Compare commits
No commits in common. "cebf864b828e4a571541bd204eab7b35a40cbe5b" and "90ac7a49c7007287a2e5b96723475812001fb83b" have entirely different histories.
@ -41,12 +41,21 @@ export class Classcourse {
this.classcourse = classcourse // 课堂信息
|||| = // 课堂id
// 如果课堂信息有paging,则更新当前页码
const { paging, cartoonTimes } = classcourse
const { paging } = classcourse
const isPaging = !!paging || paging === 0
// 如果课堂信息有paging,则更新动画播放状态
const isAnim = !!cartoonTimes || cartoonTimes === 0
if (isPaging) slidesStore.updateSlideIndex(paging)
if (isAnim) slidesStore.updateAnimationIndex(cartoonTimes+1)
if (isPaging) {
await this.sleep(200)
emitter.emit('useExecPlay', {key:'turnSlideToIndex', paging})
await this.sleep(1000)
// 如果课堂信息有paging,则更新动画播放状态
const isAnim = !!classcourse.cartoonTimes
if (isAnim) { // 动画播放
for (let i = 0; i < classcourse.cartoonTimes; i++) {
// 异步执行动画
emitter.emit('useExecPlay', {key:'execNext', isAsync:true})
// 课堂信息-状态管理
// 待上课提示
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
* 点赞组件-相关
export default class Upvote {
instance: any = null // 自身实例
upvoteRef: any = null // 点赞组件
constructor(elRef?: any) {
if(!!elRef) this.upvoteRef = elRef // 点赞组件
if (!Upvote.Instance) {
Upvote.Instance = this
return Upvote.Instance
// 初始化
init(elRef) {
if(!!elRef) this.upvoteRef = elRef // 点赞组件
return this
// 打开点赞或者疑问 1点赞 2疑问
trigger(type) {
return this
// 静态方法-初始化
static init(elRef) {
return new Upvote(elRef)
// 静态方法-打开点赞或者疑问 1点赞 2疑问
static trigger(type) {
return new Upvote().trigger(type)
@ -11,9 +11,8 @@ import ChatWs from '@/plugins/socket' // 聊天socket
import Classcourse from './classcourse' // 课程相关
import msgUtils from '@/plugins/modal' // 消息工具
import { Homework } from './index' // api-作业相关
// import emitter from '@/utils/mitt' //mitt 事件总线
import emitter from '@/utils/mitt' //mitt 事件总线
import useExecPlay from '../views/Screen/hooks/useExecPlay' // 播放控制
import hooksUpvote from './upvote' // 点赞-工具
* @description 监听器
@ -23,7 +22,7 @@ export default () => {
const classcourseStore = store.useClasscourseStore() // 课堂信息-状态管理
const resource = sessionStore.get('curr.resource') // apt 资源
const smarttalk = sessionStore.get('curr.smarttalk') // 备课资源
const { execNext, turnPrevSlide } = useExecPlay()
const execPlay = useExecPlay() // 播放控制
// 监听幻灯片内容变化
watch(() => slidesStore.slides, (newVal, oldVal) => {
PPTApi.updateSlides(newVal, oldVal) // 更新幻灯片内容
@ -99,8 +98,9 @@ export default () => {
case MsgEnum.HEADS.MSG_slideFlapping: // 幻灯片翻页
const slideIndex = content?.current || 0
const type = content?.animation
if (type === 'Nextsteps') execNext(true) // 下一步-异步动画
else if (type === 'Previoustep') turnPrevSlide() // 上一步清空-动画
// if (type === 'Nextsteps') emitter.emit('useExecPlay', 'execNext') // 下一步
if (type === 'Nextsteps') emitter.emit('useExecPlay', {key:'execNext', isAsync:true}) // 下一步
else if (type === 'Previoustep') emitter.emit('useExecPlay', 'turnPrevSlide') // 上一步清空-动画
else slidesStore.updateSlideIndex(slideIndex) // 更新幻灯片下标
case MsgEnum.HEADS.MSG_homework: // 作业|活动-布置
@ -111,10 +111,10 @@ export default () => {
case MsgEnum.HEADS.MSG_dz: // 点赞
emitter.emit('upvoteTrigger', 1)
case MsgEnum.HEADS.MSG_yh: // 疑惑
emitter.emit('upvoteTrigger', 2)
case MsgEnum.HEADS.MSG_0010: // 备用
@ -3,21 +3,16 @@ import type { Classcourse } from '../api/types'
export interface ClasscourseState {
classcourse: Classcourse | any, // 课堂信息
isEmit: boolean, // 是否加载监听事件(动画播放)
export const useClasscourseStore = defineStore('classcourse', {
state: (): ClasscourseState => ({
classcourse: null, // 课堂信息
isEmit: false, // 是否加载监听事件(动画播放)
actions: {
setClasscourse(classcourse: Classcourse) {
this.classcourse = classcourse
setIsEmit(isEmit: boolean) {
this.isEmit = isEmit
@ -33,8 +33,7 @@ export interface SlidesState {
slides: Slide[]
slideIndex: number
viewportSize: number
viewportRatio: number,
animationIndex: number, // 不是从0开始
viewportRatio: number
@ -47,7 +46,6 @@ export const useSlidesStore = defineStore('slides', {
slideIndex: 0, // 当前页面索引
viewportSize: 1000, // 可视区域宽度基数
viewportRatio: 0.5625, // 可视区域比例,默认16:9
animationIndex: 0, // 不是从0开始
workList:[],// 活动的列表
workItem:[],// 获取到的所有pptlist
@ -208,9 +206,6 @@ export const useSlidesStore = defineStore('slides', {
updateSlideIndex(index: number) {
this.slideIndex = index
updateAnimationIndex(index: number) {
this.animationIndex = index
addElement(element: PPTElement | PPTElement[]) {
const elements = Array.isArray(element) ? element : [element]
@ -30,10 +30,14 @@
@close="timerlVisible = false"
<div class="tools-left" v-if="!classcourse">
<div class="tools-left">
<IconLeftTwo class="tool-btn" theme="two-tone" :fill="['#111', '#fff']" @click="execPrev()" />
