zhuhao_dev #363

zhuhao merged 6 commits from zhuhao_dev into main 2024-10-24 17:04:47 +08:00
10 changed files with 224 additions and 211 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 302c82503a - Show all commits

View File

@ -271,12 +271,13 @@ app.on('window-all-closed', () => {
function handleAll() {
const chatInstance = chat.initialize() // im-chat 实例
// 新窗口创建-监听
ipcMain.on('new-window', (e, data) => {
ipcMain.handle('new-window', (e, data) => {
const { id, type } = data
const win = BrowserWindow.fromId(id)
win.type = type // 绑定独立标识
remote.enable(win.webContents) // 开启远程服务
chatInstance.enable(win.webContents) // 开启im-chat
console.log(`主进程 [${type}]: 窗口注册-远程代理-完毕(${Date.now()})`)
// 用于监听-状态管理变化-同步所有窗口
ipcMain.handle('pinia-state-change', (e, storeName, jsonStr) => {

View File

@ -4,12 +4,17 @@ const overviewStore = defineStore(
state: () => {
return {
actions: {
this.tableList = [...data]
this.allData = [...data]

View File

@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ export const createWindow = async (type, data) => {
data.isConsole = true // 是否开启控制台
data.isWeb = false // 是否开启web安全
data.option = {...defOption, ...option}
wins_tool = await toolWindow(data)
wins_tool = await toolWindow(type, data)
wins_tool.type = type // 唯一标识
wins_tool.setFullScreen(true) // 设置窗口为全屏
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ export const createWindow = async (type, data) => {
data.isConsole = true // 是否开启控制台
data.option = {...defOption, ...option}
const win = await toolWindow(data)
const win = await toolWindow(type, data)
win.type = type // 唯一标识
win.setFullScreen(true) // 设置窗口为全屏
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ export const createWindow = async (type, data) => {
data.isConsole = true // 是否开启控制台
data.option = {...defOption, ...option}
winChild = await toolWindow(data)
winChild = await toolWindow(type, data)
winChild.type = type // 唯一标识
winChild.setFullScreen(false) // 设置窗口为全屏
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ export const createWindow = async (type, data) => {
* @author: zdg
* @date 2021-07-05 14:07:01
export function toolWindow({url, isConsole, isWeb=true, option={}}) {
export function toolWindow(type, {url, isConsole, isWeb=true, option={}}) {
// width = window.screen.width
let width = option?.width || 800
let height = option?.height || 600
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ export function toolWindow({url, isConsole, isWeb=true, option={}}) {
const devUrl = `${BaseUrl}${url}`
const buildUrl = path.join(__dirname, 'index.html')
const urlAll = isDev ? devUrl : buildUrl
return new Promise((resolve) => {
return new Promise(async(resolve) => {
const config = {
width, height,
icon: path.join(appPath, '/resources/logo2.ico'),
@ -236,6 +236,9 @@ export function toolWindow({url, isConsole, isWeb=true, option={}}) {
// 创建-新窗口
let win = new Remote.BrowserWindow(config)
// 新窗口-创建事件(如:主进程加载远程服务)
await ipcMsgInvoke('new-window', {id:win.id, type})
console.log(`渲染进程 [${type}]: 窗口创建-成功${Date.now()}`)
if (!isDev) win.loadFile(urlAll,{hash: url}) // 加载文件
else win.loadURL(urlAll) // 加载url
win.once('ready-to-show', () => { // 窗口加载完成
@ -281,7 +284,7 @@ const eventHandles = (type, win) => {
// 新窗口-创建事件(如:主进程加载远程服务)
ipcRenderer.send('new-window', {id:win.id, type})
// ipcRenderer.send('new-window', {id:win.id, type})
switch(type) {
case 'tool-sphere': { // 创建-悬浮球

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
<Distribution :stuHasAnswers=stuHasAnswers></Distribution>
@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ const props = defineProps({
let studentList = ref([]) //
const stuHasAnswers = ref([]) //
// -
const initData = () => {
@ -81,6 +80,7 @@ const initData = () => {
studentList.value = props.activeData.studentList || []
const activeWorkFeedList = props.activeData.workFeedList || []
const quizlist = props.activeData.quizlist || []
const timeArr = groupByField(props.activeData.workFeedList,'entpcourseworkid')
let data = quizlist.map(o => {
@ -91,6 +91,13 @@ const initData = () => {
let hasAnswers= [] //
let timeAnalyse = [] //
const quizFeedList = activeWorkFeedList.filter(f => f.entpcourseworkid == o.id) //
timeArr.forEach((item,index) => {
const arr = item.reduce((acc, cur) => {
return acc + (cur.timelength ? Number(cur.timelength) : 0);
let children = []
const allStudents = [];
if (o.worktype == '单选题') { // '',''
@ -215,12 +222,10 @@ const initData = () => {
// def: type active: points: , accSum
return { def: o, id: o.id, type: o.worktype, active: [], points, accSum, rightSum, children,hasAnswers }
return { def: o, id: o.id, type: o.worktype, active: [], points, accSum, rightSum, children,hasAnswers,timeAnalyse }
console.log('获取数据: ', data)
if (data.length === 0) return
if (!data[0].hasAnswers[0]) return
stuHasAnswers.value = [...data[0].hasAnswers]
// 0-100
const percent = v => v > 1 ? 1 : v < 0 ? 0 : Math.round(v * 100)
@ -233,6 +238,20 @@ const isJson = str => {if(typeof str == 'string'){
if(typeof res == 'object' && res) return true
} catch (error) {}}return false
const groupByField = (array, field) => {
const groupedMap = {};
array.forEach(item => {
const key = item[field];
if (!groupedMap[key]) {
groupedMap[key] = [];
return Object.values(groupedMap);
watch(() => props.tableList,() => {

