lyc-dev #256

lyc merged 2 commits from lyc-dev into main 2024-09-23 17:24:37 +08:00
1 changed files with 8 additions and 16 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 852b92e1f3 - Show all commits

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@ -47,13 +47,10 @@ import outLink from '@/utils/linkConfig'
import * as echarts from 'echarts'
import { useGetClassWork } from '@/hooks/useGetClassWork'
const router = useRouter()
const { ipcRenderer } = window.electron || {}
const type = ref(-1)
const chartDom = ref(null);
let chartInstance = null
const menuList = [{
name: '课程教学',
span: 24,
@ -70,7 +67,7 @@ const menuList = [{
name: '教材分析',
icon: 'icon-jiaocaixuanze',
isOuter: true,
path: '/teaching/chatwithtextbook?',
path: '/teaching/chatwithtextbook',
id: '1-2'
@ -85,11 +82,6 @@ const menuList = [{
disabled: true,
id: '1-4'
// {
// name: '',
// icon: 'icon-jiaoxuesheji',
// path: '/prepare'
// },
name: '教学实践',
icon: 'icon-jiaoxuefenxi',
@ -115,16 +107,12 @@ const menuList = [{
isOuter: true,
path: '/teaching/classtaskassign?titleName=作业布置&openDialog=newClassTask',
id: '2-1'
//path: '/newClassTask'
//path: '/classTaskAssign'
//isOuter: true,
//path: '/teaching/classtaskassign?titleName=&&openDialog=newClassTask'
name: '作业布置',
icon: 'icon-xiezuo1',
isOuter: true,
path: '/teaching/classtaskassign?titleName=作业布置?',
path: '/teaching/classtaskassign?titleName=作业布置',
id: '2-2'
@ -184,10 +172,14 @@ const clickMenu = ({isOuter, path, disabled, id}) =>{
// ID
const { levelFirstId, levelSecondId, bookeId } = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('unitId'))
let unitId = levelSecondId ? levelSecondId : levelFirstId
fullPath = fullPath + `&unitId=${unitId}&bookeId=${bookeId}`
if(fullPath.indexOf('?') == -1){
fullPath += `?unitId=${unitId}&bookeId=${bookeId}`
fullPath += `&unitId=${unitId}&bookeId=${bookeId}`
fullPath = fullPath.replaceAll('//', '/')
ipcRenderer.send('openWindow', {
key: path,