Compare commits
69 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
zhengdegang | f9b80dd455 | |
zdg | 482cab5cd3 | |
zdg | 0d68e6efa7 | |
zdg | d432d97507 | |
zdg | a9443035c2 | |
lyc | 58e80d590e | |
lyc | 8a1c5d7186 | |
zdg | 7c3f3ea8fb | |
zdg | f2b1a097bb | |
朱浩 | a6e6f450c5 | |
zdg | 64e7c27a44 | |
zdg | c555de5fe5 | |
zhengdegang | a4f276908e | |
zdg | a10d3b078b | |
zdg | c1bba6e443 | |
lyc | 231a7b6dce | |
lyc | 310d9d3a2b | |
lyc | fae380f9c6 | |
lyc | a68fb21203 | |
朱浩 | 2c6ccd893b | |
朱浩 | 540e5f0179 | |
朱浩 | 8a8f90ce16 | |
朱浩 | 050f87a84a | |
yangws | c338f34127 | |
小杨 | 5b49eef8e8 | |
小杨 | 1060929532 | |
baigl | 448c4d979f | |
白了个白 | 222f558807 | |
白了个白 | ef5dfc8ed1 | |
yangws | 733855b95e | |
小杨 | 7a6f57a9b7 | |
白了个白 | 48571086c3 | |
白了个白 | b967c684d6 | |
白了个白 | 84e8acdef7 | |
白了个白 | d8c4556393 | |
“zouyf” | 2d9518804e | |
“zouyf” | e405eb041b | |
lyc | b0d3876e05 | |
lyc | eb197db4fd | |
lyc | 5808798b95 | |
lyc | 393587848f | |
yangws | 57fb6b9c75 | |
小杨 | 1882fd0dae | |
yangws | 7f2cacffac | |
小杨 | e1caa441cb | |
“zouyf” | 09e6bec69f | |
“zouyf” | d26af6446a | |
zouyf | ca3f2658a7 | |
“zouyf” | cd1fc036a2 | |
白了个白 | 42f24041db | |
zouyf | 727299aac9 | |
lyc | 27b0457eef | |
lyc | 34e74c5ec6 | |
“zouyf” | 208f5d496f | |
“zouyf” | 122fb41690 | |
朱浩 | eb4a58b306 | |
朱浩 | a313a0e8b0 | |
白了个白 | b081000f11 | |
“zouyf” | 630a7b4c50 | |
zhengdegang | 01dc5dc643 | |
zdg | 349bdbd181 | |
zdg | 8707b54420 | |
白了个白 | 124b584e38 | |
朱浩 | f08b5a8bee | |
朱浩 | e2255544da | |
朱浩 | cbc6f21100 | |
白了个白 | 639178c827 | |
zdg | 82091fbef5 | |
zdg | 76a14264d7 |
@ -130,7 +130,6 @@
"typescript": "~5.3.0",
"vite": "^5.3.1",
"vite-plugin-windicss": "^1.9.3",
"vue": "^3.4.30",
"vue-tsc": "^1.8.25",
"windicss": "^3.5.6"
@ -23,7 +23,9 @@ const defaultData = {
curNode: null, // 当前选中的节点
defaultExpandedKeys: [], //展开的节点
subjectTree: [] // "树结构" 章节
env: {}, // 不走同步 Pinia - 变量
curr: {} // 不走同步 Pinia - 当前信息
local: { // 本地(永久localStorage)
@ -1,15 +1,20 @@
<template v-if="loading">
<template v-else>
<Screen v-if="screening" />
<Editor v-else-if="_isPC" />
<Mobile v-else />
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { onMounted } from 'vue'
import { ref, onMounted, watch, onBeforeMount } from 'vue'
import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia'
import { useScreenStore, useMainStore, useSnapshotStore } from './store'
import { useScreenStore, useMainStore, useSnapshotStore, useSlidesStore } from './store'
import { LOCALSTORAGE_KEY_DISCARDED_DB } from './configs/storage'
import { deleteDiscardedDB } from './utils/database'
import { isPC } from './utils/common'
@ -17,10 +22,19 @@ import Editor from './views/Editor/index.vue'
import Screen from './views/Screen/index.vue'
import Mobile from './views/Mobile/index.vue'
// zdg
import msgUtils from '@/plugins/modal' // 消息工具
import * as API_entpcoursefile from '@/api/education/entpcoursefile' // 相关api
import { PPTApi } from './api'
import { sessionStore } from '@/utils/store' // electron-store 状态管理
import './api/watcher' // 监听
const loading = ref(true)
const _isPC = isPC()
const mainStore = useMainStore()
const snapshotStore = useSnapshotStore()
const slidesStore = useSlidesStore()
const { databaseId } = storeToRefs(mainStore)
const { screening } = storeToRefs(useScreenStore())
@ -29,9 +43,11 @@ if (import.meta.env.MODE !== 'development') {
onMounted(async () => {
await initLoad()
await deleteDiscardedDB()
loading.value = false // 加载完毕
// 应用注销时向 localStorage 中记录下本次 indexedDB 的数据库ID,用于之后清除数据库
@ -44,6 +60,30 @@ window.addEventListener('unload', () => {
const newDiscardedDB = JSON.stringify(discardedDBList)
localStorage.setItem(LOCALSTORAGE_KEY_DISCARDED_DB, newDiscardedDB)
/** 接口类型 */
interface Result {
code?: number,
msg?: string,
data?: any
rows?: Array<any>,
total?: number
// 获取参数
const initLoad: Function = () => {
// 获取缓存的ppt 资源数据
const resource = sessionStore.get('curr.resource')
if (!!resource) { // 有ppt 资源数据缓存
if (!!resource.parentContent) { // 有全局配置项
const opt = JSON.parse(resource.parentContent)
!!(opt.width??null) && slidesStore.setViewportSize(opt.width) // 有宽度配置项
!!(opt.ratio??null) && slidesStore.setViewportRatio(opt.ratio)// 有比例配置项
return PPTApi.getSlideList(
return Promise.resolve()
<style lang="scss">
@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
* @description ppt幻灯片相关的请求接口-集中处理
* @author zdg
* @date 2024-11-26
import { toRaw } from 'vue'
import msgUtils from '@/plugins/modal' // 消息工具
import * as API_entpcoursefile from '@/api/education/entpcoursefile' // 相关api
import * as useStore from '../store' // pptist-状态管理
import { sessionStore } from '@/utils/store' // electron-store 状态管理
import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user' // 外部-用户信息
const slidesStore = useStore.useSlidesStore()
const userStore = useUserStore()
/** 工具类 */
export class Utils {
static mxData: any = {
throTime: 0, // 节流时间
* 节流-防抖
* @param {*} func
* @param {*} delay
* @param {*} type 1-节流 2-防抖
* mxThrottle(() => {xxxx}, 200)
static mxThrottle(func, delay = 200, type = 1) {
if (type == 1) { // 节流(第一次触发后面的事件不触发)
const cur =
const lastExecuted = this.mxData.throTime
if (cur - lastExecuted > delay) {
this.mxData.throTime = cur
return func.apply(this)
} else { // 防抖(只触发最后一次事件)
const timer = this.mxData.throTime
!!timer && clearTimeout(timer)
this.mxData.throTime = setTimeout(() => {
return func.apply(this)
}, delay)
/** ppt相关后端接口处理 */
export class PPTApi {
// 变量
static isUpdate = true // 是否更新数据
// 获取所有幻灯片列表
static getSlideList(parentid: (Number | String)): Promise<Boolean> {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const params: object = { parentid, orderByColumn: 'fileidx', isAsc: 'asc', pageSize: 9999 }
const res: Result = await API_entpcoursefile.listEntpcoursefileNew(params)
if (res.code === 200) {
const slides = (res.rows || []).map(o => {
if (!!o.datacontent) {
const json = JSON.parse(o.datacontent)
!!json && ( =
return json
// 如果没有数据,默认空白页
return {id:,elements:[],background:{type:"solid",color:"#fff"}}
slidesStore.updateSlideIndex(0) // 下标0 为第一页
slidesStore.setSlides(slides) // 写入数据
} else msgUtils.msgError(res.msg || '获取数据失败');resolve(false)
// 新增幻灯片
static addSlide(data: object): Promise<Boolean> {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const enpt = sessionStore.get('curr.entp')||{}
const resource = sessionStore.get('curr.resource')||{}
const {id, ...content} = data
const params = {
entpid: userStore.user.deptId,
ppttype: 'file',
title: '',
fileurl: '',
filetype: 'slide',
datacontent: JSON.stringify(content),
filekey: '',
filetag: '',
fileidx: 0,
dflag: 0,
status: '',
const rid = await API_entpcoursefile.addEntpcoursefileReturnId(params)
if (!!rid) {
|||| = rid
// msgUtils.msgSuccess('新增成功')
this.isUpdate = false // 新增后会触发监听,不再更新数据
} else msgUtils.msgError('新增失败');resolve(false)
* @description 监听幻灯片数据变化,更新数据
* @param newVal
* @param oldVal
* @returns
static async updateSlides(newVal: object, oldVal: object) {
const newData = toRaw(newVal)
const oldData = toRaw(oldVal)
// console.log('监听幻灯片数据变化', newData, oldData)
if (!(newData&&newData.length)) return // 新数据为空,不需要更新数据
else if (!oldData.length) return // 初始加载,旧数据空不需要更新数据
const currentSlide = toRaw(slidesStore.currentSlide)
const isAdd = !/^\d+$/.test( // 是否新增
if (isAdd) { // 新增的幻灯片(id 为非数字,说明是新增的幻灯片)
const bool = await this.addSlide(currentSlide)
bool && this.batchUpdateSlides(newData, true) // 批量更新-排序
} else { // 防抖-更新
if (!this.isUpdate) return this.isUpdate = true // 下次更新数据
const params = {
datacontent: JSON.stringify(currentSlide),
Utils.mxThrottle(() => {this.updateSlide(params)}, 1000, 2)
// 更新幻灯片
static updateSlide(data: object): Promise<Boolean> {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const res: Result = await API_entpcoursefile.updateEntpcoursefileNew(data)
if (res.code === 200) {
} else msgUtils.msgError(res.msg || '更新失败');resolve(false)
* @description 批量更新 数据|排序
* @param list 数据
* @param sort 是否只更新排序
* @returns
static batchUpdateSlides(list: Slide[], sort: boolean): Promise<Boolean> {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const data: object[] =, index) => ({
fileidx: index,
datacontent: sort?null:JSON.stringify(o),
const res: Result = await API_entpcoursefile.batchUpdateNew(data)
if (res.code === 200) {
} else msgUtils.msgError(res.msg || '更新失败');resolve(false)
// 删除幻灯片
static delSlide(id: string): Promise<Boolean> {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const res: Result = await API_entpcoursefile.delEntpcoursefile(id)
if (res.code === 200) {
} else msgUtils.msgError(res.msg || '删除失败');resolve(false)
export default PPTApi
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
* @description api 无store循环引用
* @author zdg
import msgUtils from '@/plugins/modal' // 消息工具
import * as API_entpcoursefile from '@/api/education/entpcoursefile' // 相关api
export default class {
// 删除幻灯片
static delSlide(id: string): Promise<Boolean> {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const res: Result = await API_entpcoursefile.delEntpcoursefile(id)
if (res.code === 200) {
} else msgUtils.msgError(res.msg || '删除失败');resolve(false)
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
* @description 公共监听器
import { watch } from 'vue'
import { PPTApi } from './index'
import * as store from '../store'
import { sessionStore } from '@/utils/store' // electron-store 状态管理
const slidesStore = store.useSlidesStore()
const resource = sessionStore.get('curr.resource')
* @description 监听器
// 监听幻灯片内容变化
watch(() => slidesStore.slides, (newVal, oldVal) => {
PPTApi.updateSlides(newVal, oldVal) // 更新幻灯片内容
},{ deep: true })
// 监听标题变化
watch(() => slidesStore.title, (newVal, oldVal) => {
if (oldVal == '未命名演示文稿') return // 初始加载,不需要更新数据
updatePPT({title: newVal})
const updatePPT = async (data) => {
if (!resource) return
|||| =
await PPTApi.updateSlide(data) // 更新ppt内容
sessionStore.set('curr.resource.title', data.title)
@ -28,12 +28,12 @@ const convertFontSizePtToPx = (html: string, ratio: number) => {
export default () => {
const slidesStore = useSlidesStore()
const { theme } = storeToRefs(useSlidesStore())
const { addSlidesFromData } = useAddSlidesOrElements()
const { isEmptySlide } = useSlideHandler()
export default () => {
const exporting = ref(false)
@ -486,9 +486,413 @@ export default () => {
return {
// 导入PPTX 返回 json
export const PPTXFileToJson = (data: File|ArrayBuffer) => {
return new Promise(async(resolve, reject) => {
if (!data) return
let fileArrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer = null
let resData = {} // 返回的数据
const shapeList: ShapePoolItem[] = []
for (const item of SHAPE_LIST) {
// 获取文件的 ArrayBuffer
const getArrayBuffer = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reader = new FileReader()
reader.onload = () => {
reader.onerror = reject
if (data instanceof File) { // 文件
fileArrayBuffer = await getArrayBuffer()
} else if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { // ArrayBuffer
fileArrayBuffer = data
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid data type')
// 开始解析
const json = await parse(fileArrayBuffer)
const ratio = 96 / 72
const width = json.size.width
resData.def = json // 保留原始数据
resData.width = width * ratio
resData.ratio = slidesStore.viewportRatio
const slides: Slide[] = []
for (const item of json.slides) {
const { type, value } = item.fill
let background: SlideBackground
if (type === 'image') {
background = {
type: 'image',
image: {
src: value.picBase64,
size: 'cover',
else if (type === 'gradient') {
background = {
type: 'gradient',
gradient: {
type: 'linear',
colors: => ({
pos: parseInt(item.pos),
rotate: value.rot,
else {
background = {
type: 'solid',
color: value,
const slide: Slide = {
id: nanoid(10),
elements: [],
const parseElements = (elements: Element[]) => {
for (const el of elements) {
const originWidth = el.width || 1
const originHeight = el.height || 1
const originLeft = el.left
const originTop =
el.width = el.width * ratio
el.height = el.height * ratio
el.left = el.left * ratio
|||| = * ratio
if (el.type === 'text') {
const textEl: PPTTextElement = {
type: 'text',
id: nanoid(10),
width: el.width,
height: el.height,
left: el.left,
rotate: el.rotate,
defaultFontName: theme.value.fontName,
defaultColor: theme.value.fontColor,
content: convertFontSizePtToPx(el.content, ratio),
lineHeight: 1,
outline: {
color: el.borderColor,
width: el.borderWidth,
style: el.borderType,
fill: el.fillColor,
vertical: el.isVertical,
if (el.shadow) {
textEl.shadow = {
h: el.shadow.h * ratio,
v: el.shadow.v * ratio,
blur: el.shadow.blur * ratio,
color: el.shadow.color,
else if (el.type === 'image') {
type: 'image',
id: nanoid(10),
src: el.src,
width: el.width,
height: el.height,
left: el.left,
fixedRatio: true,
rotate: el.rotate,
flipH: el.isFlipH,
flipV: el.isFlipV,
else if (el.type === 'audio') {
type: 'audio',
id: nanoid(10),
src: el.blob,
width: el.width,
height: el.height,
left: el.left,
rotate: 0,
fixedRatio: false,
color: theme.value.themeColor,
loop: false,
autoplay: false,
else if (el.type === 'video') {
type: 'video',
id: nanoid(10),
src: (el.blob || el.src)!,
width: el.width,
height: el.height,
left: el.left,
rotate: 0,
autoplay: false,
else if (el.type === 'shape') {
if (el.shapType === 'line' || /Connector/.test(el.shapType)) {
const lineElement = parseLineElement(el)
else {
const shape = shapeList.find(item => item.pptxShapeType === el.shapType)
const vAlignMap: { [key: string]: ShapeTextAlign } = {
'mid': 'middle',
'down': 'bottom',
'up': 'top',
const element: PPTShapeElement = {
type: 'shape',
id: nanoid(10),
width: el.width,
height: el.height,
left: el.left,
viewBox: [200, 200],
path: 'M 0 0 L 200 0 L 200 200 L 0 200 Z',
fill: el.fillColor || 'none',
fixedRatio: false,
rotate: el.rotate,
outline: {
color: el.borderColor,
width: el.borderWidth,
style: el.borderType,
text: {
content: convertFontSizePtToPx(el.content, ratio),
defaultFontName: theme.value.fontName,
defaultColor: theme.value.fontColor,
align: vAlignMap[el.vAlign] || 'middle',
flipH: el.isFlipH,
flipV: el.isFlipV,
if (el.shadow) {
element.shadow = {
h: el.shadow.h * ratio,
v: el.shadow.v * ratio,
blur: el.shadow.blur * ratio,
color: el.shadow.color,
if (shape) {
element.path = shape.path
element.viewBox = shape.viewBox
if (shape.pathFormula) {
element.pathFormula = shape.pathFormula
element.viewBox = [el.width, el.height]
const pathFormula = SHAPE_PATH_FORMULAS[shape.pathFormula]
if ('editable' in pathFormula && pathFormula.editable) {
element.path = pathFormula.formula(el.width, el.height, pathFormula.defaultValue)
element.keypoints = pathFormula.defaultValue
else element.path = pathFormula.formula(el.width, el.height)
if (el.shapType === 'custom') {
if (el.path!.indexOf('NaN') !== -1) element.path = ''
else {
element.special = true
element.path = el.path!