<IconRightTwo class="tool-btn" theme="two-tone" :fill="['#111', '#fff']" @click="execNext()" />
<!-- 点赞组件 -->
<div style="z-index: 999;position: absolute;top:10px">
<upvote-vue ref="upvoteRef" type="2"></upvote-vue>
class="tools-right" :class="{ 'visible': rightToolsVisible }"
@mouseleave="rightToolsVisible = false"
@ -55,7 +59,7 @@
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref , watchEffect, onMounted, onUnmounted} from 'vue'
import { ref , watchEffect} from 'vue'
import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia'
import { useSlidesStore ,useScreenStore, useClasscourseStore} from '../../store'
import type { ContextmenuItem } from '../../components/Contextmenu/types'
@ -69,15 +73,18 @@ import ScreenSlideList from './ScreenSlideList.vue'
import SlideThumbnails from './SlideThumbnails.vue'
import WritingBoardTool from './WritingBoardTool.vue'
import CountdownTimer from './CountdownTimer.vue'
import upvoteVue from '@/views/tool/components/upvote.vue' // 点赞-子组件
import emitter from '@/utils/mitt';
import Chat from '../../api/chat' // 聊天
// import * as emits from './hooks/emitter'
// emits.init() // 初始化事件
const props = defineProps<{
changeViewMode: (mode: 'base' | 'presenter') => void
const { slides, slideIndex } = storeToRefs(useSlidesStore())
const { classcourse, isEmit } = storeToRefs(useClasscourseStore()) // 课堂信息
const { classcourse } = storeToRefs(useClasscourseStore()) // 课堂信息
const {
@ -98,6 +105,26 @@ const {
} = useExecPlay()
// zdg: 使用方法才生效
const execPlay = {
const { slideWidth, slideHeight } = useSlideSize()
const { exitScreening } = useScreening()
const { fullscreenState, manualExitFullscreen } = useFullscreen()
@ -108,6 +135,7 @@ const writingBoardToolVisible = ref(false)
const timerlVisible = ref(false)
const slideThumbnailModelVisible = ref(false)
const laserPen = ref(false)
const upvoteRef = ref(null)
const screenStore =useScreenStore()
const contextmenus = (): ContextmenuItem[] => {
return [
@ -198,6 +226,25 @@ const exitCourse = async () => {
exitScreening() // 结束放映
// 打开点赞或者疑问 1点赞 2疑问
emitter.on('upvoteTrigger', (type) => {
// 监听
emitter.on('useExecPlay', (data: string|any) => {
console.log('useExecPlay', data)
if (!data) throw new Error('参数错误')
if (typeof data === 'string') { // 字符串
if (execPlay[data]) execPlay[data]()
else throw new Error('方法不存在')
} else { // 对象
const { key, ...params } = data || {}
const paramsArray = Object.values(params)
if (execPlay[key]) execPlay[key](...paramsArray)
else throw new Error('方法不存在')
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { computed, nextTick, onMounted, onUnmounted, ref, watch } from 'vue'
import { computed, nextTick, ref, watch } from 'vue'
import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia'
import { useSlidesStore, useClasscourseStore } from '../../store'
import type { ContextmenuItem } from '../../components/Contextmenu/types'
@ -95,7 +95,6 @@ import ScreenSlideList from './ScreenSlideList.vue'
import WritingBoardTool from './WritingBoardTool.vue'
import CountdownTimer from './CountdownTimer.vue'
import Divider from '../../components/Divider.vue'
import emitter from '@/utils/mitt';
import Chat from '../../api/chat' // 聊天
const props = defineProps<{
@ -103,7 +102,7 @@ const props = defineProps<{
const { slides, slideIndex, viewportRatio, currentSlide } = storeToRefs(useSlidesStore())
const { classcourse, isEmit } = storeToRefs(useClasscourseStore()) // 课堂信息
const { classcourse } = storeToRefs(useClasscourseStore()) // 课堂信息
const slideListWrapRef = ref<HTMLElement>()
const thumbnailsRef = ref<HTMLElement>()
@ -121,6 +120,7 @@ const {
} = useExecPlay()
const { slideWidth, slideHeight } = useSlideSize(slideListWrapRef)
const { exitScreening } = useScreening()
const { slidesLoadLimit } = useLoadSlides()
@ -210,7 +210,6 @@ const contextmenus = (): ContextmenuItem[] => {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@ -5,15 +5,14 @@ import { useSlidesStore, useClasscourseStore } from '../../../store'
import { KEYS } from '../../../configs/hotkey'
import { ANIMATION_CLASS_PREFIX } from '../../../configs/animation'
import message from '../../../utils/message'
import emitter from '@/utils/mitt';
export default () => {
const slidesStore = useSlidesStore()
const classcourseStore = useClasscourseStore() // 课堂信息-状态管理
const { slides, slideIndex, formatedAnimations, animationIndex } = storeToRefs(slidesStore)
const { slides, slideIndex, formatedAnimations } = storeToRefs(slidesStore)
// 当前页的元素动画执行到的位置
// const animationIndex = ref(0)
const animationIndex = ref(0)
// 动画执行状态
const inAnimation = ref(false)
@ -231,8 +230,8 @@ export default () => {
