Compare commits


7 Commits

6 changed files with 588 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -3144,7 +3144,7 @@ body{
z-index: 9;
z-index: 99999;

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ const title = reactive([
name: '教材分析',
url: '/teaching/chatwithtextbook',
url: '/textbookAnalysis',
img: 'iconfont icon-yanjiushi',
child1: []

View File

@ -54,7 +54,13 @@ export const constantRoutes = [
path: '/standardanalysis',
component: () => import('@/views/teach/standardAnalysis/index.vue'),
name: 'standardanalysis',
meta: {title: '课标分析'},
meta: {title: '课标分析'}
path: '/textbookAnalysis',
component: () => import('@/views/textbookAnalysis/index.vue'),
name: 'textbookAnalysis',
meta: {title: '教材分析'}
path: '/profile',

View File

@ -66,8 +66,7 @@ const menuList = [{
name: '教材分析',
icon: 'icon-jiaocaixuanze',
isOuter: true,
path: '/teaching/chatwithtextbook',
path: '/textbookAnalysis',
id: '1-2'

View File

@ -70,7 +70,10 @@
<el-dialog v-model="dialogVisible" title="切换教材" append-to-body width="550">
<div class="booklist">
<div :class="{'item': true,'active': booksel === idx}" v-for="item,idx in bookList" :key="idx" @click="bookChange(item)">{{item.edustage + item.edusubject}}</div>
<div :class="{'item': true,'active': booksel === idx}" v-for="item,idx in bookList" :key="idx" @click="bookChange(item,idx)">
<el-image class="bookimg" :src="item.avartar" />
<div class="bookname">{{item.fileurl.replace('.txt', '')}}</div>
@ -237,8 +240,6 @@ const getData = (data) => {
getlistEvaluationclue(levelFirstId, levelSecondId)
// ID
localStorage.setItem('unitId', JSON.stringify({ levelFirstId, levelSecondId}))
const getAllSubject = async () => {
@ -252,12 +253,16 @@ const getAllSubject = async () => {
bookList.value.push({...item,avartar: import.meta.env.VITE_APP_BUILD_BASE_PATH + item.avartar})
booksel.value = bookList.value.findIndex(item => item.edustage === edustage && item.edusubject === edusubject)
const textselidx = bookList.value.findIndex(item => item.edustage === edustage && item.edusubject === edusubject)
booksel.value = textselidx
booktitle.value = bookList.value[textselidx].fileurl.replace('.txt','')
const filePath = import.meta.env.VITE_APP_RES_FILE_PATH + bookList.value[textselidx].fileurl.replace('.txt','.pdf')
await loadPdfAnimation(filePath)
const bookChange = async (item, idx) => {
booksel.value = idx
bookInfo.value = {...item}
booktitle.value = `${item.edustage + item.edusubject}课程标准`
booktitle.value = item.fileurl.replace('.txt','')
pdfUrl.value = '';
const filepath = import.meta.env.VITE_APP_RES_FILE_PATH + item.fileurl.replace('.txt','.pdf')
await loadPdfAnimation(filepath)
@ -271,10 +276,6 @@ const loadPdfAnimation = (path) => {
onMounted(async () => {
await getAllSubject();
const { edustage, edusubject } = userStore.user;
booktitle.value = `${edustage + edusubject}课程标准`
const filePath = `${import.meta.env.VITE_APP_RES_FILE_PATH}${edustage}-${edusubject}-课标.pdf`
await loadPdfAnimation(filePath)
if(cardref.value && headref.value){
const cardH = cardref.value.offsetHeight;
const headh = headref.value.offsetHeight;
@ -529,13 +530,22 @@ onMounted(async () => {
padding-top: 1px;
overflow: auto;
width: 100%;
width: 162px;
height: auto;
padding: 8px 16px;
background-color: #ffffff;
border-top: 1px solid #f1f1f1;
font-size: 14px;
color: #3b3b3b;
float: left;
width: 130px;
height: 180px;
font-size: 14px;
color: #3b3b3b;
cursor: pointer;
background-color: #409eff;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,555 @@
<div class="page-con flex" ref="cardref">
<!-- <el-button @click="saveJSON">测试保存</el-button> -->
<div class="page-con-left">
<div class="stand-head" ref="headref">
<div class="stand-head-left">
<el-image class="imges" :src="bookInfo ? bookInfo.avartar : ''" />
<div class="stand-head-right">
<div class="stand-head-right-tit">{{booktitle}}</div>
<i class="iconfont icon-yidongdaozu stand-head-right-icon" @click="dialogVisible = true"></i>
<div class="stand-head-right-row">
<div class="stand-head-right-row-time">更新2024.9.10</div>
<!-- <el-switch class="stand-head-right-row-switch" v-model="isOpenClass" inline-prompt active-text="公开" inactive-text="非公" /> -->
<div class="stand-down">
<div class="stand-down-search" ref="searchref">