const { maxX, maxY } = getSvgPathRange(element.path)
element.viewBox = [maxX || originWidth, maxY || originHeight]
if (element.path) slide.elements.push(element)
else if (el.type === 'table') {
const row =
const col =[0].length
const style: TableCellStyle = {
fontname: theme.value.fontName,
color: theme.value.fontColor,
const data: TableCell[][] = []
for (let i = 0; i < row; i++) {
const rowCells: TableCell[] = []
for (let j = 0; j < col; j++) {
const cellData =[i][j]
let textDiv: HTMLDivElement | null = document.createElement('div')
textDiv.innerHTML = cellData.text
const p = textDiv.querySelector('p')
const align = p?.style.textAlign || 'left'
const span = textDiv.querySelector('span')
const fontsize = span?.style.fontSize ? (parseInt(span?.style.fontSize) * ratio).toFixed(1) + 'px' : ''
const fontname = span?.style.fontFamily || ''
const color = span?.style.color || cellData.fontColor
id: nanoid(10),
colspan: cellData.colSpan || 1,
rowspan: cellData.rowSpan || 1,
text: textDiv.innerText,
style: {
align: ['left', 'right', 'center'].includes(align) ? (align as 'left' | 'right' | 'center') : 'left',
bold: cellData.fontBold,
backcolor: cellData.fillColor,
textDiv = null
const colWidths: number[] = new Array(col).fill(1 / col)
type: 'table',
id: nanoid(10),
width: el.width,
height: el.height,
left: el.left,
rotate: 0,
outline: {
width: el.borderWidth || 2,
style: el.borderType,
color: el.borderColor || '#eeece1',
cellMinHeight: 36,
else if (el.type === 'chart') {
let labels: string[]
let legends: string[]
let series: number[][]
if (el.chartType === 'scatterChart' || el.chartType === 'bubbleChart') {
labels =[0].map((item, index) => `坐标${index + 1}`)
legends = ['X', 'Y']
series =
else {
const data = as ChartItem[]
labels = Object.values(data[0].xlabels)
legends = => item.key)
series = => => v.y))
const options: ChartOptions = {}
let chartType: ChartType = 'bar'
switch (el.chartType) {
case 'barChart':
case 'bar3DChart':
chartType = 'bar'
if (el.barDir === 'bar') chartType = 'column'
if (el.grouping === 'stacked' || el.grouping === 'percentStacked') options.stack = true
case 'lineChart':
case 'line3DChart':
if (el.grouping === 'stacked' || el.grouping === 'percentStacked') options.stack = true
chartType = 'line'
case 'areaChart':
case 'area3DChart':
if (el.grouping === 'stacked' || el.grouping === 'percentStacked') options.stack = true
chartType = 'area'
case 'scatterChart':
case 'bubbleChart':
chartType = 'scatter'
case 'pieChart':
case 'pie3DChart':
chartType = 'pie'
case 'radarChart':
chartType = 'radar'
case 'doughnutChart':
chartType = 'ring'
type: 'chart',
id: nanoid(10),
chartType: chartType,
width: el.width,
height: el.height,
left: el.left,
rotate: 0,
themeColors: [theme.value.themeColor],
textColor: theme.value.fontColor,
data: {
else if (el.type === 'group' || el.type === 'diagram') {
const elements = => ({
left: _el.left + originLeft,
top: + originTop,
resData.slides = slides
@ -1,186 +1,187 @@
import type { Slide } from '../types/slides'
export const slides: Slide[] = [
id: 'test-slide-1',
elements: [
type: 'shape',
id: '4cbRxp',
left: 0,
top: 200,
width: 546,
height: 362.5,
viewBox: [200, 200],
path: 'M 0 0 L 0 200 L 200 200 Z',
fill: '#5b9bd5',
fixedRatio: false,
opacity: 0.7,
rotate: 0
type: 'shape',
id: 'ookHrf',
left: 0,
top: 0,
width: 300,
height: 320,
viewBox: [200, 200],
path: 'M 0 0 L 0 200 L 200 200 Z',
fill: '#5b9bd5',
fixedRatio: false,
flipV: true,
rotate: 0
type: 'text',
id: 'idn7Mx',
left: 355,
top: 65.25,
width: 450,
height: 188,
lineHeight: 1.2,
content: '<p><strong><span style=\"font-size: 112px;\">PPTist</span></strong></p>',
rotate: 0,
defaultFontName: 'Microsoft Yahei',
defaultColor: '#333'
type: 'text',
id: '7stmVP',
left: 355,
top: 253.25,
width: 585,
height: 56,
content: '<p><span style=\"font-size: 24px;\">基于 Vue 3.x + TypeScript 的在线演示文稿应用</span></p>',
rotate: 0,
defaultFontName: 'Microsoft Yahei',
defaultColor: '#333'
type: 'line',
id: 'FnpZs4',
left: 361,
top: 238,
start: [0, 0],
end: [549, 0],
points: ['', ''],
color: '#5b9bd5',
style: 'solid',
width: 2,
background: {
type: 'solid',
color: '#ffffff',
id: 'test-slide-2',
elements: [
type: 'text',
id: 'ptNnUJ',
left: 145,
top: 148,
width: 711,
height: 77,
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path: 'M 0 20 C 40 -40 60 60 100 20 C 140 -40 160 60 200 20 L 200 180 C 140 240 160 140 100 180 C 40 240 60 140 0 180 L 0 20 Z',
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fixedRatio: false,
rotate: 0
background: {
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type: 'shape',
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rotate: 0
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rotate: 0,
opacity: 0.7
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height: 140,
content: '<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><strong><span style=\"font-size: 80px;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(255, 255, 255);\">感谢观看</span></span></strong></p>',
rotate: 0,
defaultFontName: 'Microsoft Yahei',
defaultColor: '#333',
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type: 'solid',
color: '#fff',
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// defaultColor: '#333',
// },
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// viewBox: [200, 200],
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// fixedRatio: false,
// rotate: 0
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// type: 'solid',
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// {
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// id: 'vSheCJ',
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// viewBox: [200, 200],
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// rotate: 0
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// id: 'Mpwv7x',
// left: 211.29629629629628,
// top: 201.80555555555557,
// width: 605.1851851851851,
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// viewBox: [200, 200],
// path: 'M 0 0 L 200 0 L 200 200 L 0 200 Z',
// fill: '#5b9bd5',
// fixedRatio: false,
// rotate: 0,
// opacity: 0.7
// },
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// type: 'text',
// id: 'WQOTAp',
// left: 304.9074074074074,
// top: 198.10185185185182,
// width: 417.9629629629629,
// height: 140,
// content: '<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><strong><span style=\"font-size: 80px;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(255, 255, 255);\">感谢观看</span></span></strong></p>',
// rotate: 0,
// defaultFontName: 'Microsoft Yahei',
// defaultColor: '#333',
// wordSpace: 5
// }
// ],
// background: {
// type: 'solid',
// color: '#fff',
// },
// },
// {"id":"-3hMiOtk8M","elements":[],"background":{"type":"solid","color":"#fff"}},
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import { slides } from '../mocks/slides'
import { theme } from '../mocks/theme'
import { layouts } from '../mocks/layout'
import PPTApi from '../api/store'
interface RemovePropData {
id: string
propName: string | string[]
@ -155,14 +157,13 @@ export const useSlidesStore = defineStore('slides', {
this.slides = slides
deleteSlide(slideId: string | string[]) {
async deleteSlide(slideId: string | string[]) {
const slidesId = Array.isArray(slideId) ? slideId : [slideId]
const slides: Slide[] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.slides))
const deleteSlidesIndex = []
for (const deletedId of slidesId) {
const index = slides.findIndex(item => === deletedId)
const deletedSlideSection = slides[index].sectionTag
if (deletedSlideSection) {
@ -172,9 +173,14 @@ export const useSlidesStore = defineStore('slides', {
slides[index + 1].sectionTag = deletedSlideSection
// 后端先删除,再更新页面数据
const isDel = await PPTApi.delSlide(deletedId)
if (isDel) {
// 后端删除成功,更新页面数据
slides.splice(index, 1)
let newIndex = Math.min(...deleteSlidesIndex)
const maxIndex = slides.length - 1
@ -13,12 +13,12 @@
mainMenuVisible = false
<PopoverMenuItem>导入 pptx 文件(测试版)</PopoverMenuItem>
<PopoverMenuItem>导入 pptx 文件</PopoverMenuItem>
<PopoverMenuItem @click="setDialogForExport('pptx')">导出文件</PopoverMenuItem>
<PopoverMenuItem @click="resetSlides(); mainMenuVisible = false">重置幻灯片</PopoverMenuItem>
<PopoverMenuItem @click="goLink('')">意见反馈</PopoverMenuItem>
<PopoverMenuItem @click="goLink('')">常见问题</PopoverMenuItem>
<!-- <PopoverMenuItem @click="goLink('')">意见反馈</PopoverMenuItem> -->
<!-- <PopoverMenuItem @click="goLink('')">常见问题</PopoverMenuItem> -->
<PopoverMenuItem @click="mainMenuVisible = false; hotkeyDrawerVisible = true">快捷操作</PopoverMenuItem>
<div class="menu-item"><IconHamburgerButton class="icon" /></div>
@ -57,9 +57,12 @@
<div class="menu-item" v-tooltip="'导出'" @click="setDialogForExport('pptx')">
<IconDownload class="icon" />
<a class="github-link" v-tooltip="'Copyright © 2020-PRESENT pipipi-pikachu'" href="" target="_blank">
<div class="menu-item" v-tooltip="`${userStore.user.parentDeptName}-${userStore.user.nickName}`">
<el-avatar size="small" :src="avatar" />
<!-- <a class="github-link" v-tooltip="'Copyright © 2020-PRESENT pipipi-pikachu'" href="" target="_blank">
<div class="menu-item"><IconGithub class="icon" /></div>
</a> -->
@ -92,6 +95,9 @@ import Input from '../../../components/Input.vue'
import Popover from '../../../components/Popover.vue'
import PopoverMenuItem from '../../../components/PopoverMenuItem.vue'
import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user' // 外部-用户信息
const userStore = useUserStore() // 外部-用户信息
const mainStore = useMainStore()
const slidesStore = useSlidesStore()
const { title } = storeToRefs(slidesStore)
@ -104,7 +110,7 @@ const hotkeyDrawerVisible = ref(false)
const editingTitle = ref(false)
const titleInputRef = ref<InstanceType<typeof Input>>()
const titleValue = ref('')
const avatar = ref(import.meta.env.VITE_APP_BASE_API+userStore.avatar) // 用户头像
const startEditTitle = () => {
titleValue.value = title.value
editingTitle.value = true
@ -51,3 +51,9 @@ export class school {
static checkSchool = data => ApiService.publicHttp(`/smarttalk/audit/checkSchool`,data,'post')
export class Other {
static baseUrl = "/common/upload"
// 测试
static uploadFile = data => ApiService.publicHttp(this.baseUrl, data, 'post', null, 'file')
@ -109,3 +109,20 @@ export function pyOCRAPI(path) {
* @desc: 菁优网转发
* @return: {*}
* @param {*} url
* @param {*} config
export function getJYPath(url,config) {
config.params = config.params?config.params:{}
config.params["getjypath"] = url;
return request({
url: "/jy/proxy",
method: config.method||"get",
params: config.params
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
import request from '@/utils/request'
// 查询entpcourse列表
export function listEntpcourse(query) {
return request({
url: '/education/entpcourse/list',
method: 'get',
params: query
// 查询entpcourse详细
export function getEntpcourse(id) {
return request({
url: '/education/entpcourse/' + id,
method: 'get'
// 新增entpcourse
export function addEntpcourse(data) {
return request({
url: '/education/entpcourse',
method: 'post',
data: data
// 修改entpcourse
export function updateEntpcourse(data) {
return request({
url: '/education/entpcourse',
method: 'put',
data: data
// 删除entpcourse
export function delEntpcourse(id) {
return request({
url: '/education/entpcourse/' + id,
method: 'delete'
export function lpmChat(query) {
return request({
url: '/llm/chatToSD',
method: 'POST',
params: query
@ -85,6 +85,22 @@ export function updateFileByArray(data) {
data: data
// zdg: 批量更新pptist - 新
export function batchUpdateNew(data) {
return request({
url: '/education/entpcoursefile/batch/update',
method: 'post',
data: data
// zdg: 批量新增pptist - 新
export function batchAddNew(data) {
return request({
url: '/education/entpcoursefile/batch/add',
method: 'post',
data: data
// 修改entpcoursefile
export function updateFile2Redis(data) {
@ -102,6 +118,14 @@ export function delEntpcoursefile(id) {
method: 'delete'
// 删除entpcoursefile - new
export function delEntpcoursefileNew(id) {
return request({
url: '/education/entpcoursefile/delete',
method: 'get',
params: {id}
// 保存base64图片,返回url
export function saveEntpCourseBase64File(data) {
@ -9,6 +9,15 @@ export function listKnowlegepoint(query) {
// 查询知识点列表
export function listKnowlegepointFormat(query) {
return request({
url: '/point/formatList',
method: 'get',
params: query
// 查询一级知识点查下级所有层级
export function childKnowlegepoint(query) {
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<div id="aptContainer"></div>
export default {
props: {
modelValue:[Object,String], // json数据
width: { // 宽度
type: Number,
default: 0
height: { // 高度
type: Number,
default: 0
domId: { // 渲染元素ID
type: String,
default: 'aptContainer'
data() {
return {
description: 'apt预览组件-konva',
// konva相关对象 舞台 图层
konvaStage:null, konvaLayer:null
mounted() { // 页面渲染完
watch: {
modelValue: {
immediate: true, // 初始是否触发
handler(v) { // 参数1新值,参数2 旧值
!!v && this.loadJson()
methods: {
// 初始化Konva
initKonva() {
if(!this.width || !this.height) return false // 没有默认宽度高度直接使用数据中的
this.konvaStage = new Konva.Stage({
container: "aptContainer", // id of container <div>
width: this.width,
height: this.height,
// 加载数据
loadJson(data = this.modelValue) {
if (!data) return false
this.konvaStage = Konva.Node.create(data, this.domId)
<style lang="scss" scoped>
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
<el-link :href="href" target="_blank" type="primary">
<slot name="content">{{content}}</slot>
export default {
props: {
href: { // 跳转地址
type: String,
default: ''
data() {
return {
description: '备案号-添加',
content: '备案号:苏ICP备2024097972号-1'
methods: {
<style lang="less" scoped>
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
<!-- 表单-组件(自定义) -->
<el-row v-bind="rows||{}">
<!-- 其他内容-start -->
<slot name="start"></slot>
@ -80,7 +79,6 @@
<!-- 其他内容-end -->
<slot name="end"></slot>
export default {
@ -161,7 +159,9 @@ export default {
// 确定--提交
confirm() {
const formRefs = this.$refs.form
const isBool = this.$attrs.confirm && typeof this.$attrs.confirm === 'function'
this.$emit('confirm', formRefs)
if (isBool) this.$attrs.confirm(formRefs)
// 重置
resetFields() {
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
<el-pagination v-bind="pageOpt"
@change="(...agrs) => $emit('pageChange',...agrs)"
v-model:current-page="curPage" v-model:page-size="limit" />
// 功能说明:自定义-分页器
export default {
name: 'cPage',
props: {
page: { type: Object, required: true },
data() {
return {
def: {
// size: 'small',
background: false,
pageSizes: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100],
layout: 'total, sizes, prev, pager, next',
// layout: 'total, sizes, prev, pager, next, jumper',
computed: {
pageOpt() {
return Object.assign({},this.def,
curPage: {
get() { return },
set(val) { = val }
limit: {
get() { return },
set(val) { = val }
created() {},
methods: {}
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
<!-- 组件 -->
<slot name="top">
<div class="c-search" :hide="!isFold||isDef" v-if="fItems.length" :style="$">
<transition name="el-zoom-in-top">
<c-form v-show="isFold" ref="search" v-if="!noSearch && search" :form="search"
:itemOption="fItems" :option="fOption" :onEnter="fOnEnter" :rows="fRows" :cols="fCols">
<template v-for="item in formSlots" #[item]="data">
<slot :name="`f${item}`" v-bind="data"></slot>
<template #append>
<slot name="topAdd" v-if="$slots.topAdd"></slot>
<slot name="search" v-if="!$attrs.searchBtnNe">
<el-col style="text-align: center;margin: 5px 0 15px;">
<el-button icon="Search" type="primary" @click="$emit('change','query')">查询</el-button>
<el-button type="warning" @click="$emit('change','reset')">重置</el-button>
<div v-if="!isDef" :class="['fold',{hide:!isFold}]" @click="isFold=!isFold">
<!-- <i :class="'el-icon-arrow-' + (isFold?'down':'up')"></i> -->
<el-icon><component :is="isFold?'ArrowUp':'ArrowDown'"></component></el-icon>
<slot name="start"></slot>
<div :class="['m-list',{'ne':!isMain, hide:!isFold}]">
<slot name="tStart"></slot>
<el-table ref="table" v-bind="tAttrs" v-on="tOns">
<template #empty><slot name="empty">{{emptyText}}</slot></template>
<template #append><slot name="append"></slot></template>
<template v-for="(item, index) in optionItems" :key="index">
<el-table-column v-bind="item">
<!-- 列-表头-自定义 -->
<template #header="{column, $index}">
<slot :name="item.prop+'_header'" :column="column" :$index="$index">
<slot name="header" :column="column" :$index="$index">{{ item.label }}</slot>
<!-- 列内容-自定义 -->
<template #default="{row, column, $index}" v-if="item.type!='selection'">
<slot :name="item.prop" :row="row" :column="column" :$index="$index" :value="row[item.prop]">
<span v-if="item.attrs" v-bind="item.attrs">{{ defVal(row,item, $index, $attrs, column) }}</span>
<slot v-else :row="row" :column="column" :$index="$index" :value="row[item.prop]">{{ defVal(row,item, $index, $attrs, column) }}</slot>
<slot name="end"></slot>
<slot name="page">
<c-page v-if="!noPage" :page="page" v-on="$attrs" class="c-page" border="false"></c-page>
import cForm from './cForm.vue'
export default {
// inheritAttrs: false,
components: { cForm },
name: 'cTable',
props: {
option: Array, // 列配置
search: Object, // 搜索
fItems: { // 搜索字段配置
type: Array,
default: () => []
fOption: { // 搜索-表单配置
type: Object,
default: () => ({ labelW: '80px' })
// default: () => ({ inline: true, labelW: '80px', size: 'small' })
fOnEnter: Function, // 搜索--回车事件-公共
fRows: { // 搜索-行
type: Object,
default: _ => ({ gutter: 20 })
fCols: { // 搜索-非内联 inline
type: Object,
default: _ => ({ span: 8, xs: 24, sm: 12, md: 8, lg: 6 })
emptyText: {
type: String,
default: '暂无数据'
isDef: { // 默认样式-无美化
type: Boolean,
default: true
isMain: { // 间距
type: Boolean,
default: true
fold: { // 是否打开搜索
type: Boolean,
default: true
data: Object, // 数据
page: Object, // 分页
noSearch: Boolean, // 关闭搜索
noPage: Boolean, // 关闭分页
noDef: Boolean, // 取消默认配置
isMaxHeight: Boolean, // 是否最大高度
data() {
return {
// 搜索-插槽 打开搜索
formSlots: [], isFold: this.fold, height: null,
computed: {
optionItems() { // 默认列
const list = this.option || []
return => {
const def = { align: 'center', showOverflowTooltip: true }
if (o.width && o.showOverflowTooltip == undefined){
o.showOverflowTooltip = true // 设置宽度时,内容超出默认隐藏
return this.noDef ? o : Object.assign(def, o)
.filter(o => ?? true) // 过滤掉隐藏的-show
.filter(o => o.visible ?? true) // 过滤掉隐藏的-visible
tAttrs() { // $attrs 过滤掉其他属性
const attrs = {...this.$attrs}
Object.keys(attrs).forEach(key => {
// 空值过滤掉
if (!attrs[key]??null) delete attrs[key]
// 分页相关属性 过滤掉
else if (/^page.*/.test(key)) delete attrs[key]
// 其他属性处理 如 'style', 'class', 't-style', 't-class'
const tArr = Object.keys(attrs).filter(k => k.startsWith('t-'))
if (tArr.length) tArr.forEach(k => attrs[k.slice(2)] = attrs[k])
else ['style', 'class'].forEach(k => delete attrs[k])
// 高度处理
const hArrs = ['height', 'max-height', 'maxHeight']
const isH = Object.keys(attrs).some(k => hArrs.includes(k))
// 默认高度 默认设置最大高度
if (!isH) attrs[this.isMaxHeight?'max-height':'height'] = 500
// 设置数据
if ( =
return attrs
tOns() { // $on 过滤掉其他属性
const attrs = {...this.$attrs}
return Object.keys(attrs).reduce((p, c, a ) => {
if(typeof attrs[c]=='function')p[c]=attrs[c]; return p
}, {})
created() {},
mounted() {
methods: {
// 获取插槽名-搜索-插槽
getFormSlots() {
const props = => o.prop)
const keys = Object.keys(this.$slots)
this.formSlots = keys.filter(k => {
const isForm = /^f.*/.test(k) // 是否为搜索插槽
const isProp = props.some(p => k.endsWith(p)) // 该配置是否在配置中存在-不存在过滤掉