) turning(e, 'next')
onMounted(() => {document.addEventListener('keydown', keydownListener)})
onUnmounted(() => {document.removeEventListener('keydown', keydownListener)})
onMounted(() => document.addEventListener('keydown', keydownListener))
onUnmounted(() => document.removeEventListener('keydown', keydownListener))
// 切换到上一张/上一张幻灯片(无视元素的入场动画)
const turnPrevSlide = () => {
@ -2,10 +2,6 @@
<div class="pptist-screen">
<BaseView :changeViewMode="changeViewMode" v-if="viewMode === 'base'" />
<PresenterView :changeViewMode="changeViewMode" v-else-if="viewMode === 'presenter'" />
<!-- 点赞组件 -->
<upvote-vue ref="upvoteRef" type="2"></upvote-vue>
<!-- <div style="z-index: 999;position: absolute;top:10px">
</div> -->
@ -13,11 +9,9 @@
import { onMounted, onUnmounted, ref } from 'vue'
import { KEYS } from '../../configs/hotkey'
import useScreening from '../../hooks/useScreening'
import hooksUpvote from '../../api/upvote' // 点赞-工具
import BaseView from './BaseView.vue'
import PresenterView from './PresenterView.vue'
import upvoteVue from '@/views/tool/components/upvote.vue' // 点赞-子组件
const viewMode = ref<'base' | 'presenter'>('base')
@ -26,8 +20,6 @@ const changeViewMode = (mode: 'base' | 'presenter') => {
const { exitScreening } = useScreening()
const upvoteRef = ref(null)
hooksUpvote.init(upvoteRef) // 初始化点赞
// 快捷键退出放映
const keydownListener = (e: KeyboardEvent) => {
@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ export const createChart = ({ headers, data }) => {
// 大模型对话
export const sendChart = (data) => {
export const sendChart = ({ headers, data }) => {
return request({
url: '/qf/sendTalk',
method: 'post',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
<div class="file-list">
<el-dropdown @command="changeFile" v-if="type == 3">
<el-dropdown @command="changeFile">
<span class="el-dropdown-link">
{{ curFile.fileName }}
<i class="iconfont icon-xiangxia"></i>
@ -54,12 +54,11 @@
<script setup>
import { ref, reactive, onMounted, onUnmounted } from 'vue'
import { ref, reactive, onMounted, onUnmounted, watch } from 'vue'
import { completion, docList } from '@/api/mode/index'
import { sessionStore } from '@/utils/store'
import { dataSetJson } from '@/utils/comm.js'
import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user'
import { sendChart } from '@/api/ai/index'
import emitter from '@/utils/mitt';
const userInfo = useUserStore().user
@ -72,20 +71,12 @@ const props = defineProps({
item: {
type: Object,
default: () => {
return { name: '' }
return { name: '11' }
type: {
type: Number,
default: 1
type: Number,
default: 1
conversation_id: {
type: [Number, String],
default: ''
@ -109,8 +100,7 @@ const curNode = reactive({})
const params = reactive(
prompt: '',
dataset_id: '',
template: ''
dataset_id: ''
@ -118,24 +108,7 @@ const params = reactive(
const getCompletion = async (val) => {
try {
params.prompt = `按照${val}的要求,针对${curNode.edustage}${curNode.edusubject}${modeType.value} 对${curNode.itemtitle}进行教学分析`
params.template = props.item.prompt
let data = null;
// 教学大模型
if(props.curMode == 1){
const res = await sendChart({
content: params.prompt,
conversationId: props.conversation_id,
stream: false
data =
// 知识库模型
const res = await completion(params)
data =
const { data } = await completion(params)
let answer = data.answer
type: 'robot',
@ -152,6 +125,19 @@ const saveAdjust = (item) =>{
emitter.emit('onSaveAdjust', item.msg)
const modeType = ref('课标')
watch(() => props.type, (newVal) => {
if (newVal == 1){
modeType.value = '课标'
if (newVal == 2){
modeType.value = '教材'
if (newVal == 2){
modeType.value = '考试'
}, { immediate: false })
const curFile = reactive({})
const dataset_id = ref('')
@ -174,12 +160,11 @@ const changeFile = (val) =>{
params.document_ids = val.docId
const modeType = ref('')
onMounted(() => {
let data = sessionStore.get('subject.curNode')
Object.assign(curNode, data);
modeType.value = props.type == 1 ? '课标' : props.type == 2 ? '教材' : '考试'
Object.assign(curNode, data);
let jsonKey = `${modeType.value}-${data.edustage}-${data.edusubject}`
params.dataset_id = dataSetJson[jsonKey]
if(props.type == 3){
@ -14,10 +14,7 @@
<div class="flex">
<el-select v-model="curMode" placeholder="Select" class="mr-4 w-30">
<el-option v-for="item in modeOptions" :key="item.value" :label="item.label" :value="item.value" />
<el-button type="danger" link :disabled="!(templateList.length)" @click="removeItem(curTemplate, false)">
@ -55,8 +52,7 @@
<i class="iconfont icon-ai"></i>
<div class="item-answer">
<TypingEffect v-if="isStarted[index]" :text="item.answer" :delay="10" :aiShow="item.aiShow"
@complete="handleCompleteText($event, index)" @updateScroll="scrollToBottom($event, index)" />
