource = reactive({
onMounted(() => {
console.log('entpCourseWorkTypeList', entpCourseWorkTypeList);
// 知识点 (仅用更新一次)
debounceQueryData(); // 查询习题列表
@ -235,12 +239,13 @@ function Apis(key) {
const client = new Apis('/paht');
const t = function(name, time) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const evalId = props.bookobj.levelSecondId=='' ? props.bookobj.levelFirstId : props.bookobj.levelSecondId;
const queryForm = {
// 分页参数
currentPage: paginationParams.pageNum,
pageSize: paginationParams.pageSize,
// 课程相关参数
eid: props.bookobj.levelSecondId,
eid: evalId, // 当前单元或章节id
sectionName: props.bookobj.coursetitle,
edusubject: userStore.edusubject,
edustage: userStore.edustage,
@ -329,10 +334,13 @@ const handleQueryFromEntpCourseWork= async (queryType) => {
if (clueres.rows[i].childlist != '') {
clueres.rows[i].childArray = JSON.parse('['+clueres.rows[i].childlist+']');
const tmpJson = '['+clueres.rows[i].childlist+']';
if (isJson(tmpJson)){
clueres.rows[i].childArray = JSON.parse(tmpJson);
for (var j=0; j<clueres.rows[i].childArray.length; j++) {
clueres.rows[i].childArray[j].title = clueres.rows[i].childArray[j].title.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, '');
} else {
clueres.rows[i].childArray = {};
@ -460,19 +468,29 @@ const captureScreenshot = (id) => {
// 防抖
const debounceQueryData = debounce(() => {
console.log("防抖 加载数据中...")
// 初始化滚动加载参数
// 习题资源
// 框架梳理
// 知识点
}, 1000);
//watch(() => props.bookobj.levelSecondId, async (newVal, oldVal) => {
watch(() => props.bookobj.levelSecondId, (newVal, oldVal) => {
() => props.bookobj.levelFirstId,
() => props.bookobj.levelSecondId
], ([newLevelSecondId, newLevelFirstId], [oldLevelSecondId, oldLevelFirstId]) => {
// 默认选择一级单元时, 不自动获取试题, 需手动按钮获取试题
if (props.bookobj.levelSecondId == '') {
workResource.entpCourseWorkList = [];
@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ import { useGetSubject } from '@/hooks/useGetSubject'
import { sessionStore } from '@/utils/store'
import { debounce } from 'lodash'
import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user'
import useClassTaskStore from '@/store/modules/classTask'
const userStore = useUserStore()
const classTaskStore = useClassTaskStore();
// import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user'
// import useClassTaskStore from '@/store/modules/classTask'
// const userStore = useUserStore()
// const classTaskStore = useClassTaskStore();
const router = useRouter()
const { ipcRenderer } = window.electron || {}
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ onMounted(async ()=>{
chartInstance = echarts.init(chartDom.value)
// 更新第三方题型题类
await classTaskStore.initJYInfo(userStore.user);
//await classTaskStore.initJYInfo(userStore.user);
const option = {
@ -410,8 +410,8 @@ const changeBook = async(data) => {
let cata = parseCataByNode(data.node)
currentNode.value = data.node
uploadData.value.levelFirstId = cata[0]
uploadData.value.levelSecondId = cata[1]
uploadData.value.levelThirdId = cata[2]
uploadData.value.levelSecondId = cata[1] ?? ''
uploadData.value.levelThirdId = cata[2] ?? ''
uploadData.value.textbookId = data.textBook.curBookId
@ -60,8 +60,8 @@
<template #item_mobile>
<div v-if="myClassActive.filetype=='apt'">开始新的课堂,需要点击先创建课堂,才能显示手机二维码</div>
<div v-else>开始新的课堂,需要点击先创建课堂</div>
<el-button type="warning" :loading="dt.loading" @click="createClasscourse()">创建课堂</el-button>
<div v-else>开始新的课堂</div>
<!-- <el-button type="warning" :loading="dt.loading" @click="createClasscourse()">创建课堂</el-button> -->
<el-button type="success" @click="createClasscourse(true)">公屏上课</el-button>
@ -139,6 +139,8 @@ onMounted(() => {
* @param classObj 课程对象-用于继续上课
const open = async (id, classObj) => {
dt.loading = false
dt.loadingDel = false
visible.value = true
if (id) {
// 重置数据
@ -167,6 +169,8 @@ const handleClose = async () => {
// await chat?.logout()
// chat = null
dt.ctCourse = null
dt.loading = false
dt.loadingDel = false
// 初始化-数据
@ -264,7 +268,7 @@ const createClasscourse = async (isPublic = false) => {
// teacherForm.form.classcourseid = 100
teacherForm.form.classcourseid = await Http_Classcourse.addClasscourseReturnId(params)
dt.loading = false
.finally(() => {dt.loading = false})
// getClasscourseList('update') // 更新列表
let msgEl = ElMessage.success('创建课程-成功')
// 新版-pptList 打开公屏
@ -449,6 +449,7 @@ export default {
case 'click': { // 点击-打开课件-aippt
if (row.fileFlag === 'aippt' && !!row.fileId) {
sessionStore.delete('curr.classcourse') // 清除上课相关信息
const res = await getEntpcoursefile(row.fileId)
if (res && res.code === 200) {
this.openPublicScreen('edit',, row) // 打开公屏-窗口
Reference in New Issue