return isForm && isProp
}).map(k => k.replace(/^f/, '')) // 返回表单内部自定义插槽名
// 默认值处理
defVal(row, item, rowInd, attr, column) {
switch (item.type) {
case 'index': { // 默认-ind
const { curPage, limit, offset } = || attr
const start = offset || (curPage - 1) * limit || 0
return rowInd + 1 + start
return item.format ? item.format(row[item.prop], row, column, rowInd) : row[item.prop]
<style lang="scss" scoped>
// @import '~@/assets/styles/cmixin';
// $w 宽| $h 高| $bg 背景| $tBr 块圆角度 $tBg 块背景
@mixin scrollBar($w:8px,$h:8px,$tBr:20px,
$bg:#d3dce6,$tBg:#99a9bf, $tHbg: #409eff) {
&::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece {
background: $bg;
&::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: $w;
height: $h;
&::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
background: $tBg;
border-radius: $tBr;
@if $tHbg {
background: $tHbg;
overflow: hidden;
@include scrollBar;
// css调整
--bg: #fff;
padding-top: 10px;
// padding: 20px 20px 0;
background: var(--bg);
margin-bottom: 30px;
border-radius: 4px;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
--box-color: rgba(24,144,255,0.2);
--box-hover-color: rgba(24,144,255,0.6);
width: 100px;
height: 20px;
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display: inline-block;
text-align: center;
position: absolute;
background: var(--bg);
border-radius: 0 0 50px 50px;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%,5px);
box-shadow: 0px 3px 3px var(--box-color);
i{font-size: inherit;}
box-shadow: 0px 3px 3px var(--box-hover-color);
i{color: #1890ff;}
top: 12px;
border-radius: 50px 50px 0 0;
box-shadow: 0 -3px 3px var(--box-color);
&:hover{box-shadow: 0 -3px 3px var(--box-hover-color);}
margin-bottom: 10px;
// 改样式
padding: 20px;
border-radius: 4px;
&.ne{padding: 0;}
margin-top: 20px;
background: #fff;
margin-top: 10px;
justify-content: flex-end;
@ -71,4 +71,9 @@ defineExpose({
justify-content: flex-end;
box-sizing: border-box;
:deep(.format-work-desc > :is(div):first-child){
display: inline-block;
@ -40,11 +40,12 @@
<script setup>
import { ref, reactive, onMounted } from 'vue'
import { conversation, completion } from '@/api/mode/index'
import { ref, reactive, onMounted, watch } from 'vue'
import { completion } from '@/api/mode/index'
import { sessionStore } from '@/utils/store'
import { ElMessage } from 'element-plus'
import { dataSetJson } from '@/utils/comm.js'
import emitter from '@/utils/mitt';
const textarea = ref('')
@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ const props = defineProps({
return { name: '11' }
modeType: {
type: {
type: Number,
default: 1
@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ const send = () =>{
msg: textarea.value
loaded.value = true
textarea.value = ''
const curNode = reactive({})
@ -86,16 +87,11 @@ const params = reactive(
dataset_id: ''
// 获取会话ID
const getConversation = (val) => {
// 大模型对话
const getCompletion = async (val) => {
try {
params.prompt = `根据${curNode.edustage}${curNode.edusubject}课标${},${val}`
params.prompt = `按照${val}的要求,针对${curNode.edustage}${curNode.edusubject}${modeType.value} 对${curNode.itemtitle}进行教学分析`
const { data } = await completion(params)
let answer = data.answer
@ -109,17 +105,33 @@ const getCompletion = async (val) => {
const saveAdjust = (item) =>{
emit('saveAdjust', item.msg)
isDialog.value = false
emitter.on('saveAdjust', item.msg)
const modeType = ref('课标')
watch(() => props.type, (newVal) => {
if (newVal == 1){
modeType.value = '课标'
if (newVal == 2){
modeType.value = '教材'
if (newVal == 2){
modeType.value = '考试'
}, { immediate: false })
onMounted(() => {
let data = sessionStore.get('subject.curNode')
Object.assign(curNode, data);
let text = props.modeType == 1 ? '课标': props.modeType == 2 ? '教材' : '考试'
let jsonKey = `${text}-${data.edustage}-${data.edusubject}`
Object.assign(curNode, data);
let jsonKey = `${modeType.value}-${data.edustage}-${data.edusubject}`
params.dataset_id = dataSetJson[jsonKey]
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
import { ref, watch} from 'vue'
import { ElMessage } from 'element-plus'
import { editTempResult } from '@/api/mode/index.js'
import emitter from '@/utils/mitt';
const textarea = ref('')
@ -49,12 +50,12 @@ watch(() => props.item.answer, (newVal) => {
},{ deep: true })
const emit = defineEmits(['saveEdit'])
const onSave = () =>{
editTempResult({id: props.item.reultId, content: textarea.value}).then( res =>{
editTempResult({id: props.item.resultId, content: textarea.value}).then( res =>{
isDialog.value = false
emit('saveEdit', textarea.value)
emitter.emit('onGetChild', textarea.value)
@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
<div class="container-header flex">
<div class="header-left flex">
<el-button link @click="showDialog = true">
{{ curNode.edustage}}{{ curNode.edusubject }}{{ type == 1 ? '课标研读': '教材分析'}}<i class="iconfont icon-xiangxia"></i>
<div class="header-right flex">
<el-dropdown @command="changeTemplate" :hide-on-click="false">
<span class="el-dropdown-link">
{{ }}
<i class="iconfont icon-xiangxia"></i>
<template #dropdown>
<el-dropdown-item v-for="item in templateList" :command="item" :key="">{{
<el-button type="primary" link @click="onAdd">
<Plus />
<!-- <el-button type="primary" link>保存模板</el-button> -->
<el-button type="primary" @click="aiRead">一键研读</el-button>
<keywordDialog v-model="wordDialog" :modeType="type" :isAdd="wordDialog" :item="curTemplate" />
<Dialog v-model="showDialog" :modeType="type" />
<script setup>
import { ref, reactive, onMounted, onUnmounted, watch } from 'vue'
import { Plus } from '@element-plus/icons-vue'
import { ElMessageBox } from 'element-plus'
import { modelList } from '@/api/mode/index'
import Dialog from './dialog.vue'
import keywordDialog from './keyword-dialog.vue'
import emitter from '@/utils/mitt';
import { sessionStore } from '@/utils/store'
const wordDialog = ref(false)
const props = defineProps({
type: {
type: Number,
default: 1
watch(() => props.type, (newValue) => {
console.log(newValue, 'newValue2');
}, { immediate: true });
const emit = defineEmits(['changeTemp', 'onRead'])
const showDialog = ref(false)
const aiRead = () => {
// 当前模板名称
const curTemplate = reactive({ name: '', id: '' })
// 模板列表
const templateList = ref([])
// 获取模板列表
const getTemplateList = () => {
modelList({ model: props.type, type: 1, pageNum: 1, pageSize: 10000 }).then(res => {
templateList.value = res.rows
Object.assign(curTemplate, res.rows[0]);
emit('changeTemp', res.rows[0].id)
// 模板切换
const changeTemplate = (val) => {
confirmButtonText: '确定',
cancelButtonText: '取消',
type: 'warning',
.then(() => {
Object.assign(curTemplate, val);
emitter.on('onGetMain', () =>{
const onAdd = () => {
wordDialog.value = true
onUnmounted(() => {
const curNode = reactive({})
onMounted(() => {
let data = sessionStore.get('subject.curNode')
Object.assign(curNode, data);
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.container-header {
height: 45px;
background: #fff;
border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px 0px rgba(99, 99, 99, 0.06);
.header-left {
width: 50%;
align-items: center;
padding-left: 20px;
.header-right {
width: 50%;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
padding: 0 10px;
.icon-xiangxia {
margin-left: 5px;
font-weight: bold;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<el-dialog v-model="mode" :show-close="false" width="600" destroy-on-close>
<el-dialog v-model="mode" :show-close="false" width="600" append-to-body destroy-on-close>
<template #header>
<div class="custom-header flex">
<span>{{ item.ex3 == '1' ? '请输入新的模板名称' : isAdd ? '添加提示词' : '编辑提示词' }}</span>
@ -12,12 +12,10 @@
<el-form-item label="名称">
<el-input v-model="" />
<el-form-item label="提示词" v-if="item.ex3 == '1' ? false : true">
<el-input v-model="form.prompt" type="textarea" />
<template #footer>
<div class="dialog-footer">
@ -52,14 +50,9 @@ const props = defineProps({
return { ex3: '' }
tempId: {
type: [String, Number],
default: ''
const form = reactive({
name: '',
prompt: '',
@ -73,16 +66,17 @@ watch(() => props.isAdd, (newVal) => {
}, { immediate: false })
const loading = ref(false)
const saveAdd = async () => {
loading.value = true
if (props.item.ex3 == '1') {
if (props.isAdd) {
try {
// 系统预设模板 copy一份
const { msg } = await addKeyWords({ name:, id: })
mode.value = false
} finally {
@ -138,7 +132,6 @@ const onAddChildTemp = async (parentId) => {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@ -56,10 +56,10 @@ const title = computed(() => {
const radio = ref(1)
const radioList = ref([
{ label: '浏览研读', value: 1 },
{ label: '跨学科研读', value: 2 },
{ label: '跨学段研读', value: 3 },
{ label: '课标修订研读', value: 4 },
{ label: '自由研读', value: 5 },
// { label: '跨学科研读', value: 2 },
// { label: '跨学段研读', value: 3 },
// { label: '课标修订研读', value: 4 },
// { label: '自由研读', value: 5 },
const list = ref([
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<div class="container-left-page flex">
<div class="container-left-header flex">
<el-button link @click="onClick">
{{ curNode.edustage }}{{ curNode.edusubject }}{{ type == 1 ? '课标研读' : '教材分析' }}<i
class="iconfont icon-xiangxia"></i>
<div class="container-left-pdf">
<PDF :url="pdfUrl" :showCatalog="false" v-if="pdfUrl" />
<LeftDialog v-model="showDialog" :modeType="type" />
<script setup>
import { ref, onMounted, nextTick } from 'vue'
import { sessionStore } from '@/utils/store'
import PDF from '@/components/PdfJs/index.vue'
import LeftDialog from './left-dialog.vue'
const props = defineProps(['curNode', 'type'])
const showDialog = ref(false)
const onClick = () => {
if (props.type == 1) return
showDialog.value = true
// 加载PDF
const pdfUrl = ref('')
onMounted(async () => {
await nextTick()
let data = sessionStore.get('subject.curBook')
let fileurl = data.fileurl
if(props.type == 1){
fileurl = `${data.edustage}-${data.edusubject}-课标.txt`
pdfUrl.value = import.meta.env.VITE_APP_RES_FILE_PATH + fileurl.replace('.txt', '.pdf')
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.container-left-page {
height: 100%;
flex-direction: column;
.container-left-header {
height: 45px;
background: #fff;
border-radius: 5px 0 0 0;
justify-content: flex-start;
padding-left: 10px;
.icon-xiangxia {
margin-left: 5px;
font-weight: bold;
.container-left-pdf {
flex: 1;
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
<div class="container-pdf">
<PDF :url="pdfUrl" :showCatalog="false" v-if="pdfUrl" />
<script setup>
import { ref, onMounted, nextTick } from 'vue';
import PDF from '@/components/PdfJs/index.vue'
import { sessionStore } from '@/utils/store'
const pdfUrl = ref('')
onMounted(async () =>{
await nextTick()
const { fileurl } = sessionStore.get('subject.curBook')
pdfUrl.value = import.meta.env.VITE_APP_RES_FILE_PATH + fileurl.replace('.txt','.pdf')
<style lang="scss" scoped>
height: 100%;
@ -1,505 +0,0 @@
<div class="read-container">
<el-scrollbar height="100%">
<div class="template-list">
<el-row v-for="(item, index) in childTempList">
<el-col :span="24">
<div class="template-item" v-loading="item.loading">
<div class="item-header">
<span class="blue">#</span>{{ }}
<el-popover placement="bottom-end" trigger="hover" popper-class="template-custom-popover">
<template #reference>
<el-button link type="primary">
<i class="iconfont icon-shenglvehao"></i></el-button>
<template #default>
<el-button type="primary" link @click="editKeyWord(item)">编辑</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" link @click="removeItem(item)">移除</el-button>
<div class="item-text">
{{ item.prompt }}
<div class="item-text text-answer" v-if="item.answer">
<div class="item-icon">
<i class="iconfont icon-ai"></i>
<div class="item-answer" v-html="item.answer"></div>
<div class="ai-btn" v-if="item.answer">
<el-button type="primary" link @click="againResult(index, item)">
<i class="iconfont icon-ai1"></i>
<el-button type="primary" link @click="onAdjust(index, item)">
<i class="iconfont icon-duihua"></i>
<el-button type="primary" link @click="onEdit(index, item)">
<i class="iconfont icon-bianji1"></i>
<el-empty v-if="!childTempList.length" description="暂无模板数据" />
<EditDialog v-model="isEdit" :item="editItem" @saveEdit="saveEdit" />
<!--AI 对话调整-->
<AdjustDialog v-model="isAdjust" :modeType="modeType" :item="editItem" @saveAdjust="saveAdjust" />
<keywordDialog v-model="isEditKeyWord" :isAdd="isAdd" :item="keywordItem" :tempId="tempId" />
<script setup>
import { ref, reactive, onMounted, watch, onUnmounted } from 'vue';
import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from 'element-plus'
import EditDialog from './edit-dialog.vue'
import AdjustDialog from './adjust-dialog.vue'
import keywordDialog from './keyword-dialog.vue';
import { sessionStore } from '@/utils/store'
import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user'
import { tempSave, completion, modelList, removeChildTemp, tempResult } from '@/api/mode/index'
import { dataSetJson } from '@/utils/comm.js'
import emitter from '@/utils/mitt';
const userStore = useUserStore()
const props = defineProps({
tempId: {
type: [String, Number],
default: ''
modeType: {
type: Number,
default: 1
emitter.on('onGetChild', () =>{
// 获取子模板
const tempLoading = ref(false)
const childTempList = ref([])
const getChildTemplate = () => {
tempLoading.value = true
modelList({ model: props.modeType, type: 2, parentId: props.tempId }).then(res => {
childTempList.value = res.rows
}).finally(() => {
tempLoading.value = false
// 查询模板结果
const getTempResult = () => {
tempResult({ mainModelId: props.tempId }).then(res => {
let rows = res.rows
childTempList.value.forEach(item => {
rows.forEach(el => {
if ( == el.modelId) {
item.answer = el.content
item.reultId =
const isEdit = ref(false)
watch(() => props.tempId, (newVal) => {
if (newVal) {
// isEdit.value = true
// 获取会话ID
const params = reactive(
prompt: '',
dataset_id: ''
const curNode = reactive({})
const getConversation = () => {
// 大模型对话
const getCompletion = async () => {
for (let item of childTempList.value) {
try {
item.loading = true
params.prompt = `根据${curNode.edustage}${curNode.edusubject}课标,提炼出${}`
const { data } = await completion(params)
let answer = data.answer
item.oldAnswer = answer
item.answer = getResult(answer);
} finally {
item.loading = false
// 保存模板
const onSaveTemp = (item) => {
const data = {
mainModelId: props.tempId,
examDocld: '',
content: item.oldAnswer
tempSave(data).then(res => {
// 重新研读
const againResult = async (index, item) => {
try {
childTempList.value[index].loading = true
params.prompt = `根据${curNode.edustage}${curNode.edusubject}课标,提炼出${}`
const { data } = await completion(params)
let answer = data.answer
childTempList.value[index].oldAnswer = answer
childTempList.value[index].answer = getResult(answer);
} finally {
childTempList.value[index].loading = false
// 分析获取课标对话结果
let getResult = (text) => {
text = text.replace(/^\n\n(.*?)\n\n$/s, '<div>$1</div>');
text = text.replace(/^\n(.*?)\n$/s, '<p>$1</p>');
text = text.replace(/\*\*(.*?)\*\*/g, "<div class='text-tit'>$1</div>");
text = text.replace(/(\d+\..*?)\n/g, "<div class='text-num'>$1</div>\n");
return text
// 编辑
const curIndex = ref(-1)
const editItem = reactive({})
const onEdit = (index, item) => {
curIndex.value = index
Object.assign(editItem, item)
isEdit.value = true
// 保存编辑
const saveEdit = (data) => {
// childTempList.value[curIndex.value].oldAnswer = data
// let answer = getResult(data);
// childTempList.value[curIndex.value].answer = answer
const isAdjust = ref(false)
const onAdjust = (index, item) => {
curIndex.value = index
Object.assign(editItem, item)
isAdjust.value = true
const saveAdjust = (item) => {
childTempList.value[curIndex.value].oldAnswer = item
let answer = getResult(item);
childTempList.value[curIndex.value].answer = answer
// 编辑提示词
const keywordItem = reactive({})
const isEditKeyWord = ref(false)
const isAdd = ref(true)
const editKeyWord = (item) => {
isAdd.value = false
isEditKeyWord.value = true
Object.assign(keywordItem, item)
// 移除子模板
const removeItem = async (item) => {
if (item.ex3 != '1') {
confirmButtonText: '确定',
cancelButtonText: '取消',
type: 'warning',
).then(() => {
removeChildTemp( => {
isAdd.value = false
Object.assign(keywordItem, item)
isEditKeyWord.value = true
// const { msg } = await removeChildTemp(
// ElMessage.success(msg)
// getChildTemplate()
onMounted(() => {
let data = sessionStore.get('subject.curNode')
Object.assign(curNode, data);
let text = props.modeType == 1 ? '课标' : props.modeType == 2 ? '教材' : '考试'
let jsonKey = `${text}-${data.edustage}-${data.edusubject}`
params.dataset_id = dataSetJson[jsonKey]
// 解绑
onUnmounted(() => {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.read-container {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
width: 100%;
padding: 15px 0;
height: 100%;
position: relative;
.el-scrollbar {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
left: 0;
top: 0;
.el-dropdown-link {
font-weight: bold;
.el-icon--right {
font-weight: bold;
.read-header {
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
.add-btn {
font-size: 13px;
.icon-jiahao {
margin-right: 3px;
font-size: 14px;
.right-con {
display: flex;
.template-list {
.template-item {
background: #fff;
padding: 10px;
margin-top: 10px;
border-radius: 5px;
.item-header {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
font-size: 16px;
font-weight: bold;
color: #000;
justify-content: space-between;
.blue {
font-size: 22px;
color: #409eff;
margin-right: 5px;
.item-text {
display: flex;
margin-top: 10px;
font-size: 14px;
text-align: left;
color: #606266;
.item-icon {
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
line-height: 30px;
text-align: center;
background: #F6F6F6;
border-radius: 50%;
margin-right: 10px;
flex-shrink: 0;
.item-answer {
flex-direction: column;
padding-top: 5px;
:deep(.text-tit) {
font-weight: bold;
margin: 10px 0;
:deep(.text-num) {
padding-left: 2em;
.text-answer {
color: #409eff;
.ai-btn {
margin-top: 10px;
display: flex;
justify-content: flex-end;
.iconfont {
margin-right: 3px;
:deep(.el-button) {
font-size: 13px;
.icon-ai1 {
font-size: 18px;
.template-item-result {
background: #DDEAFD !important;
.result-item-header {
display: flex;
align-items: flex-start;
text-align: left;
font-size: 16px;
font-weight: bold;
color: #3D3D3D;
.icon-xiaoxi {
color: #5881D5;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 20px;
margin-right: 10px;
.result-icon-btn {
justify-content: space-between;
font-size: 13px;
margin-top: 5px;
span {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
cursor: pointer;
margin-right: 10px;
&:hover {
background: #cfe0fa
.iconfont {
margin-right: 3px;
color: #3498fc;
.line {
height: 1px;
background: #D8D8D8;
margin: 10px 0;
.other-msg {
font-size: 13px;
.other-user {
align-items: center;
color: #BA4B0F;
font-size: 12px;
.icon-touxiang {
color: #BA4B0F;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 16px;
margin-right: 5px;
.other-text {
color: #191919;
text-align: left;
.icon-shenglvehao {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 22px;
:deep(.el-popover) {
min-width: 50px;
width: 50px !important;
.pl-25 {
padding-left: 25px;
.template-custom-popover {
width: 110px !important;
min-width: 110px !important;
@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
<div class="container-right-page flex">
<div class="container-right-header flex">
<el-dropdown @command="changeTemplate" :hide-on-click="false">
<span class="el-dropdown-link">