<TypingEffect v-if="isStarted[index]" :text="item.answer" :delay="10" :aiShow="item.aiShow" @complete="handleCompleteText($event,index)" @updateScroll="scrollToBottom($event,index)" />
<div class="ai-btn" v-if="item.answer">
@ -81,7 +77,7 @@
<EditDialog v-model="isEdit" :item="editItem" />
<!--AI 对话调整-->
<AdjustDialog v-model="isAdjust" :type="type" :item="editItem" :curMode="curMode" :conversation_id="conversation_id"/>
<AdjustDialog v-model="isAdjust" :type="type" :item="editItem" />
<keywordDialog v-model="isWordDialog" :item="editItem" />
@ -90,7 +86,6 @@
import { ref, reactive, onMounted, onUnmounted, nextTick } from 'vue'
import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from 'element-plus'
import { tempSave, completion, modelList, removeChildTemp, tempResult, editTempResult } from '@/api/mode/index'
import { createChart, sendChart } from '@/api/ai/index'
import { sessionStore } from '@/utils/store'
import keywordDialog from './keyword-dialog.vue';
import AdjustDialog from './adjust-dialog.vue'
@ -99,23 +94,10 @@ import TypingEffect from '@/components/typing-effect/index.vue'
import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user'
import emitter from '@/utils/mitt';
import { dataSetJson } from '@/utils/comm.js'
import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash'
const props = defineProps(['type'])
const { user } = useUserStore()
const curMode = ref(1)
const modeOptions = ref([
label: '教学大模型',
value: 1
label: '知识库模型',
value: 2
@ -157,9 +139,9 @@ const curTemplate = reactive({ name: '', id: '' })
const templateList = ref([])
const childTempList = ref([])
const getTemplateList = () => {
modelList({ createUser: user.userId, model: props.type, type: 1, pageNum: 1, pageSize: 10000, ex1: curNode.edustage, ex2: curNode.edusubject }).then(res => {
modelList({ createUser: user.userId, model: props.type, type: 1, pageNum: 1, pageSize: 10000, ex1: curNode.edustage, ex2: curNode.edusubject }).then(res => {
templateList.value = res.rows
if (res.rows.length > 0) {
if(res.rows.length > 0){
Object.assign(curTemplate, res.rows[0]);
@ -169,7 +151,7 @@ const getChildTemplate = () => {
tempLoading.value = true
modelList({ model: props.type, type: 2, parentId:, ex1: curNode.edustage, ex2: curNode.edusubject }).then(res => {
childTempList.value = res.rows
if (childTempList.value.length) {
childTempList.value.forEach(item => item.answer = '')
@ -191,28 +173,28 @@ const getTempResult = () => {
if (rows.length > 0) {
if(rows.length > 0){
isStarted.value = new Array(rows.length).fill(true)
const scrollToBottom = (height, index) => {
const scrollToBottom = (height,index) =>{
if (listRef.value) {
let sum = 0
let listDom = listRef.value.children
if (index == 0) {
if(index == 0){
// 220 去掉头部
let screenHeight = window.innerHeight - 220
if (height > screenHeight) {
let screenHeight = window.innerHeight - 220
if(height > screenHeight){
listRef.value.scrollTop = (height - screenHeight + 50)
else {
for (let i = 0; i < index; i++) {
for(let i = 0; i < index; i++){
sum += listDom[i].clientHeight
listRef.value.scrollTop = sum + height
@ -270,6 +252,7 @@ const removeItem = async (item, isChild) => {
// Ai对话调整
const curIndex = ref(-1)
const isAdjust = ref(false)
@ -294,7 +277,6 @@ const params = reactive(
dataset_id: ''
const prompt = ref('')
// 重新研读
const isAgain = ref(false)
@ -303,10 +285,10 @@ const againResult = async (index, item) => {
isStarted.value[index] = false
childTempList.value[index].answer = ''
if (index == 0) {
if(index == 0){
listRef.value.scrollTop = 0
} else {
scrollToBottom(50, index)
@ -314,28 +296,8 @@ const againResult = async (index, item) => {
await nextTick()
childTempList.value[index].loading = true
item.aiShow = true
let str = cloneDeep(prompt.value)
str = str.replace('{模板标题}',
str = str.replace('{模板内容}',item.prompt)
params.prompt = str
params.template = item.prompt
let data = null;
// 教学大模型
if (curMode.value == 1) {
const res = await sendChart({
content: params.prompt,
conversationId: conversation_id.value,
stream: false
data =
} else {
// 知识库模型
const res = await completion(params)
data =
params.prompt = `按照${item.prompt}的要求,针对${curNode.edustage}${curNode.edusubject}${modeType.value} 对${curNode.itemtitle}进行教学分析`
const { data } = await completion(params)
childTempList.value[index].answer = getResult(data.answer);
isStarted.value[index] = true
@ -343,14 +305,13 @@ const againResult = async (index, item) => {
childTempList.value[index].loading = false
// 一键研读
const getCompletion = async () => {
isStarted.value = new Array(childTempList.length).fill(false)
isStarted.value[0] = true
childTempList.value.forEach(item => {
