This commit is contained in:
白了个白 2024-12-25 17:26:14 +08:00
parent e3c4706880
commit 2fdd997c5e
2 changed files with 53 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<div class="whiteboart-container" :style="{ height: height + 'px' }">
<div class="canvasBox" ref="box"></div>
<div class="canvasBox" ref="box" @mouseleave="handleMouseLeave" ></div>
<div class="footerLeft" @click.stop
:style="type == 'design' ? ['top: 10px', 'justify-content: space-between'] : ['bottom: 10px', 'justify-content: center']">
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@
<script setup>
import { onMounted, ref, watch, toRaw, nextTick, computed, reactive, defineProps, defineEmits } from 'vue'
import { onMounted, ref, getCurrentInstance, watch, toRaw, nextTick, computed, reactive, defineProps, defineEmits } from 'vue'
import TinyWhiteboard from 'whiteboard_lyc'
import ColorPicker from './components/ColorPicker.vue'
import {
@ -305,6 +305,7 @@ import { fontFamilyList, fontSizeList } from './constants'
const borderImg = new URL('../../../src/assets/images/borderwidth.png', import.meta.url).href
const pointerImg = new URL('../../../src/assets/images/mouse-pointer.png', import.meta.url).href
const { proxy } = getCurrentInstance()
const props = defineProps({
modelValue: {
@ -713,6 +714,13 @@ watch(() =>, (newVal) => {
// dom
onMounted(() => {
* 初始化画布内容
const init = () => {
app = new TinyWhiteboard({
container: box.value,
@ -781,7 +789,46 @@ onMounted(() => {
}, 300)
* 课堂展示-鼠标离开白板监听事件该事件是避免选中状态在其他地方点击后退删除等事件会删除白板内选中的元素
const handleMouseLeave = () => {
// app.cancelActiveElement()
const rect = proxy.$;
const x = event.clientX - rect.left;
const y = event.clientY -;
const selectedShape = this.shapes.find(shape => {
return x >= shape.x && x <= shape.x + shape.width && y >= shape.y && y <= shape.y + shape.height;
if (selectedShape) {
console.log('选中的元素:', selectedShape);
// console.log(", selection", currentType.value)
// //
// console.log("", activeElement.value)
// // if (activeElement.value) {
// // console.log("")
// // activeElement.value = null
// // }
// // //
// console.log("", selectedElements.value)
// if( selectedElements.value.length > 0) {
// console.log("")
// selectedElements.value = []
// }
// const canvas = box.value;
// canvas.blur(); //

View File

@ -68,7 +68,6 @@
<div v-if="(currentRow.worktype == '课堂展示' || classWorkForm.worktype == '课堂展示') &&>0" class="page-center">
<div v-loading="boardLoading" class="board-wrap" style="height: 100%; flex: 1; overflow: hidden;">
<!-- <whiteboard v-if="isShowBoard" ref="boardref" :height="mainHeight - 150" :isShowSave="false" :data="whiteboardObj"/> -->
<whiteboard ref="boardref" height="100%" width="100%" :isShowSave="false" :data="classWorkForm.whiteboardObj" />