Merge pull request 'fix:修改ppt添加活动的bug;' (#115) from yws_dev into main

Reviewed-on: #115
This commit is contained in:
yangws 2024-12-12 10:52:40 +08:00
commit 5b50404d3c
3 changed files with 86 additions and 47 deletions

View File

@ -3,22 +3,22 @@
* @author zdg
* @date 2024-11-26
import { toRaw, nextTick } from 'vue'
import { toRaw } from 'vue'
import type { Result } from './types' // 接口类型
import msgUtils from '@/plugins/modal' // 消息工具
import * as API_entpcoursefile from '@/api/education/entpcoursefile' // 相关api
import * as API_smarttalk from '@/api/file' // 相关api
import * as Api_server from '@/api/apiService' // 相关api
import * as CreateHomework from '@/views/tool/createHomework' // 统计相关
import * as useStore from '../store' // pptist-状态管理
import { sessionStore } from '@/utils/store' // electron-store 状态管理
import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user' // 外部-用户信息
import { toPng, toJpeg } from 'html-to-image' // 引入html-to-image库
// import * as commUtils from '@/utils/comm.js'
import { createWindow } from '@/utils/tool'
import { useToolState } from '@/store/modules/tool'
import * as Api_server from '@/api/apiService' // 相关api
import * as commUtils from '@/utils/comm.js'
const slidesStore = useStore.useSlidesStore()
const userStore = useUserStore()
import { getClassWorkList,getStudentClassWorkData } from '@/views/tool/createHomework'
import {createWindow} from '@/utils/tool'
import { useToolState } from '@/store/modules/tool'
const toolStore = useToolState()
/** 工具类 */
export class Utils {
@ -147,8 +147,6 @@ export class PPTApi {
// 更新幻灯片
static updateSlide(data: object): Promise<Boolean> {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const thumUrl = await this.getSlideThumUrl()
data.base64Code = thumUrl // 更新缩略图
const res: Result = await API_entpcoursefile.updateEntpcoursefileNew(data)
@ -193,40 +191,30 @@ export class PPTApi {
else msgUtils.msgError(res.msg || '更新失败');return false
// thumbnail-slide thumbnail
static getSlideThumUrl(): Promise<Boolean> {
return nextTick().then(async() => {
const slideIndex = slidesStore.slideIndex
const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.thumbnail-slide')
if (elements.length && slideIndex >= 0) {
const element = elements[slideIndex]
return await toPng(element)
return null
// 图片|音频|视频 转换为在线地址
static toRousrceUrl =async (file: File|any) => {
static toRousrceUrl =async (o:any) => {
const formData = new FormData()
formData.append('file', file)
formData.append('file', o)
const res = await Api_server.Other.uploadFile(formData)
if (res && res.code == 200){
const url = res?.url
url &&(o.src = url)
return url
export class Homework{
// 作业弹窗
static async showHomework(id: any) {
let result = await CreateHomework.getClassWorkList(id)
result = await CreateHomework.getStudentClassWorkData()
localStorage.setItem('teachClassWorkItem', JSON.stringify(result[0]));
toolStore.isTaskWin=true; // 设置打开批改窗口
let result = await getClassWorkList(id)
  result = await getStudentClassWorkData()
  localStorage.setItem('teachClassWorkItem', JSON.stringify(result[0]));
  toolStore.isTaskWin=true; // 设置打开批改窗口
//   emit('closeActive')
export default PPTApi