if (item.answer) {
childTempList.value.forEach(item =>{
item.answer = ''
@ -359,27 +320,8 @@ const getCompletion = async () => {
try {
item.loading = true
item.aiShow = true
let str = cloneDeep(prompt.value)
str = str.replace('{模板标题}',
str = str.replace('{模板内容}',item.prompt)
params.prompt = str
params.template = item.prompt
// 教学大模型
let data = null
if (curMode.value == 1) {
const res = await sendChart({
content: params.prompt,
conversationId: conversation_id.value,
stream: false
data =
// 知识库模型
else {
const res = await completion(params)
data =
params.prompt = `按照${item.prompt}的要求,针对${curNode.edustage}${curNode.edusubject}${modeType.value} 对${curNode.itemtitle}进行教学分析`
const { data } = await completion(params)
item.answer = getResult(data.answer)
} finally {
@ -388,14 +330,14 @@ const getCompletion = async () => {
const handleCompleteText = async (answer, index) => {
const handleCompleteText = async (answer, index) =>{
if (index < childTempList.value.length - 1) {
isStarted.value[index + 1] = true; // 开始显示下一个文本
if (isAgain.value) {
try {
await editTempResult({ id: childTempList.value[index].resultId, content: answer })
} finally {
isAgain.value = false
@ -444,30 +386,6 @@ emitter.on('onGetMain', () => {
// 创建对话
const conversation_id = ref('')
const getChartId = () => {
createChart({ app_id: '712ff0df-ed6b-470f-bf87-8cfbaf757be5' }).then(res => {
conversation_id.value =;
// 查询prompt 替换
const getPrompt = async () => {
const { rows } = await modelList({ model: 5 })
let str = rows.find(item => != -1).prompt
str = str.replace('{学段}', curNode.edustage)
str = str.replace('{学科}', curNode.edusubject)
let bookV = curNode.roottitle.split('-')[1] + '版本'
str = str.replace('{教材版本}', bookV)
str = str.replace('{课程名称}', `《${curNode.itemtitle}》`)
if(modeType.value == '课标'){
str = str.replace('{课标名称}', `${curNode.edustage}${curNode.edusubject}课标`)
prompt.value = str
const curNode = reactive({})
const modeType = ref('')
onMounted(() => {
@ -478,15 +396,6 @@ onMounted(() => {
let jsonKey = `${modeType.value}-${data.edustage}-${data.edusubject}`
params.dataset_id = dataSetJson[jsonKey]
// 获取百度千帆会话ID
conversation_id.value = localStorage.getItem('conversation_id')
if (!conversation_id.value) {
// 获取prompt
// 解绑
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
<div class="blockBox">
<el-button @click="currentType = 'selection'"><el-image :src="pointerImg"
<el-button @click="currentType = 'selection'"><el-image src="../../../src/assets/images/mouse-pointer.png"
style="width: 14px; height: 14px; color: silver" /></el-button>
<template v-if="type == 'design'">
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
<!-- 边框粗细 -->
<div class="blockBox">
<el-dropdown @command="updateStyle('lineWidth', $event)" placement="top">
<el-button><el-image :src="borderImg"
<el-button><el-image src="../../../src/assets/images/borderwidth.png"
style="width: 14px; height: 14px"></el-image></el-button>
<template #dropdown>
@ -303,9 +303,6 @@ import {
import Contextmenu from './components/Contextmenu.vue'
import { fontFamilyList, fontSizeList } from './constants'
const borderImg = new URL('../../../src/assets/images/borderwidth.png', import.meta.url).href
const pointerImg = new URL('../../../src/assets/images/mouse-pointer.png', import.meta.url).href
const props = defineProps({
modelValue: {
type: Boolean,
@ -42,10 +42,9 @@
<script setup>
import { ref, reactive, onMounted } from 'vue'
import { completion } from '@/api/mode/index'
import { dataSetJson } from '@/utils/comm.js'
import emitter from '@/utils/mitt';
import { sessionStore } from '@/utils/store'
import { sendChart } from '@/api/ai/index'
import { ElMessage } from 'element-plus'
const textarea = ref('')
@ -57,14 +56,6 @@ const props = defineProps({
default: () => {
return { name: '11' }
type: Number,
default: 1
conversation_id: {
type: [Number, String],
default: ''
@ -86,36 +77,13 @@ const send = () => {
const curNode = reactive({})
const params = reactive(
prompt: '',
dataset_id: '',
template: ''
// 大模型对话
// 获取会话ID
const getConversation = async (val) => {
try {
params.prompt = `按照${val}的要求,针对${curNode.edustage}${curNode.edusubject}课标,对${curNode.itemtitle}进行教学分析`
params.template = props.item.prompt
let data = null;
// 教学大模型
if(props.curMode == 1){
const res = await sendChart({
content: params.prompt,
conversationId: props.conversation_id,
stream: false
data =
// 知识库模型
const res = await completion(params)
data =
const { data } = await completion({
dataset_id: 'cee3062a9fcf11efa6910242ac140006',
prompt: val
type: 'robot',
msg: data.answer,
@ -126,16 +94,15 @@ const getConversation = async (val) => {
const saveAdjust = (item) => {