{{ }}
<i class="iconfont icon-xiangxia"></i>
<template #dropdown>
<el-dropdown-item v-for="item in templateList" :command="item" :key="">{{
<el-button type="danger" link @click="removeItem(curTemplate, false)">
<el-button type="primary" link @click="onAdd">
<i class="iconfont icon-jiahao"></i>
<el-button type="primary" :disabled="!(childTempList.length)" @click="getCompletion">一键研读</el-button>
<div class="container-right-list">
<template v-for="(item, index) in childTempList">
<div class="template-item" v-loading="item.loading">
<div class="item-header">
<span class="blue">#</span>{{ }}
<el-popover placement="bottom-end" trigger="hover" popper-class="template-custom-popover">
<template #reference>
<el-button link type="primary">
<i class="iconfont icon-shenglvehao"></i></el-button>
<template #default>
<el-button type="primary" link @click="editKeyWord(item)">编辑</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" link @click="removeItem(item, true)">移除</el-button>
<div class="item-text">
{{ item.prompt }}
<div class="item-text text-answer" v-if="item.answer">
<div class="item-icon">
<i class="iconfont icon-ai"></i>
<div class="item-answer" v-html="item.answer"></div>
<div class="ai-btn" v-if="item.answer">
<el-button type="primary" link @click="againResult(index, item)">
<i class="iconfont icon-ai1"></i>
<el-button type="primary" link @click="onAdjust(index, item)">
<i class="iconfont icon-duihua"></i>
<el-button type="primary" link @click="onEdit(index, item)">
<i class="iconfont icon-bianji1"></i>
<el-empty v-if="!childTempList.length" description="暂无模板数据" />
<EditDialog v-model="isEdit" :item="editItem" />
<!--AI 对话调整-->
<AdjustDialog v-model="isAdjust" :type="type" :item="editItem" />
<keywordDialog v-model="isWordDialog" :isAdd="isAdd" :item="editItem" />
<script setup>
import { ref, reactive, onMounted, watch, onUnmounted } from 'vue'
import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from 'element-plus'
import { tempSave, completion, modelList, removeChildTemp, tempResult, editTempResult } from '@/api/mode/index'
import { sessionStore } from '@/utils/store'
import keywordDialog from './keyword-dialog.vue';
import AdjustDialog from './adjust-dialog.vue'
import EditDialog from './edit-dialog.vue'
import emitter from '@/utils/mitt';
import { dataSetJson } from '@/utils/comm.js'
const props = defineProps(['curNode', 'type'])
* isWordDialog : 提示词弹窗
* isAdd : 是否添加 默认false
* editItem: 当前操作的item (添加的时候不需要这个)
const isWordDialog = ref(false)
const isAdd = ref(false)
const editItem = reactive({})
const onAdd = () => {
isAdd.value = true
Object.assign(editItem, curTemplate)
isWordDialog.value = true
const editKeyWord = (item, val) => {
* isAdd: 字模板中的移除 为编辑 头部删除 添加提示词为新增
isAdd.value = val
Object.assign(editItem, item)
isWordDialog.value = true
* curTemplate :当前模板
* templateList :主模板List
* childTempList : 子模板List
* getTemplateList() : 获取主模板
* getChildTemplate() :获取子模板
const tempLoading = ref(false)
const curTemplate = reactive({ name: '', id: '' })
const templateList = ref([])
const childTempList = ref([])
const getTemplateList = () => {
modelList({ model: props.type, type: 1, pageNum: 1, pageSize: 10000 }).then(res => {
templateList.value = res.rows
Object.assign(curTemplate, res.rows[0]);
const getChildTemplate = () => {
tempLoading.value = true
modelList({ model: props.type, type: 2, parentId: }).then(res => {
childTempList.value = res.rows
}).finally(() => {
tempLoading.value = false
// 查询模板结果
const getTempResult = () => {
tempResult({ mainModelId:, pageNum: 1, pageSize: 10000 }).then(res => {
let rows = res.rows
childTempList.value.forEach(item => {
rows.forEach(el => {
if ( == el.modelId) {
item.answer = el.content
item.resultId =
// 模板切换
const changeTemplate = (val) => {
confirmButtonText: '确定',
cancelButtonText: '取消',
type: 'warning',
).then(() => {
Object.assign(curTemplate, val);
// 移除模板
const removeItem = async (item, isChild) => {
* item: 当前操作的模板
* isChild: 子模板中的移除为 true
if (item.ex3 != '1') {
confirmButtonText: '确定',
cancelButtonText: '取消',
type: 'warning',
).then(() => {
removeChildTemp( => {
// 获取子模板
// 获取主模板
else {
// Ai对话调整
const curIndex = ref(-1)
const isAdjust = ref(false)
const onAdjust = (index, item) => {
curIndex.value = index
Object.assign(editItem, item)
isAdjust.value = true
// 编辑结果
const isEdit = ref(false)
const onEdit = (index, item) => {
curIndex.value = index
Object.assign(editItem, item)
isEdit.value = true
const modeType = ref('课标')
watch(() => props.type, (newVal) => {
if (newVal == 1){
modeType.value = '课标'
if (newVal == 2){
modeType.value = '教材'
if (newVal == 2){
modeType.value = '考试'
}, { immediate: false })
// 重新研读
const params = reactive(
prompt: '',
dataset_id: ''
// 重新研读
const againResult = async (index, item) => {
try {
childTempList.value[index].loading = true
params.prompt = `按照${}的要求,针对${curNode.edustage}${curNode.edusubject}${modeType.value} 对${curNode.itemtitle}进行教学分析`
const { data } = await completion(params)
let answer = data.answer
childTempList.value[index].oldAnswer = answer
childTempList.value[index].answer = getResult(answer);
} finally {
childTempList.value[index].loading = false
// 一键研读
const getCompletion = async () => {
for (let item of childTempList.value) {
try {
item.loading = true
params.prompt = `按照${}的要求,针对${curNode.edustage}${curNode.edusubject}${modeType.value} 对${curNode.itemtitle}进行教学分析`
const { data } = await completion(params)
let answer = data.answer
item.oldAnswer = answer
item.answer = getResult(answer);
} finally {
item.loading = false
// 保存 重新研读后的结果
const onEditSave = async (item) =>{
const { res } = await editTempResult({id: item.resultId, content: item.oldAnswer})
// 保存模板
const onSaveTemp = (item) => {
const data = {
examDocld: '',
content: item.oldAnswer
tempSave(data).then(res => {
// 替换分析结果
emitter.on('saveAdjust', (item) => {
childTempList.value[curIndex.value].oldAnswer = item
let answer = getResult(item);
childTempList.value[curIndex.value].answer = answer
// 分析获取课标对话结果
let getResult = (text) => {
text = text.replace(/^\n\n(.*?)\n\n$/s, '<div>$1</div>');
text = text.replace(/^\n(.*?)\n$/s, '<p>$1</p>');
text = text.replace(/\*\*(.*?)\*\*/g, "<div class='text-tit'>$1</div>");
text = text.replace(/(\d+\..*?)\n/g, "<div class='text-num'>$1</div>\n");
return text
// 操作之后获取字模板
emitter.on('onGetChild', () => {
// 操作之后获取主模板
emitter.on('onGetMain', () => {
const curNode = reactive({})
onMounted(() => {
let data = sessionStore.get('subject.curNode')
Object.assign(curNode, data);
let jsonKey = `${modeType.value}-${data.edustage}-${data.edusubject}`
params.dataset_id = dataSetJson[jsonKey]
// 解绑
onUnmounted(() => {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
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.container-right-header {
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align-items: center;
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background: #fff;
border-left: solid #EBF0F4 1px;
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 0 15px;
border-radius: 0 5px 0 0
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flex: 1;
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padding: 5px 15px;
box-sizing: border-box;
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display: flex;
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font-size: 16px;
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flex-shrink: 0;
.item-answer {
flex-direction: column;
padding-top: 5px;
:deep(.text-tit) {
font-weight: bold;
margin: 10px 0;
:deep(.text-num) {
padding-left: 2em;
.text-answer {
color: #409eff;
.ai-btn {
margin-top: 10px;
display: flex;
justify-content: flex-end;
.iconfont {
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@ -1,26 +1,21 @@
<div class="page-template flex">
<Header :type="type" @changeTemp="changeTemp" @onRead="onRead"/>
<el-row :gutter="20" class="tempalte-main">
<el-col :span="12">
<Pdf />
<Left :curNode="curNode" :type="type" />
<el-col :span="12">
<Result ref="resultRef" :modeType="type" :tempId="tempId"/>
<Right :curNode="curNode" :type="type" />
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import Header from './container/header.vue'
import Pdf from './container/pdf.vue'
import Result from './container/result.vue'
import { reactive, onMounted } from 'vue'
import { sessionStore } from '@/utils/store'
import Left from './container/left.vue'
import Right from './container/right.vue'
const props = defineProps({
type: {
@ -29,22 +24,24 @@ const props = defineProps({
const curNode = reactive({})
onMounted(() =>{
let data = sessionStore.get('subject.curNode')
Object.assign(curNode, data);
const resultRef = ref()
const tempId = ref('')
const changeTemp = (id) =>{
tempId.value = id
const onRead = () =>{
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.page-template {
flex-direction: column;
height: 100%;
height: 100%;
height: 100%;
.tempalte-main {
flex: 1;
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
<div class="blockBox">
<el-button @click="currentType = 'selection'"><el-image src="/src/assets/images/mouse-pointer.png"
<el-button @click="currentType = 'selection'"><el-image src="../../../src/assets/images/mouse-pointer.png"
style="width: 14px; height: 14px; color: silver" /></el-button>
<template v-if="type == 'design'">
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
<!-- 边框样式 -->
<div class="blockBox">
<el-dropdown @command="updateStyle('lineDash', $event)" placement="top">
<el-button><el-image src="/src/assets/images/borderstyle.png"
<el-button><el-image src="../../../src/assets/images/borderstyle.png"
style="width: 14px; height: 14px"></el-image></el-button>
<template #dropdown>
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
<!-- 边框粗细 -->
<div class="blockBox">
<el-dropdown @command="updateStyle('lineWidth', $event)" placement="top">
<el-button><el-image src="/src/assets/images/borderwidth.png"
<el-button><el-image src="../../../src/assets/images/borderwidth.png"
style="width: 14px; height: 14px"></el-image></el-button>
<template #dropdown>
@ -59,14 +59,14 @@ export const processList = (row, aloneOption=false) => {
for(; j<workDescArr.length; j++){
const char = String.fromCharCode(65+j);
if (aloneOption) {
tmp += `<div style='width:100%;display:flex;padding: 2px 0'>${char}.${workDescArr[j]}</div>`;
tmp += `<div class="format-work-desc" style='width:100%;display:flex;padding: 2px 0'>${char}.${workDescArr[j]}</div>`;
else {
if(j%2 == 0){
tmp += `<div style='width:100%;display:flex;'>`;
tmp += `<div style='padding-left:10px;width:50%;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;font-size:0.9em;'>${char}.${workDescArr[j]}</div>`;
tmp += `<div class="format-work-desc" style='padding-left:10px;width:50%;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;font-size:0.9em;'>${char}.${workDescArr[j]}</div>`;
if(j%2 == 1){
tmp += '</div>';
@ -153,14 +153,14 @@ export const processList = (row, aloneOption=false) => {
for(; j<optionsArr.length; j++){
const char = String.fromCharCode(65+j);
if (aloneOption) {
tmp += `<div style='width:100%;display:flex;padding: 2px 0'>${char}.${optionsArr[j]}</div>`;
tmp += `<div class="format-work-desc" style='width:100%;display:flex;padding: 2px 0'>${char}.${optionsArr[j]}</div>`;
else {
if(j%2 == 0){
tmp += `<div style='width:100%;display:flex;'>`;
tmp += `<div style='padding-left: 10px; width: 50%'>${char}.${optionsArr[j]}</div>`;
tmp += `<div class="format-work-desc" style='padding-left: 10px; width: 50%'>${char}.${optionsArr[j]}</div>`;
if(j%2 == 1){
tmp += '</div>';
@ -280,14 +280,14 @@ export const processList = (row, aloneOption=false) => {
for(; j<workDescArr.length; j++){
const char = String.fromCharCode(65+j);
if (aloneOption) {
tmp += `<div style='width:100%;display:flex;padding: 2px 0'>${char}.${workDescArr[j]}</div>`;
tmp += `<div class="format-work-desc" style='width:100%;display:flex;padding: 2px 0'>${char}.${workDescArr[j]}</div>`;
else {
if(j%2 == 0){
tmp += `<div style='width:100%;display:flex;'>`;
tmp += `<div style='padding-left: 10px; width: 50%'>${char}.${workDescArr[j]}</div>`;
tmp += `<div class="format-work-desc" style='padding-left: 10px; width: 50%'>${char}.${workDescArr[j]}</div>`;
if(j%2 == 1){
tmp += '</div>';
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
// import tab from './tab'
// import auth from './auth'
// import cache from './cache'
import modal from './modal'
// import download from './download'
import modal from './modal'
// import './vue3-menus'
import vue3Menus from './vue3-menus'
// console.log('vue3Menus', defineComponent)
export default function installPlugins(app){
// 页签操作
// app.config.globalProperties.$tab = tab
@ -15,4 +17,6 @@ export default function installPlugins(app){
app.config.globalProperties.$modal = modal
// 下载文件
// app.config.globalProperties.$download = download
// 右键菜单 支持组件|指令|函数 三种方式使用
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import _ from 'lodash'
// import { diff } from 'jsondiffpatch'
// const Remote = isNode?require('@electron/remote'):{} // 远程模块
const exArrs = ['subject'] // 不需要同步key-排除
const exArrs = ['subject','env','curr'] // 不需要同步key-排除
export function shareStorePlugin({store}) {
store.$subscribe((mutation, state) => { // 自动同步
@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
import { defineComponent, getCurrentInstance, ref, computed, watch, nextTick, createVNode, Teleport, Transition, render } from 'vue';
function styleInject(css, ref) {
if ( ref === void 0 ) ref = {};
var insertAt = ref.insertAt;
if (!css || typeof document === 'undefined') { return; }
var head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
if (insertAt === 'top') {
if (head.firstChild) {
head.insertBefore(style, head.firstChild);
} else {
} else {
if (style.styleSheet) {
style.styleSheet.cssText = css;
} else {
var css_248z = ".menus-fade-enter-active,\n.menus-fade-leave-active {\n transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in-out;\n}\n.menus-fade-enter-from,\n.menus-fade-leave-to {\n opacity: 0;\n}\n\n.v3-menus {\n position: fixed;\n box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 0 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04);\n background: #fff;\n border-radius: 4px;\n padding: 8px 0;\n user-select: none;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n}\n\n.v3-menus-body {\n display: block;\n}\n\n.v3-menus-item {\n display: flex;\n line-height: 2rem;\n padding: 0 1rem;\n margin: 0;\n font-size: 0.8rem;\n outline: 0;\n align-items: center;\n transition: 0.2s;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n list-style: none;\n border-bottom: 1px solid #00000000;\n}\n\n.v3-menus-divided {\n border-bottom-color: #ebeef5;\n}\n\n.v3-menus-icon {\n display: flex;\n margin-right: 0.6rem;\n width: 1rem;\n}\n\n.v3-menus-label {\n flex: 1;\n white-space: nowrap;\n overflow: hidden;\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n}\n\n.v3-menus-suffix {\n margin-left: 1.5rem;\n font-size: 0.39rem;\n white-space: nowrap;\n overflow: hidden;\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n}\n\n.v3-menus-available {\n color: #606266;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n\n.v3-menus-available:hover {\n background: #ecf5ff;\n color: #409eff;\n}\n\n.v3-menus-disabled {\n color: #c0c4cc;\n cursor: not-allowed;\n}\n\n.v3-menus-active {\n background: #ecf5ff;\n color: #409eff;\n}\n\n.v3-menus-tip {\n font-size: 9px;\n color: #999;\n}\n";
const props = {
menus: {
type: Array,
required: true
menusClass: {
type: String,
default: null
itemClass: {
type: String,
default: null
event: {
type: Object,
required: true
minWidth: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 'none'
maxWidth: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 'none'
zIndex: {
type: Number,
default: 3
direction: {
type: String,
default: 'right'
open: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
args: {
type: [Object, Function, Array, Boolean, String],
default: {}
const vue3MenusComponent = defineComponent({
name: 'vue3-menus',
inheritAttrs: false,
setup(props, {
}) {
const windowWidth = globalThis.document.documentElement.clientWidth;
const windowHeight = globalThis.document.documentElement.clientHeight;
const {
} = getCurrentInstance();
const show = ref(;
const self = {};
const menusRef = ref(null);
const activeIndex = ref(-1);
const left = ref(0);
const top = ref(0);
let direction = props.direction;
const hasIcon = computed(() => {
for (let index = 0; index < props.menus.length; index++) {
const menu = props.menus[index];
if (menu.icon !== undefined) {
return true;
const position = computed(() => {
return {
x: props.event.clientX,
y: props.event.clientY,
width: props.event.width || 0,
height: props.event.height || 0
const style = computed(() => {
return {
left: `${left.value}px`,
top: `${top.value}px`,
minWidth: `${props.minWidth}px`,
maxWidth: props.maxWidth == 'none' ? props.maxWidth : `${props.maxWidth}px`,
zIndex: props.zIndex
function leftOpen(menusWidth) {
left.value = position.value.x - menusWidth;
direction = 'left';
if (left.value < 0) {
direction = 'right';
if (position.value.width === 0 || position.value.width === undefined) {
left.value = 0;
} else {
left.value = position.value.x + position.value.width;
function rightOpen(windowWidth, menusWidth) {
left.value = position.value.x + position.value.width;
direction = 'right';
if (left.value + menusWidth > windowWidth) {
direction = 'left';
if (position.value.width === 0 || position.value.width === undefined) {
left.value = windowWidth - menusWidth;
} else {
left.value = position.value.x - menusWidth;
function closeEvent() {
activeIndex.value = -1;
show.value = false;
if (self && self.instance) {
self.instance = null;
self.index = null; // @ts-ignore
if (proxy.closeAll) {
// @ts-ignore
watch(() =>, newVal => show.value = newVal);
watch(show, newVal => {
if (newVal) {
nextTick(() => {
const menusWidth = menusRef.value.offsetWidth;
const menusHeight = menusRef.value.offsetHeight;
if (direction === 'left') {
} else {
rightOpen(windowWidth, menusWidth);
top.value = position.value.y;
if (position.value.y + menusHeight > windowHeight) {
if (position.value.height === 0 || position.value.height === undefined) {
top.value = position.value.y - menusHeight;
} else {
top.value = windowHeight - menusHeight;
setTimeout(() => {
globalThis.document.addEventListener('click', closeEvent);
globalThis.document.addEventListener('contextmenu', closeEvent);
globalThis.document.addEventListener('wheel', closeEvent);
}, 0);
} else {
activeIndex.value = -1;
globalThis.document.removeEventListener('click', closeEvent);
globalThis.document.removeEventListener('contextmenu', closeEvent);
globalThis.document.removeEventListener('wheel', closeEvent);
}, {
immediate: true
function mouseEnter(event, menu, index) {
activeIndex.value = index;
if (!menu || menu.disabled || menu.hidden) {
if (self.instance) {
if (self.index === index) {
self.instance = null;
self.index = null;
if (!menu.children) {
const enter = menu.enter && typeof menu.enter === 'function' ? menu.enter : null;
if (enter) {
const val = enter(menu, props.args);
if (val === false || val === null) {
const menuItemClientRect =;
const vm = createVNode(vue3MenusComponent, { ...props,
menus: menu.children,
direction: direction,
event: {
clientX: menuItemClientRect.x + 3,
clientY: menuItemClientRect.y - 8,
width: menuItemClientRect.width - 2 * 3,