View File

@ -5,9 +5,12 @@ import type { Slide, SlideTheme, PPTElement, PPTAnimation } from '../types/slide
import { slides } from '../mocks/slides'
import { theme } from '../mocks/theme'
import { layouts } from '../mocks/layout'
import { sessionStore } from '@/utils/store' // electron-store 状态管理
import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user' // 外部-用户信息
import * as API_entpcoursefile from '@/api/education/entpcoursefile' // 相关api
import PPTApi from '../api/store'
const userStore = useUserStore()
interface RemovePropData {
id: string
propName: string | string[]
@ -142,16 +145,46 @@ export const useSlidesStore = defineStore('slides', {
setWorkItem(list: Object[]) {
this.workItem = list
addWorkItem(data: any) {
const id = data?.parentid
if (!id) return
this.workItem.splice(this.slideIndex, 0, data)
addSlide(slide: Slide | Slide[]) {
const resource = sessionStore.get('curr.resource')||{}
const enpt = sessionStore.get('curr.entp')||{}
const {id, ...content} = slide
const params = {
entpid: userStore.user.deptId,
ppttype: 'file',
title: '',
fileurl: '',
filetype: 'slide',
datacontent: JSON.stringify(content),
filekey: '',
filetag: '',
fileidx: 0,
dflag: 0,
status: '',
const slides = Array.isArray(slide) ? slide : [slide]
for (const slide of slides) {
if (slide.sectionTag) delete slide.sectionTag
API_entpcoursefile.addEntpcoursefileReturnId(params).then((rid:number) => {
if(!!rid){ = rid
const addIndex = this.slideIndex + 1
this.slides.splice(addIndex, 0, ...slides)
this.slideIndex = addIndex
updateSlide(props: Partial<Slide>, slideId?: string) {
@ -188,6 +221,7 @@ export const useSlidesStore = defineStore('slides', {
const isDel = await PPTApi.delSlide(deletedId)
if (isDel) {
// 后端删除成功,更新页面数据
this.workItem.splice(index, 1)
slides.splice(index, 1)

View File

@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
<div class="item">
<div class="item-title">
<el-tag :type="getTagType(item.worktype) || 'primary'">{{item.worktype}}</el-tag>
<el-tooltip :content="item.evaltitle" placement="top">
<div class="tt">{{item.evaltitle}}</div>
<el-tooltip :content="item.uniquekey" placement="top">
<div class="tt">{{item.uniquekey}}</div>
<el-button class="btn-del" type="danger" link @click="handleRemoveDemoActivityClassWork(item)">删除</el-button>
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
<el-table :data="taskList" style="width: 100%" height="500" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange">
<el-table-column type="selection" width="55" :selectable="selectable"/>
<el-table-column prop="evaltitle" label="活动名称" width="150" />
<el-table-column prop="uniquekey" label="活动名称" width="150" />
<el-table-column prop="worktype" label="活动类型" width="120" sortable>
<template #default="scope">
<el-tag :type="getTagType(scope.row.worktype) || 'primary'">{{ scope.row.worktype }}</el-tag>
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ interface WorkItem {
base64?: string;
prevData?: any;
id: number;
evaltitle?: string; // evaltitle
uniquekey?: string; // evaltitle
const currentCourse = reactive<CurrentCourse>({
@ -277,6 +277,8 @@ const getCurrentPPtData = async () => {
workList.value = []
objItem.value = workItem.value[slideIndex.value] =
paramData.value.activityContent = objItem.value?.activityContent
if (objItem.value?.activityContent) {
loadingActive.value = true
@ -287,6 +289,7 @@ const getCurrentPPtData = async () => {
const getData = async (data: WorkItem) => {
workList.value = []
const arr = paramData.value.activityContent.split(',')
@ -307,6 +310,16 @@ const upDateData = async () => {
const resource = sessionStore.get('curr.resource')
await PPTApi.getSlideList(
const objectsAreEqual = (obj1: any[], obj2: any[]) => {
const keys1 = Object.keys(obj1);
const keys2 = Object.keys(obj2);
if (keys1.length !== keys2.length) return false;
for (const key of keys1) {
if (obj1[key] !== obj2[key]) return false;
return true;
onMounted(() => {
const curNode = sessionStore.get('subject.curNode') as CourseNode
@ -318,9 +331,13 @@ onMounted(() => {
objItem.value = workItem.value[slideIndex.value]
watch(() => slideIndex.value, () => {
watch(() => [workItem.value.length,slideIndex.value], (newVal,oldVal) => {
// watch(() => workItem.value.length, () => {
// getCurrentPPtData()
// })
<style scoped lang="scss">