// emit('saveAdjust', item.msg)
emitter.emit('changeAdjust', item.msg)
isDialog.value = false
emitter.emit('onSaveAdjust', item.msg)
onMounted(() => {
let data = sessionStore.get('subject.curNode')
Object.assign(curNode, data);
// 框架设计 用课标的dataset_id
let jsonKey = `课标-${data.edustage}-${data.edusubject}`
params.dataset_id = dataSetJson[jsonKey]
@ -2,17 +2,14 @@
<div class="container-right flex">
<div class="right-header flex">
<div class="header-left">
<!-- <el-button type="primary" link>
<el-button type="primary" link>
<i class="iconfont icon-jiahao"></i>新活动
<el-button type="primary" link>
<i class="iconfont icon-baocun"></i>保存为教学模式
</el-button> -->
<div class="header-right">
<el-select v-model="curMode" placeholder="Select" class="mr-4 w-30">
<el-option v-for="item in modeOptions" :key="item.value" :label="item.label" :value="item.value" />
<el-button type="primary" :disabled="!(resultList.length)" @click="getCompletion">一键研读</el-button>
<el-button type="primary">生成大纲</el-button>
<el-button type="danger" @click="pptDialog = true">生成PPT</el-button>
@ -24,22 +21,21 @@
<div class="item-top flex">
<span>{{ }}</span>
<el-popover placement="bottom-end" trigger="hover" popper-class="template-custom-popover">
<template #reference>
<el-button link type="primary">
<i class="iconfont icon-shenglvehao"></i></el-button>
<template #default>
<el-button type="primary" link @click="editKeyWord(item, false)">编辑</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" link @click="removeItem(item, true)">移除</el-button>
<template #reference>
<el-button link type="primary">
<i class="iconfont icon-shenglvehao"></i></el-button>
<template #default>
<el-button type="primary" link @click="editKeyWord(item, false)">编辑</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" link @click="removeItem(item, true)">移除</el-button>
<div class="item-bom">
<div class="item-prompt">{{ item.prompt }}</div>
<div class="item-answer" v-if="item.answer">
<div class="answer-text">
<TypingEffect v-if="isStarted[index]" :text="item.answer" :delay="10" :aiShow="item.aiShow"
@complete="handleCompleteText($event, index)" @updateScroll="scrollToBottom($event, index)" />
<TypingEffect v-if="isStarted[index]" :text="item.answer" :delay="10" :aiShow="item.aiShow" @complete="handleCompleteText($event,index)" @updateScroll="scrollToBottom($event,index)" />
<div class="item-btn flex">
<el-button type="primary" link @click="againResult(index, item)">
@ -62,11 +58,11 @@
<EditDialog v-model="isEdit" :item="curItem" />
<AdjustDialog v-model="isAdjust" :item="curItem" :curMode="curMode" :conversation_id="conversation_id" />
<PptDialog @add-success="addAiPPT" :dataList="resultList" v-model="pptDialog" />
<AdjustDialog v-model="isAdjust" :item="curItem" />
<PptDialog @add-success="addAiPPT" :dataList="resultList" v-model="pptDialog"/>
<progress-dialog v-model:visible="pgDialog.visible" v-bind="pgDialog" />
<keywordDialog v-model="isWordDialog" :item="curItem" />
<keywordDialog v-model="isWordDialog" :item="curItem" />
<script setup>
@ -77,17 +73,15 @@ import emitter from '@/utils/mitt'
import EditDialog from './edit-dialog.vue'
import AdjustDialog from './adjust-dialog.vue'
import progressDialog from './progress-dialog.vue'
import { completion, tempResult, tempSave, removeChildTemp, editTempResult, modelList } from '@/api/mode/index.js'
import { createChart, sendChart } from '@/api/ai/index'
import { completion, tempResult, tempSave, removeChildTemp, editTempResult } from '@/api/mode/index.js'
// import { dataSetJson } from '@/utils/comm.js'
import * as commUtils from '@/utils/comm.js'
import PptDialog from '@/views/prepare/container/pptist-dialog.vue'
import keywordDialog from './keyword-dialog.vue'
import TypingEffect from '@/components/typing-effect/index.vue'
import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash'
import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user'
import { PPTXFileToJson } from '@/AixPPTist/src/hooks/useImport' // ppt转json
import {PPTXFileToJson} from '@/AixPPTist/src/hooks/useImport' // ppt转json
import * as API_entpcourse from '@/api/education/entpcourse' // 相关api
import * as API_entpcoursefile from '@/api/education/entpcoursefile' // 相关api
import * as Api_server from '@/api/apiService' // 相关api
@ -106,7 +100,7 @@ const pgDialog = reactive({ // 弹窗-进度条
width: 300,
showClose: false,
draggable: true,
beforeClose: done => { }, // 阻止-弹窗事件
beforeClose: done => {}, // 阻止-弹窗事件
pg: { // 进度条-参数
percentage: 0, // 百分比
color: [
@ -116,19 +110,6 @@ const pgDialog = reactive({ // 弹窗-进度条
const curMode = ref(1)
const modeOptions = ref([
label: '教学大模型',
value: 1
label: '知识库模型',