View File

@ -3,26 +3,19 @@
<el-aside width="400px">
<!-- 柱状图学情分布-->
<Echarts :stuHasAnswers=stuHasAnswers></Echarts>
<!-- 列表分布的人员-->
<StuList :stuHasAnswers=stuHasAnswers></StuList>
<script setup>
import { defineProps } from 'vue'
import Echarts from './distribution/echarts.vue'
import StuList from "./distribution/stuList.vue";
const props = defineProps({
stuHasAnswers: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
<style scoped>

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<script setup>
import { ref, nextTick, watch, inject,watchEffect } from 'vue';
import { ref, nextTick, watch } from 'vue';
import * as echarts from 'echarts';
import overviewStore from '@/store/modules/overview';
const useOverview = overviewStore();
@ -13,13 +13,6 @@ const useOverview = overviewStore();
const chartRef = ref(null);
const props = defineProps({
stuHasAnswers: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
const dataList = ref([
{ name: '完美', value: 0, rating: 1, max: 100, min: 100 },
@ -111,7 +104,7 @@ const showEcharts = () => {
watch(() => useOverview.tableList, () => {
hasStudents.value = useOverview.tableList.filter(item => props.stuHasAnswers.includes(item.studentid)).map(item => item);
hasStudents.value = useOverview.tableList.filter(item => useOverview.allData[0].hasAnswers.includes(item.studentid)).map(item => item);
nextTick(() => {

View File

@ -22,12 +22,6 @@ import overviewStore from '@/store/modules/overview'
const useOverview = overviewStore()
const tabPosition = ref('left')
const props = defineProps({
stuHasAnswers: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
const hasStudents = ref([])
const leftList = ref([
@ -87,7 +81,7 @@ const showStudents = (index) => {
watch(() => useOverview.tableList, () => {
hasStudents.value = useOverview.tableList.filter(item => props.stuHasAnswers.includes(item.studentid)).map(item => item);
hasStudents.value = useOverview.tableList.filter(item => useOverview.allData[0].hasAnswers.includes(item.studentid)).map(item => item);
},{deep: true})