<el-select v-model="searchSel" placeholder="请选择" style="width: 140px;padding-left:6px" @change="selectHandel">
v-for="item in searchOptions"
<div class="stand-down-con" :style="{overflow: 'auto',height: listHeight + 'px'}">
<div class="stand-down-con-list" v-for="item,idx in showData" :key="idx">
<div class="stand-down-con-list-icon">
<el-image class="imges" :src="item.userheadimgurl" />
<div class="stand-down-con-list-txt">
<div class="stand-down-con-list-txt-top">
<div class="stand-down-con-list-txt-top-name">{{item.username}}</div>
<div class="stand-down-con-list-txt-top-tip">{{item.childcount}}</div>
<div class="stand-down-con-list-txt-down">
<div class="stand-down-con-list-txt-down-tip">{{ item.userentpname }}</div>
<div class="stand-down-con-list-txt-down-tip">{{ item.timeStr }}</div>
<p v-if="loading">加载中...</p>
<p v-if="noMore">~没有更多了~</p>
<div class="page-con-right">
<PDF :url="pdfUrl" v-if="pdfUrl" />
<div class="loading" v-else>
<div class="setup">
<span style="--i:1"></span>
<span style="--i:2"></span>
<span style="--i:3"></span>
<span style="--i:4"></span>
<span style="--i:5"></span>
<span style="--i:6">.</span>
<span style="--i:7">.</span>
<span style="--i:8">.</span>
<el-dialog v-model="dialogVisible" title="切换教材" append-to-body width="550">
<div class="booklist">
<div :class="{'item': true,'active': booksel === idx}" v-for="item,idx in bookList" :key="idx" @click="bookChange(item,idx)">
<el-image class="bookimg" :src="item.avartar" />
<div class="bookname">{{item.fileurl.replace('.txt', '')}}</div>
<script setup>
import { onMounted, ref } from 'vue'
import PDF from '@/components/PdfJs/index.vue'
import { useRoute } from 'vue-router';
import useResoureStore from '../resource/store'
import { listEvaluationclue } from '@/api/teaching/classwork'
import { uploadServer, getJSONFile } from '@/utils/common'
import { ElNotification } from 'element-plus'
import ChooseTextbook from "@/components/choose-textbook/index.vue";
import { listEvaluation } from '@/api/classManage/index'
import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user'
const userStore = useUserStore()
const sourceStore = useResoureStore()
// import { getStaticUrl } from '@/utils/tool'
const route = useRoute();
const pdfUrl = ref('');
const isOpenClass = ref(true);
const searchInp = ref('');
const searchSel = ref('0');
const loading = ref(false);
const noMore = ref(false);
const cardref = ref(null);
const headref = ref(null);
const searchref = ref(null);
const listHeight = ref(0);
const dialogVisible = ref(false);
const booktitle = ref('');
const bookInfo = ref(null);
const booksel = ref(0);
const bookList = ref([])
const searchOptions = [{
value: '0',
label: '按时间',
value: '1',
label: '按内容量',
const standList = ref([]);
const showData = ref([]);
const getlistEvaluationclue = (firstid, levelid) => {
const newid = firstid ? firstid : levelid;
listEvaluationclue({evalid: newid, parentid: 0, cluegroup: 'teachresource', orderby: "timestamp desc", pageSize: 100}).then((res) => {
if(res.code === 200){
const newData = formaterTime(res.rows)
standList.value = newData
showData.value = filterList(newData)
const formaterTime = (data) => {
return => {
return {
timeStr: item.timestamp.split(' ')[0].replace('-', '.').replace('-', '.')
const filterList = (data) => {
let standData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data));
let arr = [];
if (searchSel.value === '0') {
arr = standData.sort((a, b)=>{
return new Date(b.timestamp) - new Date(a.timestamp);
else {
arr = standData.sort((a, b)=>{
return b.childcount - a.childcount;
return arr;
const searchHandel = (value) => {
const newData = []; => {
const str = JSON.stringify(item)
if(str.indexOf(value) !== -1){
showData.value = newData
const selectHandel = (value) => {
const filterData = searchInp.value !== '' ? showData.value : standList.value
showData.value = filterList(filterData);
const saveJSON = (data) => {
let filename = ''
// const data = {
// name: 'txt',
// class: '2',
// school: '',
// time: '2024-08-09'
// }
// saveJSON(jsonStr);
if (!data) {
if (!filename) {
filename = `json${}.json`
console.log('未传入文件名,采用默认文件名' + filename);
let newdata = null;
if (typeof data === 'object') {