height: menuItemClientRect.width
open: false
}, slots);
const container = globalThis.document.createElement('div');
render(vm, container);
|||| = true; // @ts-ignore
vm.component.proxy.close = close;
self.instance = vm.component.proxy;
self.instance.container = container;
self.instance.props = vm.component.props;
self.index = index;
function mouseClick(event, menu) {
if (!menu || menu.disabled) {
const click = && typeof === 'function' ? : null;
if (click) {
const val = click(menu, props.args);
if (val === false || val === null) {
if (menu.children) {
function close() {
|||| = false;
if (this.self && this.self.instance) {
nextTick(() => {
render(null, this.container);
const {
default: $default,
} = slots;
const $class = ['v3-menus', attrs.class, props.menusClass];
return () => createVNode(Teleport, {
"to": 'body'
}, {
default: () => [createVNode(Transition, {
"name": 'menus-fade'
}, {
default: () => [!show.value ? null : createVNode("div", {
"ref": menusRef,
"class": $class,
"style": style.value,
"onWheel": e => e.preventDefault(),
"onContextmenu": e => e.preventDefault()
}, [createVNode("div", {
"class": 'v3-menus-body'
}, [, index) => {
if (menu.hidden) {
return null;
if ($default) {
return createVNode("div", {
"onContextmenu": $event => mouseClick($event, menu),
"onClick": $event => mouseClick($event, menu),
"onMouseenter": $event => mouseEnter($event, menu, index)
}, [$default({
activeIndex: activeIndex.value,
} else {
let $class = [props.itemClass, 'v3-menus-item', menu.disabled ? 'v3-menus-disabled' : 'v3-menus-available'];
$class = $class.concat([menu.divided ? 'v3-menus-divided' : null, !menu.disabled && activeIndex.value === index ? 'v3-menus-active' : null]);
return createVNode("div", {
"class": $class.join(' '),
"onClick": $event => mouseClick($event, menu),
"onMouseenter": $event => mouseEnter($event, menu, index),
"onContextmenu": $event => mouseClick($event, menu)
}, [hasIcon.value ? createVNode("div", {
"class": 'v3-menus-icon '
}, [icon ? icon({
activeIndex: activeIndex.value,
}) : createVNode("span", {
"innerHTML": menu.icon
}, null)]) : null, label ? createVNode("span", {
"class": 'v3-menus-label'
}, [label({
activeIndex: activeIndex.value,
})]) : createVNode("span", {
"class": 'v3-menus-label'
}, [menu.label]), menu.children || menu.tip ? createVNode("div", {
"class": 'v3-menus-suffix'
}, [suffix ? suffix({
activeIndex: activeIndex.value,
}) : menu.children ? '▶' : menu.tip ? createVNode("span", {
"class": 'v3-menus-tip'
}, [menu.tip]) : null]) : null]);
function mouseEvent(menus, args, event) {
let props = {};
if (Array.isArray(menus)) {
props = {
open: false,
} else {
props = {
open: false
const vNode = createVNode(vue3MenusComponent, props);
const container = globalThis.document.createElement('div');
render(vNode, container);
|||| = true;
vNode.component.proxy.closeAll = () => {
nextTick(() => {
render(null, container);
if (props.prevent == undefined || props.prevent) {
const directive = {
mounted(el, { value, arg }) {
const vnode = el.__vnode || {};
if (arg === undefined || arg === 'right') {
el.addEventListener("contextmenu", mouseEvent.bind(el, value, vnode.props || {}));
} else if (arg === 'left') {
el.addEventListener("click", mouseEvent.bind(el, value, vnode.props || {}));
} else if (arg === 'all') {
el.addEventListener("contextmenu", mouseEvent.bind(el, value, vnode.props || {}));
el.addEventListener("click", mouseEvent.bind(el, value, vnode.props || {}));
unmounted(el) {
el.removeEventListener("contextmenu", mouseEvent);
el.removeEventListener("click", mouseEvent);
const install = function (app, options = {}) {
app.component( ||, vue3MenusComponent);
app.directive('menus', directive);
app.config.globalProperties.$menusEvent = (event, menus, args) => mouseEvent(menus, args || {}, event);
const menusEvent = (event, menus, args) => mouseEvent(menus, args || {}, event);
function index (app) {
export { vue3MenusComponent as Vue3Menus, index as default, directive, menusEvent };
@ -1,16 +1,46 @@
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'
import { } from '@/api/classTask/index.js'
import { listClassmain } from '@/api/classManage/index'
import { JYApiListCT, JYApiListOriginYear, JYApiListSO} from "@/utils/examQuestion/jyeoo"
const useClassTaskStore = defineStore('classTask',{
state: () => ({
classListIds: [],
entpCourseWorkTypeList: [
{value: 0, label: "不限"},
{value: 1, label: "单选题"},
{value: 2, label: "填空题"},
{value: 3, label: "多选题"},
{value: 4, label: "判断题"},
{value: 5, label: "主观题"},
{value: 6, label: "复合题"},
], // 习题查询条件 - 题型
entpCourseWorkGroupList: [{
Key: -1,
Value: '不限',
}, {
Key: 1,
Value: '真题',
}, {
Key: 0,
Value: '非真题',
], // 习题查询条件 - 题源
entpCourseWorkYearList: [
{label: '不限', value: '-1'},
{label: '2024', value: '2024'},
{label: '2023', value: '2023'},
{label: '2022', value: '2022'},
{label: '2021', value: '2021'},
{label: '2020', value: '2020'},
], // 习题查询条件 - 年份
actions: {
listClassmain(params) {
// 获取班级列表
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const education = params.edustage + params.edusubject;
.then((res) => {
this.classListIds = res.rows&& =>
@ -20,9 +50,58 @@ const useClassTaskStore = defineStore('classTask',{
// 根据学科和学段获取菁优网对应得年份、题源、题型
const education = params.edustage + params.edusubject;
Promise.all([getJYYear(), getJYSO(education), getJYCT(education)])
.then(results => {
console.log('更新第三方题源+题型succ:', results);
this.entpCourseWorkYearList = results[0];
this.entpCourseWorkTypeList = results[2];
this.entpCourseWorkGroupList = results[1];
.catch(error => {
console.error('更新第三方题源+题型err:', error);
persist: true
export default useClassTaskStore
const getJYYear = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then((res) => {
.catch((error) => {
const getJYSO = (params) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then((res) => {
.catch((error) => {
const getJYCT = (params) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then((res) => {
.catch((error) => {
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import { sessionStore } from '@/utils/store'
// 默认数据
const defData = || {}
const exArrs = ['subject']
const exArrs = ['subject','env','curr']
exArrs.forEach(k => Object.keys(defData).includes(k) && (delete defData[k]))
// 延时
@ -21,6 +21,29 @@ export function getFiles() {
return new Promise(cb)
* base64 转 blob
export function base64ToBlob(base64Data) {
const contentType = base64Data?.match(/^data:([^;]+);base64,/)?.[1]||'image/png'
// 去除Base64编码数据中的前缀(如"data:image/png;base64,")
const byteCharacters = atob(base64Data.split(',')[1]);
const byteArrays = [];
for (let i = 0; i < byteCharacters.length; i++) {
return new Blob([new Uint8Array(byteArrays)], { type: contentType });
export function arrayBufferToBlob(arrayBuffer, contentType) {
return new Blob([new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer)], { type: contentType });
export function blobToFile(blob, fileName, contentType) {
fileName = fileName || 'file'
contentType = contentType || blob.type ||'image/png'
return new File([blob], fileName, { type: contentType });
// ============= 数学公式--相关 ===================
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
import { getJYPath } from "@/api/education/entpcoursework";
const JY_TOKEN = 'CA82641DA86072DEFD39E287335E035FDA6AEEC0549B58F54F4408734C8683FFAF0585CFA3B25091E588A03A65C66A80F5FF613F539D600954007A35DFFBFDC3C7BB982771C5E13F0918642CFD7596CE3718F06E5579238D92EC809AC6F4C82A9FE4B0E232A67DD3594D4DAC1C219CCBC4A7A093344446107EB11DC317526D0594249DEBBD82B740C794CF5A7065E1982B7779AF16AD25D7';
const JY_SUBJECT = [
{id: 10, subject: 'math3', name: '小学数学'},
@ -26,8 +28,31 @@ const JY_SUBJECT = [
{id: 39, subject: 'history2', name: '高中历史'},
* @desc: 获取年份
* @return: {*}
export const JYApiListOriginYear = async () => {
const arrYear = [{label: '不限', value: '-1'}];
let i = 0;
for( ; i < 5; i++) {
const year = new Date().getFullYear();
const s ={
label: `${year - i}`,
value: `${year - i}`,
//arrYear.push({label: '更早', value: '0'})
return arrYear;
export const JYApiListCT = async (_this, name = '高中历史') => {
* @desc: 根据学科+学段获取菁优网-题型
* @return: {*}
* @param {*} name 学科+学科
export const JYApiListCT = async (name = '高中历史') => {
if (name === '初中政治') {
name = '初中道德与法治';
@ -35,7 +60,8 @@ export const JYApiListCT = async (_this, name = '高中历史') => {
if(obj.length < 1) {
return [];
const res = await _this.$requestGetJYW(`/${obj[0].subject}/common`, {
const res = await getJYPath(`/${obj[0].subject}/common`, {
headers: {
authorization: `Token ${JY_TOKEN}`
@ -63,22 +89,13 @@ export const JYApiListCT = async (_this, name = '高中历史') => {
return arrCT;
export const JYApiListOriginYear = () => {
const arrYear = [{label: '不限', value: '-1'}];
let i = 0;
for( ; i < 10; i++) {
const year = new Date().getFullYear();
const s ={
label: `${year - i}`,
value: `${year - i}`,
//arrYear.push({label: '更早', value: '0'})
return arrYear;
export const JYApiListSO = async (_this, name = '高中历史') => {
* @desc: 根据学科+学段获取菁优网-题源
* @return: {*}
* @param {*} name 学科+学科
export const JYApiListSO = async (name = '高中历史') => {
if (name === '初中政治') {
name = '初中道德与法治';
@ -87,7 +104,7 @@ export const JYApiListSO = async (_this, name = '高中历史') => {
if(obj.length < 1) {
return [];
const res = await _this.$requestGetJYW(`/${obj[0].subject}/common`, {
const res = await getJYPath(`/${obj[0].subject}/common`, {
headers: {
authorization: `Token ${JY_TOKEN}`
@ -103,8 +120,12 @@ export const JYApiListSO = async (_this, name = '高中历史') => {
export const JYApiListPoint = async (_this, name = '高中历史') => {
* @desc: 根据学科+学段获取菁优网-知识点
* @return: {*}
* @param {*} name 学科+学科
export const JYApiListPoint = async (name = '高中历史') => {
if (name === '初中政治') {
name = '初中道德与法治';
@ -113,7 +134,7 @@ export const JYApiListPoint = async (_this, name = '高中历史') => {
if(obj.length < 1) {
return [];
const res = await _this.$requestGetJYW(`/${obj[0].subject}/point`, {
const res = await getJYPath(`/${obj[0].subject}/point`, {
headers: {
authorization: `Token ${JY_TOKEN}`
@ -126,10 +147,12 @@ export const JYApiListPoint = async (_this, name = '高中历史') => {
* @desc: 获取菁优网的版本内容
* @desc: 根据查询条件获取菁优网-教材版本
* @return: {*}
* @param {*} query {}
* @param {*} hasPoints
export const JYApiListVersion = async (_this, query, hasPoints=true) => {
export const JYApiListVersion = async (query, hasPoints=true) => {
const listVersion = {
status: 0,
msg: '',
@ -148,7 +171,7 @@ export const JYApiListVersion = async (_this, query, hasPoints=true) => {
listVersion.msg = `[${name}]未找到对应菁优网教材版本, 请检查学段或学科是否匹配!`;
return listVersion;
const JYBook = await _this.$requestGetJYW(`/${result[0].subject}/book2`, {
const JYBook = await getJYPath(`/${result[0].subject}/book2`, {
headers: {
// JYToken仅占位, 实际后续已未使用该token
authorization: `Token ${JY_TOKEN}`
@ -97,4 +97,34 @@ const getProgress = async (id) => {
export { createOutline, getBackGround, createPPT, getProgress, createByOutline };
const getBackGroundV2 = async () => {
try {
const response = await req("/api/aipptV2/themeListV2", "GET");
} catch (error) {
console.error("请求失败:", error);
throw error;
const createPPTV2 = async (data) => {
try {
const response = await req("/api/aipptV2/createV2", "POST", data);
console.log("createOutline response:", response);
} catch (error) {
console.error("请求失败:", error);
throw error;
const getProgressV2 = async (id) => {
try {
const response = await req(`/api/aipptV2/progressV2?sid=${id}`, "GET");
} catch (error) {
console.error("请求失败:", error);
throw error;
export { createOutline, getBackGround, createPPT, getProgress, getBackGroundV2, createPPTV2, getProgressV2, createByOutline };
@ -117,4 +117,8 @@ export const coursewareTypeList = [
@ -216,7 +216,11 @@ export const createWindow = async (type, data) => {
// win.setFullScreen(true) // 设置窗口为全屏
if (import.meta.env.VITE_SHOW_DEV_TOOLS === 'true') win.webContents.openDevTools() // 打开调试工具
eventHandles(type, win) // 事件监听处理
let events = {} // 事件处理函数对象
.filter(k => typeof data[k] === 'function')
.forEach(k => events[k] = data[k])
eventHandles(type, win, events) // 事件监听处理
@ -286,17 +290,20 @@ export function toolWindow(type, {url, isConsole, isWeb=true, option={}}) {
* 窗口创建-事件处理
* @param {*} type 事件类型
* @param {*} win 窗口对象
* @param {*} events 事件对象
const eventHandles = (type, win) => {
const eventHandles = (type, win, events) => {
const toolState = useToolState() // 获取store状态
const winAll = Remote.BrowserWindow.getAllWindows()
const mainWin = winAll.find(o => o.type == 'main') // 主窗口对象
// 公共方法
const publicMethods = ({onClosed}={}) => {
const publicMethods = ({onClosed, closed, close}={}) => {
// 监听主窗口-关闭事件
mainWin.once('close', () => {winPdf=null;win.destroy();})
win.on('closed', () => {
if(onClosed) onClosed() // 自定义关闭事件
if(!!onClosed) onClosed() // 自定义关闭事件
if(!!closed) closed() // 自定义关闭事件
if(!!close) close() // 自定义关闭事件
win = null
wins_tool = null
@ -385,8 +392,7 @@ const eventHandles = (type, win) => {
const on = {
onClosed: () => {
publicMethods(on) // 加载公共方法
@ -416,6 +416,7 @@ const queryPushRecords = (row) => {
// 获取已推送历史
pushRecordsOpen.value = true;
pushRecordsList.value = [];
pushRecordsLoading.value = true;
entpcourseid: entpcourseid.value,
@ -875,21 +876,6 @@ watch(() => courseObj.node, (newVal,oldVal) => {
.el-table .hidden-row {
display: none !important;
/* color: #ccc !important; */
.el-table .father-row {
--el-table-tr-bg-color: #fff;
.el-table .son-row {
--el-table-tr-bg-color: #f0f0f08a;
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.page-classTaskAssign {
padding-top: 10px;
@ -294,8 +294,8 @@ import FileUpload from "@/components/FileUpload/index.vue";
import whiteboard from '@/components/whiteboard/whiteboard.vue'
import prevReadMsgDialog from '@/views/classTask/container/newTask/prevReadMsg-Dialog.vue'
import examDetailsDrawer from '@/components/exam-question/examDetailsDrawer.vue'
import { JYApiListCT, JYApiListOriginYear, JYApiListSO} from "@/utils/examQuestion/jyeoo"
import useClassTaskStore from '@/store/modules/classTask'
import {throttle,debounce } from '@/utils/comm'
import { useToolState } from '@/store/modules/tool'
import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user'
@ -303,6 +303,11 @@ const userStore = useUserStore().user
const { proxy } = getCurrentInstance()
const router = useRouter()
const toolStore = useToolState()
const {
} = useClassTaskStore();
const props = defineProps({
bookobj: {
@ -326,39 +331,11 @@ const props = defineProps({
const prevReadMsgDialogRef = ref(null);// 预览框ref
const classWorkFormRef = ref(null);
const entpCourseWorkTypeList = ref([
{value: 0, label: "不限"},
{value: 1, label: "单选题"},
{value: 2, label: "填空题"},
{value: 3, label: "多选题"},
{value: 4, label: "判断题"},
{value: 5, label: "主观题"},
{value: 6, label: "复合题"},
]); // 习题查询条件 - 题型
const entpCourseWorkGroupList = ref([{
Key: -1,
Value: '不限',
}, {
Key: 1,
Value: '真题',
}, {
Key: 0,
Value: '非真题',
}]); // 习题查询条件 - 题源
const entpCourseWorkPointList = ref([
{label: '不限', value: []},
]); // 习题查询条件 - 知识点
const knowledgePointProps = ref({value: 'thirdId', label: 'title'});
const entpCourseWorkYearList =ref([
{label: '不限', value: '-1'},
{label: '2024', value: '2024'},
{label: '2023', value: '2023'},
{label: '2022', value: '2022'},
{label: '2021', value: '2021'},
{label: '2020', value: '2020'},
]); // 习题查询条件 - 年份
const paginationParams = reactive({
@ -1006,18 +983,6 @@ const initPageParams = () => {
onMounted(async() => {
// 获取当前学科下的试题题型
const name = userStore.edustage + userStore.edusubject;
const jyCT = await JYApiListCT(proxy, name);
if (jyCT.length == 0) {
entpCourseWorkTypeList.value = jyCT;
// 获取当前学科下的试题年份
entpCourseWorkYearList.value = JYApiListOriginYear();
entpCourseWorkGroupList.value = await JYApiListSO(proxy, name);
// const refreshData = () => {
@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ import { ElMessage } from 'element-plus'
const emit = defineEmits(['itemClick'])
const items = shallowRef([
{ title: '自主搜题', description: '上千万高质量习题资源,历届考试真题,每道题均有习题解析', icon: '#icon-soutibao-',type:'default' },
{ title: '校本题库', description: '本校公共题库资源。', icon: '#icon-soutibao-',type:'default' },
{ title: '个人题库', description: '老师上传维护自己的个人题库。', icon: '#icon-soutibao-',type:'default' },
{ title: '智能推荐', description: '通过对学生的薄弱知识点分析,推送不同难度的习题进行强化训练。', icon: '#icon-tubiao_wuxing-',type:'default' },
{ title: '课堂展示', description: '通过课堂白板绘制作业,提升学生的创作思维能力。', icon: '#icon-huaban',type:'primary' },
{ title: '自主搜题', description: '上千万高质量习题资源,历届考试真题,每道题均有习题解析', icon: '#icon-soutibao-',type:'primary' },
{ title: '校本题库', description: '本校公共题库资源。', icon: '#icon-soutibao-',type:'primary' },
{ title: '个人题库', description: '老师上传维护自己的个人题库。', icon: '#icon-soutibao-',type:'primary' },
{ title: '智能推荐', description: '通过对学生的薄弱知识点分析,推送不同难度的习题进行强化训练。', icon: '#icon-tubiao_wuxing-',type:'primary' },
{ title: '课堂展示', description: '通过课堂白板绘制作业,提升学生的创作思维能力。', icon: '#icon-huaban',type:'danger' },
{ title: '常规作业', description: '推送pdf、视频、音频、图片,学生可以拍照上传。', icon: '#icon-zhaoxiangji',type:'danger' },
{ title: 'AI设计作业', description: '通过AI助手,根据课标、教材、考试等分析结果,智能创建作业。', icon: '#icon-jiqiren_o',type:'danger' },
{ title: '习题上传', description: '自己上传个人题库。', icon: '#icon-shangchuan',type:'danger' },
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
<div v-if="classWorkForm.worktype == '习题训练'" class="pageRight-list">
<div :style="{height: '100%', 'overflow': 'auto', 'border':'1px dotted blue','border-radius':'5px', 'background-color': '#f7f7f7'}">
<template v-for="(item,index) in classWorkForm.quizlist" :key="">
<div style="margin: 5px; background-color: white">
<div style="margin: 5px; background-color: white; text-align: left;">
<div v-html="item.titleFormat" style="padding: 15px 20px 5px 20px"></div>
<div style="display: flex;">
<el-form-item label="分值">
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
import { onMounted, ref, watch, reactive, getCurrentInstance, nextTick } from 'vue'
import { ElMessage } from 'element-plus'
import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash'
import { Plus } from '@element-plus/icons-vue'
import { Plus, Delete } from '@element-plus/icons-vue'
import { delClasswork } from '@/api/teaching/classwork'
import {listEntpcoursework, listEntpcourseworkNew, getEntpcoursework} from '@/api/education/entpCourseWork'
import { addClassworkReturnId } from '@/api/teaching/classwork'
@ -144,10 +144,6 @@ import whiteboard from '@/components/whiteboard/whiteboard.vue'
import FileUpload from "@/components/FileUpload/index.vue";
import Right from './Right/index.vue'
import {
} from '@element-plus/icons-vue'
import SetHomework from '@/components/set-homework/index.vue'
import { useGetHomework } from '@/hooks/useGetHomework'
import { sessionStore } from '@/utils/store'
@ -125,16 +125,26 @@ import { delEntpcoursework, updateEntpcoursework } from "@/api/education/entpCou
import examDetailsDrawer from '@/components/exam-question/examDetailsDrawer.vue'
import QuesItem from "@/views/classTask/newClassTaskAssign/questionUpload/quesItem/index.vue";
import { useHandleData } from "@/hooks/useHandleData";
import { processList } from '@/hooks/useProcessList'
import { processList } from '@/hooks/useProcessList';
import { debounce } from '@/utils/comm'
import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user'
import useClassTaskStore from '@/store/modules/classTask'
const router = useRouter()
// 定义要发送的emit事件
const emit = defineEmits(['addQuiz'])
const { proxy } = getCurrentInstance()