View File

@ -14,156 +14,124 @@ const useOverview = overviewStore()
const chartRef = ref(null);
const estimateTime = ref([]);
const avaterTime = ref([]);
// x
const xAxisData = ref([]);
// y
const getyAxisData = () => {
estimateTime.value = [];
avaterTime.value = [];
useOverview.tableList.forEach(item => {
if (item.rating !== 0) {
name: item.scoingRate ? item.scoingRate + '%' : 0 + '%',
value: Number(item.timelength)
name: item.scoingRate ? item.scoingRate + '%' : 0 + '%',
value: Number(item.finishtimelength)
// x
xAxisData.value.sort((a, b) => {
const aPercentage = parseInt(a.replace('%', ''));
const bPercentage = parseInt(b.replace('%', ''));
return aPercentage - bPercentage;
// x
// x
function generateXAxisData() {
// 8x
if(estimateTime.value.length > 8){
const minScoreRate = 0;
const maxScoreRate = 100;
const numPoints = 6; // x
const step = (maxScoreRate - minScoreRate) / (numPoints - 1);
xAxisData.value = [];
for (let i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
const scoreRate = minScoreRate + i * step;
xAxisData.value.push(scoreRate + '%');
let uniqueXAxisData = new Set();
estimateTime.value.forEach(item => {
// Set
// Set
xAxisData.value = Array.from(uniqueXAxisData);
xAxisData.value.sort((a, b) => {
const aPercentage = parseInt(a.replace('%', ''));
const bPercentage = parseInt(b.replace('%', ''));
return aPercentage - bPercentage;
function initChart() {
const myChart = echarts.init(chartRef.value);
const options = {
let option = {
tooltip: {
trigger: 'axis',
trigger: "axis",
axisPointer: {
type: 'cross'
type: "shadow", // 线'line' | 'shadow'
legend: {
data: ['预估时长', '平均用时']
formatter: function(parms) {
let str =
parms[0].axisValue +
"</br>" +
parms[0].marker +
"平均用时:" +
parms[0].value + 's'
return str;
textStyle: {
color: "#333",
color: ["#7BA9FA", "#4690FA"],
grid: {
left: '3%',
right: '4%',
bottom: '3%',
top: '10%',
containLabel: true
containLabel: true,
left: "10%",
top: "20%",
bottom: "10%",
right: "10%",
xAxis: {
type: 'category',
boundaryGap: false,
name: '得分率',
nameTextStyle: {
color: '#999',
fontSize: 12,
padding: [0, 0, 10, 0]
type: "category",
data: getXValue(),
axisLine: {
lineStyle: {
color: "#333",
data: xAxisData.value
axisTick: {
show: false,
axisLabel: {
margin: 20, //线
textStyle: {
color: "#000",
yAxis: {
type: 'value',
name: '作业时长',
nameTextStyle: {
color: '#999',
fontSize: 12,
padding: [0, 0, 10, 0]
series: [
name: `预估时长`,
type: 'line',
smooth: true,
symbol: 'circle',
symbolSize: 10,
type: "value",
axisLine: {
show: true,
lineStyle: {
color: '#5793f3'
color: "#B5B5B5",
data: estimateTime.value.map(item => ({
name: item.name,
value: item.value
splitLine: {
lineStyle: {
// 使
color: ["#B5B5B5"],
type: "dashed",
opacity: 0.5,
axisLabel: {},
series: [{
data: getYValue(),
stack: "zs",
type: "bar",
barMaxWidth: "auto",
barWidth: 60,
itemStyle: {
color: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
x2: 0,
y2: 1,
type: "linear",
global: false,
colorStops: [{
offset: 0,
color: "#5EA1FF",
name: `平均用时`,
type: 'line',
smooth: true,
symbol: 'circle',
symbolSize: 10,
lineStyle: {
color: '#d14a61'
offset: 1,
color: "#90BEFF",
data: avaterTime.value.map(item => ({
name: item.name,
value: item.value
const getAvaterTime = () => {
return useOverview.tableList.reduce((acc, cur) => acc + cur.finishtimelength, 0) / useOverview.tableList.length;
const getYValue = () => {
const arr = [...useOverview.allData[0].timeAnalyse]
const num = useOverview.allData[0].hasAnswers.length
return arr.map(item => {
return item ? (item / num).toFixed(2) : 0
const getEstimateTime = () => {
return useOverview.tableList.reduce((acc, cur) => acc + cur.timelength, 0) / useOverview.tableList.length;
const getXValue = () => {
return useOverview.allData.map(item => item.id)
watch(() => useOverview.tableList,() => {
nextTick(() => {

View File

@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ import ItemDialogScore from '@/views/classTask/container/classTask/item-dialog-s
import quizStats from '@/views/classTask/container/quizStats.vue'
import ClassOverview from '@/views/classTask/container/classOverview.vue'
import {sessionStore} from '@/utils/store'
import Chat from '@/utils/chat' // im
const { proxy } = getCurrentInstance()
@ -204,9 +205,10 @@ const classWorkAnalysisScore = reactive({
// form.name = newValue.label
// }
// )
const openDialog = (data) => {
const openDialog = (data, isInit=true) => {
console.log(data, '点击的item完成情况')
if (isInit) {
classWorkAnalysis.title = data.uniquekey ? data.uniquekey + '--' : ''
classWorkAnalysis.worktype = data.worktype
classWorkAnalysis.workclass = data.workclass
@ -233,6 +235,8 @@ const openDialog = (data) => {
? JSON.parse(`[${data.classworkdatastudentids}]`)
: []
classWorkActiveData.studentList = studentArr
/** 学生完成情况分析--获取作业学生list数据 */
@ -638,6 +642,32 @@ const closeDialog = () => {
// im
const msgHandle = (msg) => {
const { type, data } = msg
switch(type) {
case 'TIMAddRecvNewMsgCallback': // data=[]
(data||[]).forEach(o => {
const msgArr = o?.message_elem_array||[]
msgArr.forEach(info => {
const msgType = info?.elem_type // TIMElemType
const msgData = !!info.text_elem_content ? JSON.parse(info.text_elem_content)||'' : ''
//console.log('msgData->', msgData);
if (msgData.msgKey == "finishHomework"){
const data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('teachClassWorkItem'));
//console.log('data->', data);
openDialog(data, false);
const reloadTimer = ref(0); // id
const cutid = ref(0); // id
onMounted(() => {
@ -649,6 +679,13 @@ onMounted(() => {
cutid.value = data.id;
// im
if (!Chat.imChat) {
Chat.init(true, true, msgHandle);
} else {
const isReloadTimer = () =>{
clearInterval(reloadTimer.value) //