value: 2
emitter.on('changeMode', (item) => {
resultList.value = item.child
@ -140,8 +121,8 @@ const getCompletion = async () => {
isStarted.value = new Array(resultList.length).fill(false)
isStarted.value[0] = true
resultList.value.forEach(item => {
if (item.answer) {
resultList.value.forEach(item =>{
item.answer = ''
@ -150,28 +131,8 @@ const getCompletion = async () => {
try {
item.loading = true
item.aiShow = true
let str = cloneDeep(prompt.value)
str = str.replace(/{模板名称}/g,
params.prompt = str
params.template = item.prompt
// 教学大模型
let data = null
if (curMode.value == 1) {
const res = await sendChart({
content: params.prompt,
conversationId: conversation_id.value,
stream: false
data =
// 知识库模型
else {
const res = await completion(params)
data =
params.prompt = `按照${item.prompt}的要求,针对${curNode.edustage}${curNode.edusubject} 对${curNode.itemtitle}进行教学分析`
const { data } = await completion(params)
item.answer = getResult(data.answer)
} finally {
@ -180,14 +141,14 @@ const getCompletion = async () => {
const handleCompleteText = async (answer, index) => {
const handleCompleteText = async (answer, index) =>{
if (index < resultList.value.length - 1) {
isStarted.value[index + 1] = true; // 开始显示下一个文本
if (isAgain.value) {
try {
await editTempResult({ id: resultList.value[index].resultId, content: answer })
} finally {
isAgain.value = false
@ -273,26 +234,26 @@ const getTempResult = (id) => {
const scrollToBottom = (height, index) => {
const scrollToBottom = (height,index) =>{
if (listRef.value) {
let sum = 0
let listDom = listRef.value.children
if (listRef.value) {
let sum = 0
let listDom = listRef.value.children
if (index == 0) {
// 220 去掉头部
let screenHeight = window.innerHeight - 220
if (height > screenHeight) {
listRef.value.scrollTop = (height - screenHeight + 50)
else {
for (let i = 0; i < index; i++) {
sum += listDom[i].clientHeight
listRef.value.scrollTop = sum + height
if(index == 0){
// 220 去掉头部
let screenHeight = window.innerHeight - 220
if(height > screenHeight){
listRef.value.scrollTop = (height - screenHeight + 50)
for(let i = 0; i < index; i++){
sum += listDom[i].clientHeight
listRef.value.scrollTop = sum + height
// 去掉字符串中的 ### **
@ -304,14 +265,11 @@ let getResult = (str) => {
const params = reactive(
prompt: '',
dataset_id: '',
template: ''
dataset_id: ''
const prompt = ref('')
const addAiPPT = async (res) => {
const addAiPPT = async(res) => {
let node = courseObj.node
pptDialog.value = false;
if (!node) return msgUtils.msgWarning('请选择章节?')
@ -326,14 +284,14 @@ const addAiPPT = async (res) => {
} else courseObj.entp = resEnpt?.rows?.[0] || null
// 下载PPT 并解析json转换到我们自己数据库
.then(res => res.arrayBuffer())
.then(async buffer => {
.then(res => res.arrayBuffer())
.then(async buffer => {
const resPptJson = await PPTXFileToJson(buffer)
const { def, slides, ...content } = resPptJson
// 转换图片|音频|视频 为线上地址
let completed = 0
const total = slides.length
for (let o of slides) {
for( let o of slides ) {
await toRousrceUrl(o)
// 设置进度条
@ -342,14 +300,14 @@ const addAiPPT = async (res) => {
||| = 0
pgDialog.visible = false
// 生成ppt课件-父级
const p_params = { parentContent: JSON.stringify(content) }
const p_params = {parentContent: JSON.stringify(content)}
const parentid = await HTTP_SERVER_API('addEntpcoursefile', p_params)
if (!!parentid ?? null) { // 生成内容幻灯片
if (!!parentid??null) { // 生成内容幻灯片
// 生成备课资源-Smarttalk
HTTP_SERVER_API('addSmarttalk', { fileId: parentid })
HTTP_SERVER_API('addSmarttalk',{fileId: parentid})
if (slides.length > 0) {
const resSlides ={ id, ...slide }) => JSON.stringify(slide))
const params = { parentid, filetype: 'slide', title: '', slides: resSlides }
const resSlides ={id, ...slide}) => JSON.stringify(slide))
const params = {parentid, filetype: 'slide', title: '', slides: resSlides }
const res_3 = await HTTP_SERVER_API('batchAddNew', params)
if (res_3 && res_3.code == 200) {
@ -374,10 +332,10 @@ const againResult = async (index, item) => {
isAgain.value = true
isStarted.value[index] = false
resultList.value[index].answer = ''
if (index == 0) {
if(index == 0){
listRef.value.scrollTop = 0
} else {
scrollToBottom(50, index)
@ -385,27 +343,8 @@ const againResult = async (index, item) => {
await nextTick()
resultList.value[index].loading = true
item.aiShow = true
let str = cloneDeep(prompt.value)
str = str.replace(/{模板名称}/g,
params.prompt = str
params.template = item.prompt
let data = null;
// 教学大模型
if (curMode.value == 1) {
const res = await sendChart({
content: params.prompt,
conversationId: conversation_id.value,
stream: false
data =
} else {
// 知识库模型
const res = await completion(params)
data =