const userStore = useUserStore().user
const {
} = useClassTaskStore();
const props = defineProps({
bookobj: {
type: Object,
@ -142,37 +152,7 @@ const props = defineProps({
const entpCourseWorkTypeList = ref([
{value: 0, label: "不限"},
{value: 1, label: "单选题"},
{value: 2, label: "填空题"},
{value: 3, label: "多选题"},
{value: 4, label: "判断题"},
{value: 5, label: "主观题"},
{value: 6, label: "复合题"},
]); // 习题查询条件 - 题型
const entpCourseWorkGroupList = ref([{
Key: -1,
Value: '不限',
}, {
Key: 1,
Value: '真题',
}, {
Key: 0,
Value: '非真题',
}]); // 习题查询条件 - 题源
const knowledgePointProps = ref({value: 'thirdId', label: 'title'});
const entpCourseWorkYearList =ref([
{label: '不限', value: '-1'},
{label: '2024', value: '2024'},
{label: '2023', value: '2023'},
{label: '2022', value: '2022'},
{label: '2021', value: '2021'},
{label: '2020', value: '2020'},
]); // 习题查询条件 - 年份
// 习题查询参数条件
@ -220,7 +200,7 @@ const dlgImportSingle = reactive({
onMounted(() => {
debounceQueryData(); // 查询习题列表
/** 前往习题上传页面 */
const goToQuestUpload = () => {
router.push({ path: '/model/questionUpload', query: { courseObj: JSON.stringify(props.bookobj) } });
@ -336,7 +316,7 @@ const handleQueryFromEntpCourseWork= async (queryType) => {
} else if (clueres.rows[i].cluetag == 'mapview') {
clueres.rows[i].worktype = '学科定位';
if (clueres.rows[i].childlist != '') {
clueres.rows[i].childArray = JSON.parse('['+clueres.rows[i].childlist+']');
for (var j=0; j<clueres.rows[i].childArray.length; j++) {
@ -489,6 +469,10 @@ watch(() => props.bookobj.levelSecondId, (newVal, oldVal) => {
height: calc(100% - 100px);
:deep(.format-work-desc > :is(div):first-child){
display: inline-block;
// :deep(.el-dialog .question-dialog){
// height: 80vh !important;
// width: 80% !important;
@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ const router = useRouter()
const { proxy } = getCurrentInstance()
const props = defineProps({
const curLessionList = ref([]);
const activeParams = reactive({
version: {},
lession: {},
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<el-form ref="questFormRef" :model="questForm" :rules="MainRules" label-width="80px">
<el-form-item label="题型" prop="worktype">
<el-select v-model="questForm.worktype" placeholder="请选择题型" style="width:20%" :disabled="">
<el-option v-for="item in fromOptions.type" :key="item.Key" :label="item.Value" :value="item.Value"></el-option>
<el-option v-for="item in fromOptions.type" :key="item.value" :label="item.label" :value="item.label"></el-option>
<el-tag v-if="questForm.worktype=='填空题'" type="danger" style=" margin-left: 10px ">温馨提示:填空题题目的填空位置,下划线请连续输入3-10个 _
@ -407,13 +407,22 @@ import { ElMessage, ElNotification } from 'element-plus'
import { Search } from '@element-plus/icons-vue'
import { onMounted, ref, watch, reactive, getCurrentInstance,nextTick } from 'vue'
import { getBindlist } from '@/api/education/knowledgePoint'
import { getBindlist, listKnowlegepointFormat } from '@/api/education/knowledgePoint'
import { listEvaluation } from '@/api/subject'
import { listEntpcoursework, getEntpcoursework, delEntpcoursework, addEntpcoursework, updateEntpcoursework, uploadEntpcourseworkFile } from "@/api/education/entpCourseWork";
import { isJson } from "@/hooks/useProcessList";
import Tinymce from "@/components/tinymce/tinymce.vue"; // 富文本编辑器
import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user'
import useClassTaskStore from '@/store/modules/classTask'
const userStore = useUserStore().user
const {
} = useClassTaskStore();
const { proxy } = getCurrentInstance()
// 定义要发送的emit事件
const emit = defineEmits(['submit-exam-single-callback','cancel-exam-single-callback','cropper-exam-form-item'])
@ -449,12 +458,13 @@ const fromOptions = reactive({
type: [
//{"Key": 0, "Value": "不限"},
{"Key": 1, "Value": "单选题"},
{"Key": 4, "Value": "多选题"},
{"Key": 2, "Value": "填空题"},
{"Key": 5, "Value": "判断题"},
{"Key": 6, "Value": "主观题"},
{"Key": 3, "Value": "复合题"},
{value: 0, label: "不限"},
{value: 1, label: "单选题"},
{value: 2, label: "填空题"},
{value: 3, label: "多选题"},
{value: 4, label: "判断题"},
{value: 5, label: "主观题"},
{value: 6, label: "复合题"},
//{"Key": 4, "Value": "辨析评析题"},
// 复合题型
@ -475,7 +485,7 @@ const questForm = reactive({
id: 0,
title: '',
worktype: '单选题',
worktagYear: '2024',
worktagYear: 2024,
//worktagArea: '',
worktag: '',
workgroup: 0,
@ -601,8 +611,8 @@ onMounted(() => {
lessionId: lessionid,
fileAlias: '单题上传',
// 获取最新年份
// yearList =
for(var i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
const year = new Date().getFullYear();
const s ={
@ -611,10 +621,23 @@ onMounted(() => {
// 更新第三方题型、题源
if (entpCourseWorkTypeList.length>0) {
const flagDict = ['单选题', '多选题', '判断题', '填空题'];
fromOptions.type = entpCourseWorkTypeList.filter(item => flagDict.includes(item.label));
if (entpCourseWorkGroupList.length>0) {
fromOptions.flag = entpCourseWorkGroupList;
// if (entpCourseWorkYearList.length>0) {
// yearList.value = entpCourseWorkYearList;
// }
const checkBoxChange=(v)=>{
// 单选 v: []
@ -986,7 +1009,17 @@ const updateForm= async(item, submitIndex=0, submitType=1) =>{
lessionid.value = props.bookobj.levelSecondId? props.bookobj.levelSecondId : props.bookobj.levelFirstId;
console.log('lessionid', lessionid.value);
// 拿到当前章节下得所有知识点
if( props.bookobj.node.edustage == '高中' && (props.bookobj.node.edusubject == '语文' || props.bookobj.node.edusubject == '英语') ){
const res = await listEvaluation({ edusubject: props.bookobj.node.edusubject, edustage: props.bookobj.node.edustage, itemkey: "subject", pageSize: 10 });
const id = res.rows[0]?.id;
if (id) {
const res = await listKnowlegepointFormat({evalId: id, pageNum: 1, pageSize: 5000,});
curKnowledgePointList.value = updateKnowledgePoint(res.rows);
//console.log('updateKnowledgePoint->', res.rows);
} else {
const res = await getBindlist({ eid: lessionid.value })
if (! || < 1) {
@ -995,7 +1028,7 @@ const updateForm= async(item, submitIndex=0, submitType=1) =>{
else {
curKnowledgePointList.value =;
//item.evalnodeid = '3772b,374112,374233';
@ -1666,10 +1699,56 @@ const myMessageShow=(title, msg, status)=>{
// },
// },
watch(() => props.bookobj.levelSecondId, (newVal, oldVal) => {
* @desc: 遍历原知识点数据, 将title字段转为knowTitle以供knowledgePointProps进行tree的格式转换显示
* @return: {*}
* @param {*} list
const updateKnowledgePoint = (list) => {
list.forEach(item => {
if (item.title && item.title != '') {
item.knowTitle = item.title;
if (item.children && Array.isArray(item.children)) {
return list;
watch(() => props.bookobj.levelSecondId, async (newVal, oldVal) => {
// props.bookobj.levelSecondId? props.bookobj.levelSecondId : props.bookobj.levelFirstId
lessionid.value = props.bookobj.levelSecondId? props.bookobj.levelSecondId : props.bookobj.levelFirstId;
* 格式化知识点: 分两种情况
* 1. 语文/英语: 获取学科下的所有知识点(该学科对应无章节与知识点绑定, 故只获取全知识点)
* 2. 其他: 获取当前章节下的所有知识点
let id = props.bookobj.levelSecondId;
if( props.bookobj.node.edustage == '高中' && (props.bookobj.node.edusubject == '语文' || props.bookobj.node.edusubject == '英语') ){
id = props.bookobj.node.rootid;
const res = await listEvaluation({ edusubject: props.bookobj.node.edusubject, edustage: props.bookobj.node.edustage, itemkey: "subject", pageSize: 10 });
id = res.rows[0]?.id;
if (id) {
listKnowlegepointFormat({evalId: id, pageNum: 1, pageSize: 5000,}).then(res => {
//console.log('listKnowlegepointFormat->', res.rows);
curKnowledgePointList.value = updateKnowledgePoint(res.rows);
getBindlist({ eid: id }).then(res => {
if (! || < 1) {
curKnowledgePointList.value = [];
else {
curKnowledgePointList.value =;
@ -1680,7 +1759,20 @@ defineExpose({
<style lang="scss">
.el-cascader-panel {
li[aria-haspopup="true"] {
.el-checkbox {
display: none;
<style scoped lang="scss">
position: relative;
@ -1698,6 +1790,4 @@ defineExpose({
z-index: 9999;
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
<el-col :span="10">
<el-form-item label="知识点" label-width="70">
style="width: 100%"
@ -118,11 +119,18 @@ import { useGetHomework } from '@/hooks/useGetHomework'
import { sessionStore } from '@/utils/store'
import {throttle,debounce } from '@/utils/comm'
import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user'
import useClassTaskStore from '@/store/modules/classTask'
// 定义要发送的emit事件
const emit = defineEmits(['addQuiz'])
const { proxy } = getCurrentInstance()
const userStore = useUserStore().user
const {
} = useClassTaskStore();
const props = defineProps({
bookobj: {
type: Object,
@ -130,41 +138,11 @@ const props = defineProps({
const entpCourseWorkTypeList = ref([
{value: 0, label: "不限"},
{value: 1, label: "单选题"},
{value: 2, label: "填空题"},
{value: 3, label: "多选题"},
{value: 4, label: "判断题"},
{value: 5, label: "主观题"},
{value: 6, label: "复合题"},
]); // 习题查询条件 - 题型
const entpCourseWorkGroupList = ref([{
Key: -1,
Value: '不限',
}, {
Key: 1,
Value: '真题',
}, {
Key: 0,
Value: '非真题',
}]); // 习题查询条件 - 题源
const entpCourseWorkPointList = ref([
{label: '不限', value: []},
]); // 习题查询条件 - 知识点
const knowledgePointProps = ref({value: 'thirdId', label: 'title'});
//const knowledgePointProps = ref({value: 'thirdId', label: 'knowTitle'});
const entpCourseWorkYearList =ref([
{label: '不限', value: '-1'},
{label: '2024', value: '2024'},
{label: '2023', value: '2023'},
{label: '2022', value: '2022'},
{label: '2021', value: '2021'},
{label: '2020', value: '2020'},
]); // 习题查询条件 - 年份
// 习题查询参数条件
@ -342,7 +320,7 @@ const handleQueryFromEntpCourseWork= async (queryType) => {
} else if (clueres.rows[i].cluetag == 'mapview') {
clueres.rows[i].worktype = '学科定位';
if (clueres.rows[i].childlist != '') {
clueres.rows[i].childArray = JSON.parse('['+clueres.rows[i].childlist+']');
for (var j=0; j<clueres.rows[i].childArray.length; j++) {
@ -58,6 +58,11 @@ import { useGetSubject } from '@/hooks/useGetSubject'
import { sessionStore } from '@/utils/store'
import { debounce } from 'lodash'
import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user'
import useClassTaskStore from '@/store/modules/classTask'
const userStore = useUserStore()
const classTaskStore = useClassTaskStore();
const router = useRouter()
const { ipcRenderer } = window.electron || {}
const chartDom = ref(null);
@ -206,11 +211,14 @@ ipcRenderer.on('minWinResize', debounce((e, data) =>{
}, 100))
onMounted(async ()=>{
await useGetSubject()
// 确保DOM 渲染完成
await nextTick()
chartInstance = echarts.init(chartDom.value)
// 更新第三方题型题类
await classTaskStore.initJYInfo(userStore.user);
const option = {
tooltip: {
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ const getWorkType = async (data) => {
if (selName === curName) {
const jyCT = await JYApiListCT(proxy, selName);
const jyCT = await JYApiListCT(selName);
if (jyCT.length == 0) {
@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ import { sessionStore } from '@/utils/store'
import { ElMessage } from 'element-plus'
import { dataSetJson } from '@/utils/comm.js'
import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user'
import emitter from '@/utils/mitt';
const userInfo = useUserStore().user
const textarea = ref('')
@ -132,6 +133,8 @@ const saveAdjust = (item) =>{
const curFile = reactive({})
const dataset_id = ref('')
const fileList = ref([])
@ -144,7 +147,9 @@ const getList = () =>{
Object.assign(curFile, fileList.value[0])
emitter.on('curFile', (item) =>{
const changeFile = (val) =>{
Object.assign(curFile, val);
@ -154,7 +159,7 @@ const changeFile = (val) =>{
onMounted(() => {
let data = sessionStore.get('subject.curNode')
Object.assign(curNode, data);
let text = props.modeType == 1 ? '课标': props.modeType == 2 ? '教材' : '考试'
let text = props.modeType == 1 ||props.modeType == 2 ? '课标' : '考试'
let jsonKey = `${text}-${data.edustage}-${data.edusubject}`
params.dataset_id = dataSetJson[jsonKey]
@ -8,16 +8,16 @@
<div class="dialog-content">
<div class="flex dialog-top">
<el-radio-group v-model="radio" @change="changeRadio">
<!-- <el-radio-group v-model="radio" @change="changeRadio">
<el-radio :value="item.value" v-for="item in radioList">{{ item.label }}</el-radio>
</el-radio-group> -->
<div class="content-list">
<li v-for="(item, index) in list" :class="activeIndex == index ? 'li-active' : ''" @click="clickItem(index)">
<el-image class="img" :src="item.url" />
<span>{{ }}</span>
<li v-for="(item, index) in fileList" :class="activeIndex == index ? 'li-active' : ''" @click="clickItem(index, item)">
<el-image class="img" :src="url" />
<el-text truncated>{{ item.fileName }}</el-text>
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ import { sessionStore } from '@/utils/store'
import { dataSetJson } from '@/utils/comm.js'
import { ElMessage } from 'element-plus'
import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user'
import emitter from '@/utils/mitt';
const userInfo = useUserStore().user
const uploadFileUrl = ref(import.meta.env.VITE_APP_BASE_API + "/common/upload");
@ -93,11 +94,7 @@ const changeRadio = () => {
const activeIndex = ref(-1)
const clickItem = (index) => {
activeIndex.value = index
const activeIndex = ref(0)
const dataset_id = ref('')
@ -109,7 +106,7 @@ const onSuccess = async (response) =>{
dataset_id: dataset_id.value
const res = await completion(data)
if( != 200) return
let docData = {
fileUrl: response.url,
@ -123,19 +120,30 @@ const onSuccess = async (response) =>{
const { msg } = await addDoc(docData)
const curNode = reactive({})
const fileList = ref([])
const curFile = reactive({})
const getList = () =>{
userId: userInfo.userId,
dataset_id: dataset_id.value
}).then( res =>{
fileList.value = [...res.rows]
Object.assign(curFile, fileList.value[0])
const clickItem = (index, item) => {
activeIndex.value = index
Object.assign(curFile, item)
onMounted(() =>{
let data = sessionStore.get('subject.curNode')
@ -174,6 +182,7 @@ onMounted(() =>{
flex-wrap: wrap;
li {
width: 130px;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
font-size: 13px;
@ -143,7 +143,8 @@ const getCompletion = async () => {
for (let item of childTempList.value) {
try {
item.loading = true
params.prompt = `根据${curNode.edustage}${curNode.edusubject},提炼出${item.prompt}`
// params.prompt = `根据${curNode.edustage}${curNode.edusubject},提炼出${item.prompt}`
params.prompt = `按照${item.prompt}的要求,针对${curNode.edustage}${curNode.edusubject}考试 对${curNode.itemtitle}进行教学分析`
const { data } = await completion(params)
let answer = data.answer
item.oldAnswer = answer
@ -269,7 +270,7 @@ const removeItem = async (item) => {
onMounted(() => {
let data = sessionStore.get('subject.curNode')
Object.assign(curNode, data);
let text = props.modeType == 1 ? '课标' : props.modeType == 2 ? '教材' : '考试'
let text = props.modeType == 1 || props.modeType == 2? '课标' : '考试'
let jsonKey = `${text}-${data.edustage}-${data.edusubject}`
params.dataset_id = dataSetJson[jsonKey]
@ -1,31 +1,65 @@
<div class="page-resource flex">
<div class="page-resource flex mb-4">
<!-- 左侧 教材 目录 -->
<ChooseTextbook @change-book="getData" @node-click="getData" />
<!-- <ChooseTextbook @change-book="getData" @node-click="getData" /> -->
<div class="page-right">
<div class="button-container">
<el-button style="margin-left: 12px;" type="primary" @click="onchange('/model/curriculum')">课标研读</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="onchange('/model/curriculum')">课标研读</el-button>
<!-- <el-button type="primary" @click="onchange('/model/management')">作业管理1</el-button> -->
<el-button type="primary" @click="onchange('/model/newClassTaskAssign')">作业管理</el-button>
<el-button type="success" @click="onchange('/model/teaching')">教材研读</el-button>
<el-button type="info" @click="onchange('/model/design')">教学框架设计</el-button>
<el-button type="success" @click="openPPTist">打开PPTist</el-button>
<el-button type="info" @click="onchange('/model/examination')">考试分析</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" v-menus="dt.menus">测试</el-button>
<el-row class="container">
<!-- 左侧 选择教材 目录 -->
<ChooseTextbook @change-book="changeBook" @node-click="changeBook" />
<!-- 中间 展示内容 -->
<el-col :span="10">
<div class="c-item mb-4 mx-4">
<div class="flex justify-between pb-2">
<span class="c-btns">
<template v-for="item in resourBtns">
<el-button :size="item.size" text :icon="item.icon" @click="handleAll(item.prop)">{{ }}</el-button>
<c-table ref="resourRef" v-bind="sourceOpt" t-class="rounded">
<template #title="{row,value}">
<el-link :underline="false" @click="handleAll('open', row)">
<svg class="icon svg-icon" aria-hidden="true">
<use :xlink:href="`#icon-${getIcon(row)}`"></use>
<b class="ml-1">{{ value }}</b>
<script setup>
import { onMounted, ref, watch, reactive } from 'vue'
import { useRouter } from 'vue-router'
import { createWindow } from '@/utils/tool' // 相关工具
import { Plus, Refresh, Upload, Files, UploadFilled } from '@element-plus/icons-vue'
import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user' // 用户信息
import msgUtils from '@/plugins/modal' // 消息工具
import { createWindow, sessionStore } from '@/utils/tool' // 相关工具
import * as API_entpcourse from '@/api/education/entpcourse' // 相关api
import * as API_entpcoursefile from '@/api/education/entpcoursefile' // 相关api
// 组件引入
import ChooseTextbook from '@/components/choose-textbook/index.vue'
import { menusEvent } from '@/plugins/vue3-menus' // 右键菜单
const router = useRouter()
const userStore = useUserStore() // 用户信息
const courseObj = reactive({
// 课程相关参数: 教材id,单元id,章节id,课程名称
@ -34,10 +68,58 @@ const courseObj = reactive({
levelSecondId: '',
coursetitle: '',
node: null, // 选择的课程节点
entp: null, // 当前课程
const dt = reactive({
curRow: null, // 当前行数据
menus: [ // 右键菜单
{ label: '打开', click: (_, args) => handleAll('open', args) },
{ label: '删除', click: (_, args) => handleAll('delete', args) },
// ref定义
const resourRef = ref() // 资源ref
// 资源按钮配置
const resourBtns = [
{ name: '刷新', prop: 'refresh', size: 'small', icon: Refresh },
{ name: '资源库', prop:'resource', size:'small', icon: Files },
{ name: '上传', prop:'upload', size:'small', icon: UploadFilled },
{ name: '添加', prop:'add', size:'small', icon: Plus },
// 资源相关配置-cTable
const sourceOpt = reactive({
data: [], // 数据
option: [ // 列配置
{ label: '名称', prop: 'title', align: 'left' },
{ label: '类型', prop: 'filetype', width: 80, },
{ label: '时间', prop: 'timestamp', width: 160, sortable: true },
noPage: true, // 不显示分页
isMain: false, // 主界面
highlightCurrentRow: true, // 高亮当前行
rowClick: (r, c, e) => { // 行点击事件-处理高亮(再次点击取消选中)
if (dt.curRow == r) { // 重复点击-取消选中
dt.curRow = null
} else dt.curRow = r
rowContextmenu: (r, c, e) => { // 行—右键菜单事件
dt.menus.forEach(item => {
if(item.label == '打开') item.icon = getIcon(r, 'svg')
else if(item.label == '删除') item.icon = getIcon('icon-shanchu', 'class')
menusEvent(e, dt.menus, r)
// 查询
const getData = (data) => {
// 页面加载
onMounted(() => {
// 相关方法-methods
// 教材选中
const changeBook = async(data) => {
// console.log(data)
const { textBook, node } = data
let textbookId = textBook.curBookId
let levelSecondId =
@ -57,6 +139,13 @@ const getData = (data) => {
// 头部 教材分析打开外部链接需要当前章节ID
localStorage.setItem('unitId', JSON.stringify({ levelFirstId, levelSecondId }))
// 获取当前章节对应的课程信息
const params = { evalid:, edituserid:, pageSize: 1 }
const res = await HTTP_SERVER_API('getCourseList', params)
courseObj.entp = res?.rows?.[0] || null
sessionStore.set('curr.entp', courseObj.entp) // 缓存当前课程信息
// 更新-资源列表
const openPPTist = () => {
@ -71,19 +160,170 @@ const onchange = (path) => {
// 获取资源列表
const getResourceList = async () => {
const entpcourseidarray = courseObj?.entp?.id
if (!entpcourseidarray) return msgUtils.msgWarning('请选择章节?')