newdata = JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 4)
// jsonblob
const blob = new Blob([newdata], { type: 'text/json' });
// file
// const file = new File([blob],filename, {type: blob.type})
// const formdata = new FormData();
// formdata.append('file', file);
// uploadServer(formdata).then(res => {
// console.log('+++++++++++++');
// console.log(;
// })
let e = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
let a = document.createElement('a'); = filename;
a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
a.dataset.downloadurl = ['text/json',, a.href].join(':');
e.initMouseEvent('click', true, false, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
const getData = (data) => {
const { textBook, node } = data
let textbookId = textBook.curBookId
let levelSecondId =
let levelFirstId
if (node.parentNode) {
levelFirstId =
} else {
levelFirstId =
levelSecondId = ''
sourceStore.query.levelFirstId = levelFirstId
sourceStore.query.levelSecondId = levelSecondId
sourceStore.query.textbookId = textbookId
sourceStore.nodeData = {
textbookId, //
levelFirstId, //
levelSecondId //
getlistEvaluationclue(levelFirstId, levelSecondId)
const getAllSubject = async () => {
const { edustage, edusubject } = userStore.user;
const { rows } = await listEvaluation({ itemkey: "version", edustage, edusubject, pageSize: 500 })
rows && => {
if(item.edustage === edustage && item.edusubject === edusubject){
bookInfo.value = {...item,avartar: import.meta.env.VITE_APP_BUILD_BASE_PATH + item.avartar}
if(item.fileurl !== ''){
bookList.value.push({...item,avartar: import.meta.env.VITE_APP_BUILD_BASE_PATH + item.avartar})
const textselidx = bookList.value.findIndex(item => item.edustage === edustage && item.edusubject === edusubject)
booksel.value = textselidx
booktitle.value = bookList.value[textselidx].fileurl.replace('.txt','')
const filePath = import.meta.env.VITE_APP_RES_FILE_PATH + bookList.value[textselidx].fileurl.replace('.txt','.pdf')
await loadPdfAnimation(filePath)
const bookChange = async (item, idx) => {
booksel.value = idx
bookInfo.value = {...item}
booktitle.value = item.fileurl.replace('.txt','')
pdfUrl.value = '';
const filepath = import.meta.env.VITE_APP_RES_FILE_PATH + item.fileurl.replace('.txt','.pdf')
await loadPdfAnimation(filepath)
dialogVisible.value = false
const loadPdfAnimation = (path) => {
const timer = setTimeout(() => {
pdfUrl.value = path
onMounted(async () => {
await getAllSubject();
if(cardref.value && headref.value){
const cardH = cardref.value.offsetHeight;
const headh = headref.value.offsetHeight;
const searchh = searchref.value.offsetHeight;
listHeight.value = Math.floor(cardH) - Math.floor(headh) - Math.floor(searchh) - 60;
window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
if(cardref.value && headref.value){
const cardH = cardref.value.offsetHeight;
const headh = headref.value.offsetHeight;
const searchh = searchref.value.offsetHeight;
listHeight.value = Math.floor(cardH) - Math.floor(headh) - Math.floor(searchh) - 60;
window.addEventListener('message',(event) => {
// console.log('------------');
const iframeMes =;
// saveJSON(iframeMes.storageInfo);
// console.log(JSON.stringify(iframeMes.storageInfo));
const { textStr, StartStr, EndStr } = iframeMes.quoteInfo;
if(textStr === StartStr || textStr === EndStr){
title: '引用内容',
message: textStr,
duration: 0,
type: 'info',
offset: 120
let midStr = ''
if(StartStr === '' && EndStr === '' && textStr === '') return
if(StartStr === '' && EndStr !== '') {
midStr = textStr.replace(EndStr,'eeeeee').split('eeeeee')[0]
}else if(StartStr !== '' && EndStr === ''){
midStr = textStr.replace(StartStr,'ssssss').split('ssssss')[1]
midStr = textStr.replace(StartStr, 'ssssss').replace(EndStr,'eeeeee').split('ssssss')[1].split('eeeeee')[0];
title: '引用内容',
message: StartStr + midStr + EndStr,
duration: 0,
type: 'info',
offset: 120
console.log('转换后整体文字------',StartStr + midStr + EndStr);
// const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV == 'development'
// if (isDev)
// pdfUrl.value = '/'+getStaticUrl('aaa.pdf', 'user', 'selfFile', true)
// else
// pdfUrl.value = getStaticUrl(route.query.path, 'user', 'selfFile', true)
// console.log('',pdfUrl.value);
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