params.prompt = `按照${item.prompt}的要求,针对${curNode.edustage}${curNode.edusubject}课标对${curNode.itemtitle}进行教学分析`
const { data } = await completion(params)
resultList.value[index].answer = getResult(data.answer)
isStarted.value[index] = true
} finally {
@ -421,21 +360,11 @@ const onAdjust = (index, item) => {
Object.assign(curItem, item)
isAdjust.value = true
// 替换分析结果
emitter.on('onSaveAdjust', (item) => {
emitter.on('changeAdjust', (item) => {
resultList.value[curIndex.value].answer = item
// 保存 重新研读后的结果
const onEditSave = async (item) => {
const { msg } = await editTempResult({ id: item.resultId, content: item.answer })
// 编辑
const onEdit = (index, item) => {
curIndex.value = index
@ -457,12 +386,12 @@ const HTTP_SERVER_API = (type, params = {}) => {
fileFlag: 'aippt',
fileShowName: node.itemtitle + '.aippt',
textbookId: node.rootid,
levelFirstId: node.parentid ||,
levelFirstId: node.parentid||,
levelSecondId: node.parentid &&,
fileSource: '个人',
fileRoot: '备课'
return API_smarttalk.creatAPT({ ...def, ...params })
return API_smarttalk.creatAPT({...def, ...params})
case 'addEntpcourse': { // 添加课程
const node = courseObj.node || {}
@ -499,7 +428,7 @@ const HTTP_SERVER_API = (type, params = {}) => {
case 'getCourseList': { // 获取课程列表
return API_entpcourse.listEntpcourse(params)
case 'getCourseFileList': { // 获取课程文件列表
case 'getCourseFileList':{ // 获取课程文件列表
return API_entpcoursefile.listEntpcoursefileNew(params)
@ -526,7 +455,7 @@ const getDefParams = (params) => {
return Object.assign(def, params)
// 图片|音频|视频 转换为在线地址
const toRousrceUrl = async (o) => {
const toRousrceUrl = async(o) => {
if (!!o.src) { // 如果有src就转换
const isBase64 = /^data:image\/(\w+);base64,/.test(o.src)
const isBlobUrl = /^blob:/.test(o.src)
@ -540,73 +469,43 @@ const toRousrceUrl = async (o) => {
const formData = new FormData()
formData.append('file', file)
const res = await Api_server.Other.uploadFile(formData)
if (res && res.code == 200) {
if (res && res.code == 200){
const url = res?.url
url && (o.src = url)
url &&(o.src = url)
} else if (isBlobUrl) { // 视频和音频
const res = await fetch(o.src)
const blob = await res.blob()
const fileName = o.type == 'video' ? + '.mp4' : + '.mp3'
const fileName = o.type=='video'? + '.mp4' + '.mp3'
const file = commUtils.blobToFile(blob, fileName)
// o.src = fileName
// console.log('file', file)
const formData = new FormData()
formData.append('file', file)
const ress = await Api_server.Other.uploadFile(formData)
if (ress && ress.code == 200) {
if (ress && ress.code == 200){
const url = ress?.url
url && (o.src = url)
url &&(o.src = url)
if (o?.background?.image) await toRousrceUrl(o.background.image)
if (o?.elements) {
for (let element of o.elements) {
await toRousrceUrl(element);
for (let element of o.elements) {
await toRousrceUrl(element);
// ======== zdg end ============
// 创建对话
const conversation_id = ref('')
const getChartId = () => {
createChart({ app_id: '712ff0df-ed6b-470f-bf87-8cfbaf757be5' }).then(res => {
conversation_id.value =;
// 查询prompt 替换
const getPrompt = async () => {
const { rows } = await modelList({ model: 5 })
let str = rows.find(item =>'框架设计') != -1).prompt
str = str.replace('{学段}', curNode.edustage)
str = str.replace('{学科}', curNode.edusubject)
let bookV = curNode.roottitle.split('-')[1] + '版本'
str = str.replace('{教材版本}', bookV)
str = str.replace('{课程名称}', `《${curNode.itemtitle}》`)
prompt.value = str
const curNode = reactive({})
onMounted(() => {
let data = sessionStore.get('subject.curNode')
Object.assign(curNode, data);
courseObj.node = data
// 框架设计 用课标的dataset_id
let jsonKey = `课标-${data.edustage}-${data.edusubject}`
params.dataset_id = commUtils.dataSetJson[jsonKey]
// 获取百度千帆会话ID
conversation_id.value = localStorage.getItem('conversation_id')
if (!conversation_id.value) {
// 获取prompt
@ -615,7 +514,7 @@ onUnmounted(() => {
@ -640,7 +539,7 @@ onUnmounted(() => {
background: #F6F6F6;
padding: 15px;
flex-direction: column;
overflow-y: auto;
overflow-y: scroll;
.con-item {
width: 100%;
@ -649,8 +548,7 @@ onUnmounted(() => {
position: relative;
padding-left: 15px;
box-sizing: border-box;
&::after {
content: '';
width: 15px;
height: 15px;
@ -660,8 +558,7 @@ onUnmounted(() => {
left: -8px;
top: 5px;
&::before {
content: '';
width: 2px;
height: 100%;
@ -670,20 +567,17 @@ onUnmounted(() => {
left: -1px;
top: 5px;
&:last-child {
&::before {
content: '';
width: 0
.item-top {
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
margin-bottom: 5px;
.icon-shenglvehao {
font-weight: bold
@ -248,8 +248,6 @@ defineExpose({ trigger })
position: fixed;
// height: 90vh;
// border: 1px solid;
z-index: 99;
pointer-events: none;
inset: auto auto 3em 1em;
display: flex;
gap: 10px;
Reference in New Issue