const params = {
pageSize: 100, parentid: 0, entpcourseidarray,
orderByColumn: 'timestamp', isAsc: 'desc',
const res = await HTTP_SERVER_API('getCourseFileList', params)
if (res?.code == 200) {
|||| = res?.rows || []
} else {
msgUtils.msgWarning('获取资源列表, 请重试')
// 统一HTTP处理
const HTTP_SERVER_API = (type, params = {}) => {
switch (type) {
case 'addEntpcourse': { // 添加课程
const node = courseObj.node || {}
if (!node) return msgUtils.msgWarning('请选择章节?')
const def = { // 默认参数
entpid: userStore.user.deptId, // 部门id
level: 1, // 层级
parentid: 0, // 父级id
dictid: 0, // 字典id
evalid:, // 章节id
evalparentid: node.parentid, // 单元id(父级id)
edusubject: node.edusubject, // 学科
edudegree: node.edudegree, // 年级
edustage: node.edustage, // 阶段
coursetype: '课标学科', // 课程类型
coursetitle: node.itemtitle, // 课程名称
coursedesc: '', // 课程描述
status: '', // 状态
dflag: 0, // 状态
edituserid:, // 编辑人id
createblankfile: 'no', // 创建空白文件
courseObj.entp = def
return API_entpcourse.addEntpcourse(def)
case 'addEntpcoursefile': { // 添加课程文件
const enpt = courseObj.entp
const def = {
parentid: 0,
entpid: userStore.user.deptId,
ppttype: 'file',
title: enpt.coursetitle,
fileurl: '',
filetype: 'aptist',
datacontent: '',
filekey: '',
filetag: '',
fileidx: 0,
dflag: 0,
status: '',
// return Promise.resolve(1)
return API_entpcoursefile.addEntpcoursefileReturnId({...def,...params})
case 'getCourseList': { // 获取课程列表
return API_entpcourse.listEntpcourse(params)
case 'getCourseFileList':{ // 获取课程文件列表
return API_entpcoursefile.listEntpcoursefileNew(params)
// 事件回调
const handleAll = async(type, row) =>{
// console.log(type)
switch (type) {
case 'refresh': // 刷新
case 'resource': // 资源库
case 'upload': // 上传
case 'add':{ // 添加PPT-list - 课程文件
const enpt = courseObj.entp // 获取课程信息
if (!enpt) { // 如果没有,就新增课程
const resid = await HTTP_SERVER_API('addEntpcourse')
|||| = resid
// 生成ppt课件-父级
const p_params = {parentContent: '{"width":1000,"ratio":0.5625}'}
const id = await HTTP_SERVER_API('addEntpcoursefile', p_params)
if (!!id??null) { // 生成第一个幻灯片
const params = {
parentid: id,
title: '第一页',
filetype: 'slide',
datacontent: '{"elements":[],"background":{"type":"solid","color":"#fff"}}' // json内容
// 生成ppt课件-子级(slide)
await HTTP_SERVER_API('addEntpcoursefile', params)
// 刷新资源列表
await getResourceList()
} else {
case 'open': { // 打开资源-pptist
if (row.filetype != 'aptist') return msgUtils.msgWarning('暂不支持该类型文件操作!')
sessionStore.set('curr.resource', row) // 缓存当前资源信息
createWindow('open-win', {
url: '/pptist', // 窗口关闭时,清除缓存
close: () => {
sessionStore.set('curr.resource', null) // 清除缓存
getResourceList() // 刷新资源列表
case 'delete':{ // 删除资源
if (!(row && return msgUtils.msgWarning('请选择要删除的资源!')
await msgUtils.confirm(`是否确认删除【${row.title}】课程课件?`)
await API_entpcoursefile.delEntpcoursefileNew(
// 刷新资源列表
await getResourceList()
// icons 处理 type 代表传递svg
const getIcon = (o, type) => {
let icon = typeof o == 'string' ? o : o?.filetype
if (['aptist'].includes(o?.filetype)) icon = 'pptx'
if (!!type) { // 其他格式icon
switch(type) {
case 'svg': // 返回svg格式
return `<svg class="icon svg-icon" aria-hidden="true">
<use xlink:href="#icon-${icon}"></use>
case 'class': // class
return `<span class="icon iconfont ${icon}"></span>`
case 'unicode': // unicode
return `<span class="icon iconfont">${icon}</span>`
default: // 返回icon-class
return `icon-${icon}`
return icon
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.page-resource {
height: 100%;
padding: 10px 15px 0;
// height: 100%;
// padding: 10px 15px 0;
.page-right {
min-width: 0;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
flex: 1;
margin-left: 20px;
// margin-left: 20px;
height: 100%;
background: #ffffff;
border-radius: 10px;
@ -94,7 +334,7 @@ const onchange = (path) => {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
gap: 10px;
margin: 1rem 0;
margin: 1rem;
justify-content: flex-start;
.el-button {
@ -105,4 +345,12 @@ const onchange = (path) => {
height: calc(100% - 32px - 3rem);
.el-button{margin: 0;}
@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
<div class="ai-container">
<el-steps style="max-width:100% " :active="activeStep" align-center>
<el-step title="生成大纲" />
<el-step title="选择模板" />
<el-step title="制作PPT" />
<div class="card-box">
<el-card class="card2" v-if="activeStep === 0">
<div class="paragraphs">
{{ outputText }}
<el-button style="margin-bottom: 5px;" type="primary" @click="addMessage">从新生成</el-button>
<el-button style="margin-bottom: 5px;" type="primary" @click="activeStep = 1">下一步</el-button>
<el-card v-if="activeStep === 1">
<div style="padding-bottom: 10px">ppt模板选择</div>
<div class="themes">
<div v-for="item in backGroundList" :key="item.key" :style="{
padding: '20px',
paddingRight: '30px',
paddingLeft: '30px',
margin: '10px',
backgroundColor: getBackgroundColor(item.key),
borderRadius: '10px',
borderBlock: '10px solid #e6e6e6'
}" @click="chooseBackground(item.key)" @mouseenter="changeCursor('pointer')" @mouseleave="changeCursor('default')">
{{ }}
<br />
<img style="width: 150px; height: auto" :src="item.thumbnail" alt="" />
<el-row class="el-row">
<el-col :span="6" class="el-col">
<div class="grid-content-1">
<el-switch v-model="outlineData.is_figure" />
<el-col :span="6" class="el-col">
<div class="grid-content-2">
<el-input v-model="" style="width: 50%" />
<el-button style="margin-bottom: 5px;" type="primary" @click="activeStep = 0">上一步</el-button>
<el-button style="margin-bottom: 5px;" type="primary" @click="outlineCreatePPT()">生成PPT</el-button>
<el-card v-if="activeStep === 2">
<el-progress :percentage="percentage" type="circle" ></el-progress>
<script setup>
import { ref, onMounted } from "vue";
import { creatAIPPT } from '@/utils/talkFile'
import { ElMessage } from 'element-plus'
import {
} from "@/utils/ppt-request.js";
import CryptoJS from "crypto-js"
import { getSignature } from "@/utils/index.js";
let appId = "01ec9aa3";
let secret = "M2QxMDAxMjYyYTEzODMwMGRkZTQ4NmUy";
let apikey = "39d05b269fa229f431a56c21794a8ea5"
let timestamp = Math.floor( / 1000);
let signature = getSignature(appId, secret, timestamp);
const { ipcRenderer } = window.electron || {}
const outputText = ref(""); // 用于展示的大纲数据
const stagingData = ref([]); //储存的对话数据,用于多轮对话
const stagOutputText = ref(""); // 暂存大纲用于拆分
let extractedParts = ref([]) // 初步拆分
let firstArray = ref([]); //大纲的大纲等级数字部分
let secondArray = ref([]); //大纲的文字部分
const backGroundList = ref([]);
const inputTheme = ref("高中语文《沁园春雪》的授课课件"); // 输入的主题
const inputRequire = ref("") // 输入的需求
const activeStep = ref(0); // 上方进度条
const combined = ref('') // 修改完毕的大纲数据,准备传入ppt生成模型
const treeData = ref([]);
const status = ref("init");
const percentage = ref(0);
const getBackground = () => {
treeData.value = [];
getBackGround().then((res) => {
backGroundList.value = res;
const getBackgroundColor = (key) => {
return outlineData.value.theme === key ? '#83e2b6' : '#f5f5f5';
const outlineData = ref({
query: '', // 用户要求(最多8000字)
theme: 'auto', // ppt生成主题
author: 'AIX平台',
is_card_note: false, // 是否自动生成ppt演讲备注
is_cover_img: false, // 是否自动生成封面
is_figure: false, // 是否自动配图
const emit = defineEmits(['addSuccess'])
const props = defineProps({
dataList: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
// 将输入数据或返回数据存入记忆中
function updateStagingData(role, newData) {
stagingData.value.push({ role: role, content: newData });
const outlineCreatePPT = () => {
const newOutlineData = { ...outlineData.value, };
newOutlineData.query = outputText.value;
createPPT(newOutlineData).then((res) => {
console.log(res, "正在生成中");
activeStep.value = 2
const checkProgress = () => {
getProgress(res.sid).then((response) => {
percentage.value = response.process;
if (response && response.pptUrl && response.pptUrl.length > 4) {
// window.location.href =;
// let url = ""
} else {
const sleepTime = 2000;
let remainingTime = sleepTime;
const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
remainingTime -= 100;
if (remainingTime <= 0) {
}, 100);
const addMessage = () => {
const themeValue = inputTheme.value;
const requireValue = inputRequire.value;
firstArray.value = []
secondArray.value = []
extractedParts.value = []
stagOutputText.value = ''
const combinedString = `请帮我生成一个ppt大纲,主题为:${themeValue}。具体内容要求为:${requireValue}。注意,用三个等级大纲展示,如1. 1.1 1.1.2 2. 2.1这种类型,且按照这种顺序,不要有完全相同数字等级的大纲,不要有目录`
updateStagingData("user", combinedString);
let ttsWS
function connectWebSocket(data) {
outputText.value = ""; //清楚展示部分内容
status.value = "ttsing";
return getWebsocketUrl().then((url) => {
ttsWS = new WebSocket(url);
ttsWS.onopen = () => {
webSocketSend(ttsWS, data);
ttsWS.onmessage = (e) => {
ttsWS.onerror = (e) => {
status.value = "error";
console.log("WebSocket error:", e);
ttsWS.onclose = () => {
status.value = "init";
function getWebsocketUrl() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var apiKey = apikey;
var apiSecret = secret;
var url = "wss://";
var host = "";
var date = new Date().toGMTString();
var algorithm = "hmac-sha256";
var headers = "host date request-line";
var signatureOrigin = `host: ${host}\ndate: ${date}\nGET /v4.0/chat HTTP/1.1`;
var signatureSha = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(signatureOrigin, apiSecret);
var signature = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(signatureSha);
var authorizationOrigin = `api_key="${apiKey}", algorithm="${algorithm}", headers="${headers}", signature="${signature}"`;
var authorization = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(
url = `${url}?authorization=${authorization}&date=${date}&host=${host}`;
function webSocketSend(ws, data) {
const params = {
header: {
app_id: appId,
parameter: {
chat: {
domain: "4.0Ultra",
temperature: 0.5,
max_tokens: 1024,
payload: {
message: {
text: data,
function result1(resultData) {
let jsonData = JSON.parse(resultData);
outputText.value += jsonData.payload.choices.text[0].content;
const div = document.querySelector('.paragraphs');
if (div) {
div.scrollTop = div.scrollHeight;
if (jsonData.payload && jsonData.payload.usage) {
startExtraction() // 返回完毕后开始拆分大纲
console.log(firstArray.value, secondArray.value)
activeStep.value = 2
updateStagingData("assistant", outputText.value) //返回数据存入记忆池
if (jsonData.header.code !== 0) {
alert(`提问失败: ${jsonData.header.code}:${jsonData.header.message}`);
const chooseBackground = (data) => {
outlineData.value.theme = data
const changeCursor = (cursorStyle) => {
|||| = cursorStyle;
onMounted(() => {
// let url = ""
// creatAIPPT(props.currentNode.itemtitle + '.pptx',url, props.uploadData).then((res) => {
// emit('addSuccess',res)
// })
// connectWebSocket("");
let url = "";
props.dataList.filter(item => {
inputRequire.value += item.answer
<style scoped>
.ai-container {
width: 100%;
background-color: #f5f7f6;
padding: 20px
.card-box {
margin-top: 20px;
.card1 {
padding: 0;
width: 100%;
.paragraphs {
white-space: pre-wrap;
text-align: left;
max-height: 60vh;
overflow-y: auto;
border: 1px solid #409EFF;
padding: 10px;
margin: 5px
.themes {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
height: 250px;
overflow-y: auto;
.outline {
white-space: pre-wrap;
text-align: left;
border: 1px solid #409EFF;
padding: 10px;
outline-style: none;
/* margin: 5px */
.outline-row {
display: flex;
.outline-row>.el-col {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column
.outline-row>.el-col>div>.el-input {
flex: 1;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
padding: 3px;
.item-with-dash {
margin-left: 100px
.item-with-dash::after {
content: "";
border-bottom: 1px dashed #000;
flex-grow: 1;
margin-left: 4px;
.grid-content-1 {
border-radius: 4px;
background-color: #c2dbf3;
.grid-content-2 {
border-radius: 4px;
background-color: #f5f5f5;
.el-row {
padding: 20px
padding: 10px 15px;
@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
<div class="ai-container">
<el-steps style="max-width:100% " :active="activeStep" align-center>
<el-step title="生成大纲" />
<el-step title="选择模板" />
<el-step title="制作PPT" />
<div class="card-box">
<el-card class="card2" v-if="activeStep === 0">
<div class="paragraphs">
{{ outputText }}
<el-button style="margin-bottom: 5px;" type="primary" @click="addMessage">从新生成</el-button>
<el-button style="margin-bottom: 5px;" type="primary" @click="activeStep = 1">下一步</el-button>
<el-card v-if="activeStep === 1">
<div style="padding-bottom: 10px">ppt模板选择</div>
<div class="themes">
<div v-for="item in backGroundList" :key="item.templateIndexId" :style="{
padding: '5px',
paddingRight: '5px',
paddingLeft: '5px',
margin: '5px',
backgroundColor: getBackgroundColor(item.templateIndexId),
borderRadius: '10px',
borderBlock: '10px solid #e6e6e6'
}" @click="chooseBackground(item.templateIndexId)" @mouseenter="changeCursor('pointer')" @mouseleave="changeCursor('default')">
{{ }}
<img style="width: 150px; height: auto" :src="getBackGroundImg(item.detailImage)" alt="" />
<el-row class="el-row">
<!-- <el-col :span="6" class="el-col">
<div class="grid-content-1">
<el-switch v-model="outlineData.is_card_note" />
<!-- <el-col :span="6" class="el-col">
<div class="grid-content-2">
<el-switch v-model="outlineData.is_cover_img" />
<el-col :span="6" class="el-col">
<div class="grid-content-1">
<el-switch v-model="outlineData.isFigure" />
<el-col :span="6" class="el-col">
<div class="grid-content-2">
<el-input v-model="" style="width: 50%" />
<el-button style="margin-bottom: 5px;" type="primary" @click="activeStep = 0">上一步</el-button>
<el-button style="margin-bottom: 5px;" type="primary" @click="outlineCreatePPT()">生成PPT</el-button>
<el-card v-if="activeStep === 2">
<el-progress :percentage="30" type="circle" v-if="percentage === 30"></el-progress>
<script setup>
import { ref, onMounted } from "vue";
import { ElMessage } from 'element-plus'
import {
} from "@/utils/ppt-request.js";
import CryptoJS from "crypto-js"
import { getSignature } from "@/utils/index.js";
let appId = "01ec9aa3";
let secret = "M2QxMDAxMjYyYTEzODMwMGRkZTQ4NmUy";
let apikey = "39d05b269fa229f431a56c21794a8ea5"
let timestamp = Math.floor( / 1000);
let signature = getSignature(appId, secret, timestamp);
const { ipcRenderer } = window.electron || {}
const outputText = ref(""); // 用于展示的大纲数据
const stagingData = ref([]); //储存的对话数据,用于多轮对话
const stagOutputText = ref(""); // 暂存大纲用于拆分
let extractedParts = ref([]) // 初步拆分
let firstArray = ref([]); //大纲的大纲等级数字部分
let secondArray = ref([]); //大纲的文字部分
const backGroundList = ref([]);
const inputTheme = ref("高中语文《沁园春雪》的授课课件"); // 输入的主题
const inputRequire = ref("") // 输入的需求
const activeStep = ref(0); // 上方进度条
const combined = ref('') // 修改完毕的大纲数据,准备传入ppt生成模型
const treeData = ref([]);
const status = ref("init");
const percentage = ref(0);
const getBackgrounds = () => {
treeData.value = [];
getBackGroundV2().then((res) => {
backGroundList.value = res.records;
const getBackGroundImg = (imgUrlStr) => {
return JSON.parse(imgUrlStr).titleCoverImage
const outlineData = ref({
query: '', // 用户要求(最多8000字)
// templateId: 'auto', // ppt生成主题
author: 'AIX平台',
isFigure: false, // 是否自动配图
const emit = defineEmits(['addSuccess'])
const props = defineProps({
dataList: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
// 将输入数据或返回数据存入记忆中
function updateStagingData(role, newData) {
stagingData.value.push({ role: role, content: newData });
const outlineCreatePPT = () => {
const newOutlineData = { ...outlineData.value, };
newOutlineData.query = outputText.value;
createPPTV2(newOutlineData).then((res) => {
console.log(res, "正在生成中");
activeStep.value = 2
const checkProgress = () => {
getProgressV2(res.sid).then((response) => {
percentage.value = response.process;
if (response && response.pptUrl && response.pptUrl.length > 4) {
// window.location.href =;
// let url = ""
} else {
const sleepTime = 2000;
let remainingTime = sleepTime;
const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
remainingTime -= 100;
if (remainingTime <= 0) {
}, 100);
const addMessage = () => {
const themeValue = inputTheme.value;
const requireValue = inputRequire.value;
firstArray.value = []
secondArray.value = []
extractedParts.value = []
stagOutputText.value = ''
const combinedString = `请帮我生成一个ppt大纲,主题为:${themeValue}。具体内容要求为:${requireValue}。注意,用三个等级大纲展示,如1. 1.1 1.1.2 2. 2.1这种类型,且按照这种顺序,不要有完全相同数字等级的大纲,不要有目录`
updateStagingData("user", combinedString);
// activeStep.value = 3
let ttsWS
function connectWebSocket(data) {
outputText.value = ""; //清楚展示部分内容
status.value = "ttsing";
return getWebsocketUrl().then((url) => {
ttsWS = new WebSocket(url);
ttsWS.onopen = () => {
webSocketSend(ttsWS, data);
ttsWS.onmessage = (e) => {
ttsWS.onerror = (e) => {
status.value = "error";
console.log("WebSocket error:", e);
ttsWS.onclose = () => {
status.value = "init";
const getBackgroundColor = (key) => {
return outlineData.value.templateId === key ? '#83e2b6' : '#f5f5f5';
function getWebsocketUrl() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var apiKey = apikey;
var apiSecret = secret;
var url = "wss://";
var host = "";
var date = new Date().toGMTString();
var algorithm = "hmac-sha256";
var headers = "host date request-line";
var signatureOrigin = `host: ${host}\ndate: ${date}\nGET /v4.0/chat HTTP/1.1`;
var signatureSha = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(signatureOrigin, apiSecret);
var signature = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(signatureSha);
var authorizationOrigin = `api_key="${apiKey}", algorithm="${algorithm}", headers="${headers}", signature="${signature}"`;
var authorization = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(
url = `${url}?authorization=${authorization}&date=${date}&host=${host}`;
function webSocketSend(ws, data) {
const params = {
header: {
app_id: appId,
parameter: {
chat: {
domain: "4.0Ultra",
temperature: 0.5,
max_tokens: 1024,
payload: {
message: {
text: data,
function result1(resultData) {
let jsonData = JSON.parse(resultData);
outputText.value += jsonData.payload.choices.text[0].content;
const div = document.querySelector('.paragraphs');
if (div) {
div.scrollTop = div.scrollHeight;
if (jsonData.payload && jsonData.payload.usage) {
updateStagingData("assistant", outputText.value) //返回数据存入记忆池
if (jsonData.header.code !== 0) {
alert(`提问失败: ${jsonData.header.code}:${jsonData.header.message}`);
const chooseBackground = (data) => {
outlineData.value.templateId = data
const changeCursor = (cursorStyle) => {
|||| = cursorStyle;
onMounted(() => {
// let url = ""
// creatAIPPT(props.currentNode.itemtitle + '.pptx',url, props.uploadData).then((res) => {
// emit('addSuccess',res)
// })
// connectWebSocket("init");
props.dataList.filter(item => {
inputRequire.value += item.answer
// addMessage()
<style scoped>
.ai-container {
width: 100%;
background-color: #f5f7f6;
padding: 20px
.card-box {
margin-top: 20px;
.card1 {
padding: 0;
width: 100%;
.paragraphs {
white-space: pre-wrap;
text-align: left;
max-height: 60vh;
overflow-y: auto;
border: 1px solid #409EFF;
padding: 10px;
margin: 5px
.themes {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
height: 250px;
overflow-y: auto;
.outline {
white-space: pre-wrap;
text-align: left;
border: 1px solid #409EFF;
padding: 10px;
outline-style: none;
/* margin: 5px */
.outline-row {
display: flex;
.outline-row>.el-col {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column
.outline-row>.el-col>div>.el-input {
flex: 1;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
padding: 3px;
.item-with-dash {
margin-left: 100px
.item-with-dash::after {
content: "";
border-bottom: 1px dashed #000;
flex-grow: 1;
margin-left: 4px;
.grid-content-1 {
border-radius: 4px;
background-color: #c2dbf3;
.grid-content-2 {
border-radius: 4px;
background-color: #f5f5f5;
.el-row {
padding: 20px
padding: 10px 15px;
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
<el-dialog class="ppt-dialog" v-model="model" :show-close="false" width="800" destroy-on-close :top="'3vh'">
<template #header="{ close, titleId, titleClass }">
<div class="dialog-header">
<h4 :id="titleId" :class="titleClass">生成PPT(试验版)</h4>
<i class="iconfont icon-guanbi" @click="close"></i>
<AiPptist @add-success="addAiPPT" :dataList="dataList"/>
<script setup>
import AiPptist from './ai-pptist.vue';
const model = defineModel()
const emit = defineEmits(['addSuccess'])
const props = defineProps({
dataList: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
const addAiPPT = (data) => {
emit('addSuccess', data)
<style lang="scss" scoped>
-webkit-app-region: no-drag;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
.icon-guanbi {
font-size: 20px;
cursor: pointer;
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user'
import {ArrowDown} from '@element-plus/icons-vue'
import { onMounted,ref } from 'vue';
import { listEvaluation } from '@/api/subject/index'
import {sessionStore} from '@/utils/store'
const userStore = useUserStore().user
const subjectList = ref([])
// 获取基础的学科
@ -58,22 +59,27 @@ const getSubject = () => {
// 选择学段
const handleUserEduStage = (item) => {
userStore.edustage = item
if(item === '幼儿园'){
// 默认语文
userStore.edusubject = '语文'
else if(item === '高中' && userStore.edusubject === "道德与法治"){
// 默认语文
userStore.edusubject = '政治'
else if(item != '高中' && userStore.edusubject === "政治"){
// 默认语文
userStore.edusubject = '道德与法治'
// 选择学科
const handleUserEduSubject = (item) => {
userStore.edusubject = item;
onMounted(() => {
@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ import {listClassmain} from '@/api/classManage/index'
import ClassList from './components/classList.vue'
import useClassTaskStore from '@/store/modules/classTask'
const classTaskStore = useClassTaskStore();
const classList = ref([])
// 未加入的班级
@ -162,11 +165,12 @@ setTimeout(() => {
function submit() {
proxy.$refs.userRef.validate((valid) => {
if (valid) {
userStore.user.avatar = userStore.user.avatar
userStore.user.edusubject = sessionStore.get('edusubjectSelf') ? sessionStore.get('edusubjectSelf') : userStore.user.edusubject
userStore.user.edustage = sessionStore.get('edustageSelf') ? sessionStore.get('edustageSelf') : userStore.user.edustage
updateUserInfo(userStore.user).then((response) => {
if(response.code == 200){
userStore.login({username:userStore.user.userName,password:userStore.user.plainpwd}).then(() => {
userStore.getInfo().then(res => {
userStore.getInfo().then(async res => {
if(res.code === 200){
let sessionSubject = {
bookList: null,
@ -177,6 +181,10 @@ function submit() {
sessionStore.set( 'subject', sessionSubject)
console.log('userStore更新后', res);
await classTaskStore.initJYInfo(userStore.user);
//console.log('classTaskStore->', classTaskStore);
@ -32,7 +32,15 @@
</el-row> -->
<el-row class="resoure-btns">
<el-col :span="24" class="query-row flex">
<div class="flex row-left"> <el-select v-model="sourceStore.query.fileSuffix" @change="sourceStore.changeSuffix"
<div class="flex row-left">
<!-- 第三方资源筛选-->
<el-select v-if="isThird" v-model="sourceStore.thirdQuery.type" @change="sourceStore.thirdChangeType"
style="width: 110px">
<el-option v-for="item in coursewareTypeList" :key="item.value" :label="item.label"
:value="item.value" />
<el-select v-else v-model="sourceStore.query.fileSuffix" @change="sourceStore.changeSuffix"
style="width: 110px">
<el-option v-for="item in sourceStore.resourceFormatList" :key="item.value" :label="item.label"
:value="item.value" />
@ -48,7 +56,6 @@
@ -7,18 +7,22 @@
<span>{{ }}</span>
<el-button type="primary" link @click="onSelect(item)">选择模式</el-button>
<div class="content-list">
<div class="item-list flex">
<el-card class="item-card" shadow="never" v-for="el in item.child" :key="">
<p class="card-name">{{ }}</p>
<p class="card-name">
<el-text line-clamp="1" :title="">
{{ }}
<div class="card-text">
<el-text line-clamp="2">
<el-text line-clamp="4" :title="el.prompt">
{{ el.prompt }}
@ -97,30 +101,44 @@ onMounted(() => {
justify-content: space-between;
margin-bottom: 5px;
.con-item {
margin-bottom: 20px;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column
margin-bottom: 10px;
.item-card {
width: 130px;
font-size: 13px;
padding: 10px;
margin-right: 20px;
flex-shrink: 0;
border-radius: 10px;
:deep(.el-card__body) {
padding: 0 !important;
.card-name {
text-align: center;
font-size: 14px;
.card-text {
text-align: left;
font-size: 12px;
font-size: 12px !important;
overflow-x: auto
.content-list::-webkit-scrollbar {
height: 8px;
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
<div class="header-right">
<el-button type="primary">生成大纲</el-button>
<el-button type="danger">生成PPT</el-button>
<el-button type="danger" @click="pptDialog = true">生成PPT</el-button>
<div class="right-con flex">
@ -49,29 +49,112 @@
<EditDialog v-model="isEdit" :item="curItem" />
<AdjustDialog v-model="isAdjust" :item="curItem" />
<PptDialog @add-success="addAiPPT" :dataList="resultList" v-model="pptDialog"/>
<script setup>
import { ref, onUnmounted, reactive } from 'vue'
import { ref, onMounted, onUnmounted, reactive } from 'vue'
import { sessionStore } from '@/utils/store'
import emitter from '@/utils/mitt'
import EditDialog from './edit-dialog.vue'
import AdjustDialog from './adjust-dialog.vue'
import { completion } from '@/api/mode/index.js'
import { completion, tempResult } from '@/api/mode/index.js'
// import { dataSetJson } from '@/utils/comm.js'
import * as commUtils from '@/utils/comm.js'
import PptDialog from '@/views/prepare/container/pptist-dialog.vue'
import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user'
import {PPTXFileToJson} from '@/AixPPTist/src/hooks/useImport' // ppt转json
import * as API_entpcourse from '@/api/education/entpcourse' // 相关api
import * as API_entpcoursefile from '@/api/education/entpcoursefile' // 相关api
import * as Api_server from '@/api/apiService' // 相关api
import msgUtils from '@/plugins/modal' // 消息工具
const userStore = useUserStore()
const pptDialog = ref(false)
const resultList = ref([])
emitter.on('changeMode', (item) => {
resultList.value = item.child
const courseObj = reactive({
node: null, // 选择的课程节点
emitter.on('changeMode', (item) => {
console.log(item, 'item')
resultList.value = item.child
// conversation()
// 查询模板结果
const getTempResult = (id) => {
tempResult({ mainModelId: id }).then(res => {
console.log(res, 2000)
let rows = res.rows
if (rows.length > 0) {
resultList.value.forEach(item => {
rows.forEach(el => {
if ( == el.modelId) {
item.answer = el.content
item.reultId =
const params = reactive(
prompt: '',
dataset_id: ''
const addAiPPT = async(res) => {
let node = courseObj.node
if (!node) return msgUtils.msgWarning('请选择章节?')
//TODO res中有PPT地址
const params = { evalid:, edituserid:, pageSize: 1 }
const resEnpt = await HTTP_SERVER_API('getCourseList', params)
if (!(resEnpt?.rows?.[0] || null)) { // 创建
const resid = await HTTP_SERVER_API('addEntpcourse')
|||| = resid
} else courseObj.entp = resEnpt?.rows?.[0] || null
// 下载PPT 并解析json转换到我们自己数据库
.then(res => res.arrayBuffer())
.then(async buffer => {
const resPptJson = await PPTXFileToJson(buffer)
const { def, slides, ...content } = resPptJson
// 转换图片|音频|视频 为线上地址
for( let o of slides ) {
await toRousrceUrl(o)
// return
// 生成ppt课件-父级
const p_params = {parentContent: JSON.stringify(content)}
const parentid = await HTTP_SERVER_API('addEntpcoursefile', p_params)
if (!!parentid??null) { // 生成内容幻灯片
if (slides.length > 0) {
const resSlides ={id, ...slide}) => JSON.stringify(slide))
const params = {parentid, filetype: 'slide', title: '', slides: resSlides }
const res_3 = await HTTP_SERVER_API('batchAddNew', params)
if (res_3 && res_3.code == 200) {
} else {
const conversation = async () => {
for (let item of resultList.value) {
item.loading = true
try {
const { data } = await completion({
dataset_id: 'cee3062a9fcf11efa6910242ac140006',
prompt: item.prompt
params.prompt = `按照${item.prompt}的要求,针对${curNode.edustage}${curNode.edusubject}课标对${curNode.itemtitle}进行教学分析`
const { data } = await completion(params)
item.answer = data.answer
} finally {
item.loading = false
@ -89,10 +172,8 @@ const curItem = reactive({})
const againResult = async (index, item) => {
try {
resultList.value[index].loading = true
const { data } = await completion({
dataset_id: 'cee3062a9fcf11efa6910242ac140006',
prompt: item.prompt
params.prompt = `按照${item.prompt}的要求,针对${curNode.edustage}${curNode.edusubject}课标对${curNode.itemtitle}进行教学分析`
const { data } = await completion(params)
resultList.value[index].answer = data.answer
} finally {
resultList.value[index].loading = false
@ -121,6 +202,109 @@ emitter.on('changeResult', (item) => {
resultList.value[curIndex.value].answer = item
// ======== zdg start ============
// 统一HTTP处理
const HTTP_SERVER_API = (type, params = {}) => {
switch (type) {
case 'addEntpcourse': { // 添加课程
const node = courseObj.node || {}
if (!node) return msgUtils.msgWarning('请选择章节?')
const def = { // 默认参数
entpid: userStore.user.deptId, // 部门id
level: 1, // 层级
parentid: 0, // 父级id
dictid: 0, // 字典id
evalid:, // 章节id
evalparentid: node.parentid, // 单元id(父级id)
edusubject: node.edusubject, // 学科
edudegree: node.edudegree, // 年级
edustage: node.edustage, // 阶段
coursetype: '课标学科', // 课程类型
coursetitle: node.itemtitle, // 课程名称
coursedesc: '', // 课程描述
status: '', // 状态
dflag: 0, // 状态
edituserid:, // 编辑人id
createblankfile: 'no', // 创建空白文件
courseObj.entp = def
return API_entpcourse.addEntpcourse(def)
case 'addEntpcoursefile': { // 添加课程文件
params = getDefParams(params)
return API_entpcoursefile.addEntpcoursefileReturnId(params)
case 'batchAddNew': { // 批量添加课程文件
params = getDefParams(params)
return API_entpcoursefile.batchAddNew(params)
case 'getCourseList': { // 获取课程列表
return API_entpcourse.listEntpcourse(params)
case 'getCourseFileList':{ // 获取课程文件列表
return API_entpcoursefile.listEntpcoursefileNew(params)
// 获取默认参数
const getDefParams = (params) => {
const enpt = courseObj.entp
const def = {
parentid: 0,
entpid: userStore.user.deptId,
ppttype: 'file',
title: enpt.coursetitle,
fileurl: '',
filetype: 'aptist',
datacontent: '',
filekey: '',
filetag: '',
fileidx: 0,
dflag: 0,
status: '',
return Object.assign(def, params)
// 图片|音频|视频 转换为在线地址
const toRousrceUrl = async(o) => {
if (!!o.src) { // 如果有src就转换
const isBase64 = /^data:image\/(\w+);base64,/.test(o.src)
const isBlobUrl = /^blob:/.test(o.src)
console.log('isBase64', o, isBase64)
if (isBase64) {
const bolb = commUtils.base64ToBlob(o.src)
const fileName = + '.png'
const file = commUtils.blobToFile(bolb, fileName)
// o.src = fileName
// console.log('file', file)
const formData = new FormData()
formData.append('file', file)
const res = await Api_server.Other.uploadFile(formData)
if (res && res.code == 200){
const url = res?.url
url &&(o.src = url)
} else if (isBlobUrl) { // 视频和音频
if (o?.background?.image) await toRousrceUrl(o.background.image)
if (o?.elements) o.elements.forEach(async o => {await toRousrceUrl(o)})
// ======== zdg end ============
const curNode = reactive({})
onMounted(() => {
let data = sessionStore.get('subject.curNode')
Object.assign(curNode, data);
courseObj.node = data
let jsonKey = `课标-${data.edustage}-${data.edusubject}`
params.dataset_id = commUtils.dataSetJson[jsonKey]
// 解绑
onUnmounted(() => {
@ -7,7 +7,10 @@
"noEmit": true,
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"../*": ["./src/*"]
"../*": ["./src/*"],
"@/*": [
@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": "./",
"paths": {
"files": [],
"references": [
Reference in New Issue